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Everything posted by martine

  1. There's been a little epidemic here, lots of people sick. Hi Shari!
  2. Aahh, you're going to record it! Now I don't have to do it, it would take me weeks to get it on Youtube.
  3. Hello!! How is everyone? Thanks for reminding the TF1 program tonight, Robi. I just found out I have it on cable. Somehow it's always better to see Mika on tv then on the computer.
  4. I struggled for more than an hour to get the voting picture in my signature. I felt real stupid, but now I managed to do it. Bye to all who are going, I should do some work too. Hello to all who are still here!
  5. Thanks for posting and translating, Vanessa! There is that stupid Belgian woman again.
  6. Hello boys and girls! How's everyone? *waves* I should start cooking, but there is so much to read here. I could use a long weekend, but that's not going to happen soon. I'm waiting patiently for Carries pictures. He looked great at the Fiat thing.
  7. Unbelievable. It was one of my favourites when I was little. Books shouldn't be banned for whatever reason, and surely not for a stupid one like this. I'm upset by this, I am a librarian !
  8. Great idea, Droopsy! Can you just explain to me which code I have to use to make it clickable in my signature?
  9. A new thread! Hello (tries very hard to remember who she saw online:roftl: ) Wendi, Deb, Blue, Diana... And hi Mandi! I don't think I saw you here with the oldlings before. Nice! I'm excited for Sarahlou and Carrie! And Kath got her tickets for Paris, the lucky girl!
  10. Good to hear you're allright, Deb. I was about to go and defend you with the oldlings troops. I have to go, ladies. Catch you all back this week, I hope. And Carrie : I wish I was in your shoes tomorrow evening. Have fun!
  11. My labrador got to 13 too. I lost him almost a year ago. I still miss him, he was my little baby.
  12. Awh, she let me know too. She's 16 years old, it's bound to happen, but it always is too soon. Bye Kath, you go for the 4th! It will be amazing.
  13. It's back! Mika in a stadium, good for him of course. He's popular, he is getting to be a star. There won't be too much intimate gigs like tomorrow anymore.
  14. Oh, do you miss it? I thought it was time for a change.
  15. Lots of you online this evening, mostly I'm talking to myself here. Hi Deb, Kath, Blue, Wendi and everybody else! I hope your headaches will get a bit better, Wendi. Glad to see you here again, I always seem to miss you.
  16. Hey girls! On friday evening we have a program here where actors try to sing. Mostly it's hilarious, like last week when someone tried to sing Grace Kelly. Unfortunately that is not on Youtube, but Big girls from last friday is. If you want a laugh go and look at it. It's a bit... bad. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw375am5hec
  17. Hiya Kath, if you're still there. I'm having a lazy sunday, going to take a long bath in a minute. I tried to catch up with the forum a bit. I feel a lot of tension, something has happened and again I don't know what. I must be very slow or dumb. Then again I don't really have the time to read all 3000 posts I've missed since yesterday afternoon. Well, I don't care, as long as I have my favourite oldlings here, at least you all are friendly and nice. I hope nobody has been giving Deb a hard time, I agree with the appreciation thread of course, but when someone starts something like that, I think it means some people were not nice to her. I'm going to relax, hope to talk to you all later.
  18. Hello everyone! Just a quick one, I'm here for a minute but have to go right away. I had the bright idea to invite my family for dinner tomorrow evening. And now almost everyone is sick at work, sooo I have to work tomorrow morning, and have nine people to feed. And the house needs cleaning too. I'm slighty desperate. I need some organisation quickly. Didn't read much back, hope everybody is ok. For Sarahlou and Carrie : It's going to be posh, isn't it? Can't wait to read all about it!
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