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Status Updates posted by Lolliepop_girl

  1. Maybe he slept with her imaginary step mother who had her father's illigitimate child and that illigitimate child is KESTER and , because it's such a twist of fate, it BINDS her and Kez to each other, therefore meaning that GOD MEANT FOR THEM TO BE TOGETHER and Chyrou is their son, come back from the future in his time travel machine (which incidetally is Abby's mother's womb) to warn them that Edward Cullen is coming to get them and that he will try switch places with Kester and then Abby is supposed to fight him with her hidden powers because not only is she a woodnymph/fairy/pixy, she is QUEEN BITCHFACE of all the woodnymphs/pixies/fairis? :D

    Maybe THAT'S why she's broken up with him :D

    Maybe, in an act of love, Chyrou will throw himself in front of Bitchface to save her and distract Edward from killing her just long enough for him to be killed by Edward and for Abby to kill Edward, thus, saving Kester from a molten lava pit, garded by a dragon in a castle in the highest room of the tallest tower where Edward has cast a spell with his vampiry powers to make Kester sleep forever until his princess comes to save him with the magical kiss of true love. Therefore, she saves him AGAIN!

    They ride off into the sunset on Kester's white, winged unicorn and get married and have millions of little children of all different shapes, sizes, skintones and talents (some have multiple genders because Kez and Abby are related, thus, making their children inbread) and they all live happily in the garden of edan under a rainbow because God saw that Abby was good to Kester - so good in fact, that she deserved to have eternal life with Kester in God's holy garden.

    And they live happily ever after.


    HAHAHA I crack myself up :D


    Later that year, Chyrou comes to the garden of evil while Kez and bitchface are on their 49th honeymoon and tries to win her back. But seeing as she's so damn noble, she will stay with Kester, even though he's become an abusive, fat alcaholic who is no good in bed because that's what God wanted for her to do.


    The f*cking end.

  2. My friend Charlotte and I are doing some more digging about abby/bitchface and her Chyrou.

    I notice that she said on his comments that she didn't want to be with him anymore because of what he "Did to her" on her birthday.

    Charlotte (LemonaideTastesLikeLemons on MFC) said it would probably end all twisted where he moves back to Malaysia or cheats on her or - yet again - DIES and we never get to meet him, thus, making HER the victim again.

    THEN she said "We should put all of her crap in a book!"

    So I started venting to her in the form of a rough prediction of what I think will be said and I'm going to post it to you now...

  3. I did write about John and his doctor aspirations somewhere on MFC I think.

    And Mika did use Ava Garter who was my friend on myspace and whom I posted about on my burlesque thread :fisch:


    I thought MJ was creepy and I hated his music. It was just not my thing.

    When my nana died, it was 2 days before Steve Irwin and not long before Rove's wife whose name escapes me currently. I was miffed that Rove's wife got less than a minute's coverage and I voiced my opinion ( as I do) and Granddad was like "Well Nana didn't get anytime so I think that's pretty fair." and you can't talk about my nana hitting my Granddad (which she did and which hurt him in many more ways than physical) around my mother because she likes to remember all the good things.

    It's come to my attention that people who take people forgranted while they live, will attempt to make it up to them after they are deseaced out of guilt.

    I think it is a silly thing to do because I think that I personally would like to be remembered for all the things I was and not just what people want to remember.


    It's also awful how they have the pictures of MJ being carted into the ambulence, already dead.


    And yes, I would hate it if it were Mika's name too, but I wouldn't hold it against Perez. I can see where he's coming from. Can't you?




    Today in drama, I balanced a toy jacolantern on my nose and "Orr, orr"ed like a seal and clapped the backs of my hands together. Everyone laughed.

    The I used it as a butt boil :das:

    THEN I was in a group and we had 5 minutes to come up with a skit of a war movie that produced the emotion of joy.

    I played the wife who would now be let into the ladies bingo night who thought it was glamorous that her husbadn was going to war. But I was really over the top like I was hiding my pain.

    My husband was just an idiot. He shot people with a rifle in the warfield and then he got shot himself and joyously announced "Horay! My wife will be so proud!"

    It all produced a very ironic air.

    The when we were doen, the teacher said "Great! Now act out the whole thing again as a western movie!"

    So we improved a western movie and I made everyone laugh so hard by being so happy I started going "YEE HAW!" and shooting the air with guns, lifting my knees up in a crazy cowboy dance.

    Then we played world's worst and it was "World's worst window cleaner" and I ran up and Freya (girl who bit me) ran up at the same time and it resorted in stage violence where I mimed taking out a squigy thingy that you wipe windows with and squiging her face.

    Then I let her have the stage :roftl:

    Then Mike got up at the saem time I dod and I wasn't as nice. I screamed at him shrily "NOOO!" and he screamed "NOOO!" too so I moved closer towards him and started growling and he moved back and motioned me to take the stage!


    And then we played this game where two people are in a situation talking and two people are behind them with their arms around their wastes, doing their hand movements for them. I was freyas hands and Mike was asking her to marry him and Will was doing his arms.

    Somehow during that 5min sketch, she managed to stick her hand up my top and bite me by "accident" :roftl:

  4. Yeah Mika would be horrified :roftl:

    I'd rather not remember my drift-concious whimpering tbh :D


    I think doctors are pretty suck full stop.

    I even tolf John I'd slowly turn away from him as he continues with his studies. I do love my friend so, but he wants to be the thing I so despise...

    Pretty weird how M has a song called "Dr John" though right? :P


    Granddad's being mean about Prerz's theory about MJ being a publicity stunt.

    P can think what he wants. I didn't like Michael Jackson when he was alive, I refuse to glorify the dead.

    I just didn't want to offend anyone on twitter (or get in trouble with Tottie :wink2:


    Crohns sounds bad. Though I'm not entirely sure what it is?

    I can look it up but you never really get the full idea with a report because, as you say, those who write them probably don't even know what they're writing about first hand.



  5. He's one of a kind. Sometiems I wonder why I don't like his older brother like that. He and I get on so well (as you know) and he's on my level and more gentle, more mature, more knowledgable about life and he doesn't look at me like I'm a kid because he knows me better than that.

    John's childlike but he gets that authoritative air in his voice when I do something he doesn't think I ought to and he uses language that I hate. You know how some uneducated people say some words a bit wrongly. But it's strange because he's really acidemically intellegent.

    Also, he's incredibly innocent :roftl:

    I said to him on tuesday night "I don't really understand. I should hate you you know..."

    He just said "I know"

    So he obviously understands a bit more than he lets on. He's weird :D


    Hahaha LOL @ Bon Jovi songs!

    When I fainted last year my mother went a bit hysterical and said "Don't go to sleep, please don't go to sleep! Sing me a Mika song, what are the words to a Mika song?"

    I started wimpering "Girl in the blue with the big bust one..."

    It was funny and I was aware of exactly what was going on but my body wouldn't respond so I feel like I was laughing on the inside at how silly the whole thing was :naughty:


    Once a doctor told me if I let him put drops in my eyes, they might make me see better.

    I let him of course but he lied.

    They made my pupils enlarged and I thought that was how things were supposed to be when you saw them like normal people so I was in awe of the world around me. It was all so bright and I got a migraine and everything looked so out of proportion.

    If my mother's boyfriend (the rotten mime) hadn't have told me what was going on, I feel I might have dome some serious damage to my one remaining eye.

    I'm ok with hospitals. I've spent so much time in them for my nana. But I hate doctors with a passion. They shouldn't lieto patients, no matter what age.

  6. IDK when but it's about an hour and a half long procedure and about an hour recovery.

    It's an awful hour too!

    I remember freaking out because they were saying stuff about me crying as I came into conciousness that it was washing away the blood and I was like "Blood? What blood! OMG Blood!" and they were like "No blood! No blood!" and I knew they were lying!

    Doctors are lyers and I hate them but I need to look as normal as I can to get the least amount of crap if I'm going to a diff country.


    John is sweet and funny and flamboyant and kindhearted to the extreme. But he can wear the weirdest clotes!

    One time at school he wore a poncho over black shorts and dark grey shoes and black socks.

    Another time he wore a dressing gown and block shoes with red socks.... And he jumped over a bush that day. I thought nobody could just launch themself over that thing and he did it in a thick dressing gown with a blazer over the top (he was doing prefect duty).


    Because it's a fashion thing for Christians. I'm not fond of that scene. I think church is for church and the stage is for the stage but I'd never mix the two.

    Plus, he was the one who suggested it. That's just like... A turn off :wink2:

  7. Hah! Someone at christian youth group tonight was sad I wouldn't let him read my Mika easter cartoon. I told him that the innuendo's wern't appropriate and he, at whatever age it is that it becomes accptable to be married with two children, said "What's innnuennndo?"

    I was like :doh:


    Oh John, he is a real worry!

    I was trying to make him go away and not talk to me because I feel like I'm such a bother to him sometimes but I knew I wanted to talk to him. I love to talk to him but when he goes away I feel sadder than when he's not there for a long time so I know I shouldn't get too close.

    But he gets all like "It bothers me that you think you're bothering me" and then states getting all confusing and then he doesn't even know what he's saying - all the while trying to be sincere :roftl:

    Bless that boy and his sily hat! Today he was wearing one of those really warm hats with the ear flaaps and tassels with little pompoms at the ends and a froufy gladiator mohawk thing going on at the top!

    Only John...


    And there's a fashion thing going on. He said I should do that. No thanks. And I think if I get to go to France, I might go to university (I follow him. I desturb myself sometimes at how willing I am to be hurt...) and study drama, art, writing and music.


    And I will almost definately be going to Auckland to get an operation to make my eyes look more normal soon!




  8. ME corrupt him?

    CLEARLY you have the wrong ideas about me! :angel_not:


    Mind you, the people who go there include:

    Johnny: 40-something who thinks I have nice "Knockers" :das:

    Geena/Josh: the name says it all. He's a HE but he wears girls clothes, wears make up and keeps his hair long and greasy and smells really bad and is really skinny with very high hips and a yellow tint to his skin (he's my age)

    Kester: He asked me out some time ago. He's always doing dodgy stuff to Geena/Josh and looks like RPattz (but not my type). His skin is really hard and pale and he's really strong and warm tempered but loves the cold.

    Dave the tranny: He's in his 50's with long grey hair that he puts in a pony tail and he wears a black mini skirt and doesn't shave his legs.


    So if I don't get to him first, the regulars will :roftl:

  9. Yeah, I feel the people prefer to believe that endangered animals are all angelic :wink2:


    AND I convinced him to come to the bar this thursday! :woot_jump:

  10. I'm pretty good thanks, just about to go eat some vegitable and lamb soup.

    And you?

  11. Ooooh I see.


    What do you believe?


    I went to church.

    Pathetic liittle girl I am, I couldn't last without seeing him *hangs head*

  12. You're very welcome :huglove:

  13. Yeah, it was so funny!

    And the last time we played "Yes, and..." it was funny because the four of us in my group all ended up having a foursome HAH!


    I am still the breastxpert *grabbs chicken filletts and puts in mouth* Rufff*


    Why controversial?

    Hah! I was like :jawdrop:

  14. And last night I was watching this Disney cartoon for young children called Pucca and they went to Australia and this guy adopted one of the little kids and called it his baby and he told the baby to stay away from crocidiles because they're poisonous, emus because they're poisonous, eucolyptis trees because they're poisonous and the electric fence because it was poiisonous and then a dingo came and grabbed the boy out of the guys arms and he yelled "Hey! That dingo took my baby!"


    WTF? I think I remember this is an actual thing that happened isn't it?

    I figure so because I had to play a dingo who stole a baba in the game "Yes and" (every sentence starts with "Yes, and..."" and I was a talking dingo who stole a baby.


    What IS IT with them? Arn't Disney meant to be all like... NOT contraversial!

    I'm assuming it happened, I am assuming it happened, I'm not sure



  15. Oh oh and then there was one where two had to be doing the news and one of the girls did sports and the other did weather and she made a similar gesture to the catholic's beam of light and then made (what was supposed to be) rain with her hands by running her fingers down and making rasberry noises.

    At the end, the teacher said "Are you trying to say that God came down?"

    She said "No! That was rain!"


    And then there was the ever entertaining Mike and Victoria who did go go dancers with one being in labour and Victoria started pole dancing and then Mike caught the baby which fell out of her and then she got scared and he chased her around with the baby until he slowly walked toward her and then threw the baby at her! Then she caught the baby and they had a game of catch with the baby

  16. Actually in my first year in high school, I had a reputation as "The breast expert" and one da my classmates had asked me to feel this girl's and see that they were real...

    They were but for the padding of her bra which was a fair bit :D


    Oh! Hahaha that reminds me of this one game we played at drama and it's when two people are at the front and they are acting out an improvised scene given to you by audiance/class members but the catch is that you can't actually speak english but a made up language of random sounds.

    The game is called "Gibberish"

    Anyway, there were two guys up and we gave them that they were both at a bus stop and one was gay and the other was a catholic.

    Ooooh so funny!

    At some point the gay guy went to hug the catholic and the catholic shooed him off and pointed to the ground fearfully, then made a gesture like fire, then slit his finger over his throat and put up devils fangs!

    The gay guy was like "Arf?"

    And then the catholic made a gesture of prayer and muttered in gibberish like a bad steriotype jew (!!!) and then circled a haylo over his head and pointed upwards and made a weird gurgly angelic noise to accompany the spotlight he was attempting to put across :roftl:


    Sooooo good :roftl:

  17. Those plugholes are surprisingly easy to get inside if you know how :das::roftl:


    Pfft chastody belt! That boy's about as holy as Grey Skelly after PDP :biggrin:

  18. Really? Is your plughole one of those with the deadly insinerator hidden past the darkness???


    I still don't get it! :crybaby:



    Gawd, took you long enough! :chair:


    Lucky he's wearing a dress then ay? :das:

  19. "I wrote fangurl first?"


    *Happily takes Mikamaid, berries adnd whipped cream* Hey! Where's the chocolate sauce!

    Jeeeeeeeeez! :mf_rosetinted:


    Don't work that muddah too hard or she'll chop off her feet and jump down your plughole :das:

  20. Blabbering but not about much :wink2:


    For someone who says so much to Mika's devoted following, I'm really a bit more reserved around the normies!

    And I talk about singing and acting and Mika so all I ever talk about is the same stuff over and over and over and... Hey, BTW, isn't Mika GREAT???


    *Throws stressed out single mother at you*

    Actually I think you might have a bit too much fun with her... :roftl:

  21. Hahaha thanks :chair:


    It's quite an acomplishment for she who hasn't got much to say :D

  22. Hey, you're welcome for the Chowder cartoon, I love Chowder too and it reminds me so much of Mika!


    No, I didn't see your tatoos, is that what your avatar picture is?


    Thanks for letting me know, I'll put more up tomorrow :wink2:

  24. LOL I just read that I said my fingers got a sugar rush then I should be in bed by now and then I said NOT LIKE THAT and now I realise that if I hadn't said the latter thing, you wouldn't have thought of it :D


    Well, as you probably saw on twatter, I had a great time at the pizza night. Their mom knew it was my birthday and I was like :boxed:

    Her son has been my friend for nearly a YEAR now and my birthday is 6 days after his and yet I was STILL forgotten about :tears:

    Mind you, it took him onths to remember my name right. And after maybe a few weeks of only seeing his twin brother in church, the twin brother had remembered my name and he still had to be reminded it rhymed with nail-a before he could remember.



    Anyway, yes I went crazt! :insane:


    I'm going to look at your Zsnapps a bit later when granddad and my mother arn't around.

    I want to spare their fragile innocence's :roftl:



  25. Ahahaha thanks!

    Love it :bleh:



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