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Believe In Fairies

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Everything posted by Believe In Fairies

  1. I made a thread for the idea: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?p=81404 So we can stick our ideas in there and it'll hopefully catch some more attention too. *Crosses her fingers*
  2. Mika said he wanted us to dress outrageously for his gigs right? Well some of us can't afford that or will have problems after the gig is over and getting home safely, or just genuinely aren't confident enough to do it, however a few of us have come up with an inexpensive and easy way to show Mika just how much we think! Imagine yourself at Mika's gig, the lights are down and only the occasional strobe light illuminates the room, he starts singing 'Love Today' and all of a sudden all the MFC members in the audience produce flashing glow hearts on cue! Imagine how awesome that would look for him on the stage when all these hearts emerge out of the darkness! We could really start a trend here, reusing the hearts for each gig you go to, and more and more people will get the idea. It's a great way to promote the fan club, recognise other MFC members from afar and to let Mika know how much we appreciate him by organising ourselves to use them at key points for effect. The Glow Hearts we're thinking of using are here: Flashing Glitter Hearts However if you can find any glowing hearts on a wand please please let us know as we would prefer to use those! If you have any other ideas they're more than welcome too!
  3. Eee! This is soo exciting, I hope we can get it all organised and everything so soon! *Bounces about* Glowing Mika fans is awesome, lol.
  4. Eeek. Good point, we really do need to get this idea spread around quickly, maybe a separate thread explaining the idea. *Nods* Hopefully though after a few gigs it'll start to catch and then there'll be loads of people doing it, lol.
  5. That would just be so amazing! *Nods* And we should totally try and contact that company to see if they could do anything about making a heart glowstick for MFC. If not, we could try to figure out if there is anyway we could get them on the end of a wand ourselves. *Nods* If that doesn't work we could always just hold the hearts in our hands and wave them in the air when it comes on. Like on 'Love Love me!' if we pumped out fists there'd be a bunch of hearts up in the air.
  6. Hehe, predictably I have Grace Kelly as my ringtone, lol.
  7. I must admit I'm totally grazy! *Gigglefit*
  8. We should all do something we could sort of pre-arrange and do at his shows that would become a bit of a trademark for the fans but wouldn't be too expensive or cause people to harass us late at night when we're leaving. *Nods* Like glo-sticks on certain colours for certain songs, because they can be put away and aren't too cumbersome. Maybe the glo-sticks that change colour, like on Grace Kelly when he says the colours during the chorus. *Snicker* That way if we all did it at the same time and turned on our glo-sticks for the chorus imagine how awesomely effective that would be, not only for the fans but imagine what he'd see on stage if we all did it on a keyword and the audience just lit up, lol. If we all decided on one thing to get, we'd not only be able to recognise whose on the MFC (Because we'd be the only ones who knew about it) but we'd all be really bright and noticeable! *Snickerfit* Something maybe like one of these: Flashing Glow Wands or this: Glow Pen or this: LED Flash Sticks And this would be awesome on Love Today: Flashing Glitter Hearts Wow, I've had too much sugar today.
  9. Welcome to the MFC! *Waves*
  10. I sing opera so I have no problem with the falsetto but I can definitely tell I need to stop singing along with it or I'm going to lose my voice totally. *Snickerfit* I just can't help myself...lol.
  11. OMG! That was so awesome! *Dances along* Lol. I loved how you spelled out Mika too. Trouble is, yours was so good I think I need to make mine better than what it is, lol.
  12. The most outrageous I'm getting is me and a friend have found some glittery kids pom pom things that we're taking. For me it's a big enough step to wear something other than black, lol. *Had her own Mika t-shirt made a while back* So I'll be wearing that. As for proper crazy dressing up, I only do that at Halloween...because then everybody else looks just about as stupid as I do! *Snickergiggle*
  13. That's super awesome!! I'm so pleased for you! *And jealous too* Lol. But that's nifty to hear a tiiiny bit about his second album there too.
  14. I don't get the similarity either. *Snorts* Suing him...pfft. Ridiculous.
  15. It's on there now if you guys haven't found it already... http://video.uk.msn.com/v/en-gb/v.htm?g=c9d00160-561a-416c-bf29-f675388e638e&t=s75&f=&fg
  16. Darn, if he reads all this he now probably has an escape plan from my 'How to Identify the Mika' thread, lol. *Facepalm* I'm sooo glad I have so far resisted posting in the body hair thread though... *Snickerfit*
  17. I was just thinking that! There are no measurements there for anything and that girl looks extremely thin. *Dies* It'll probably not be in my size...as usual. *Sigh*
  18. A doctor? *Gigglefit* How appropriate that the Mikanictionary should include Doctor Mika then, lol!
  19. Mikaversation: When you find yourself conversing with his cd. For instance: Mika sings: Oh, oh, oh – Is there anybody home? You go: Yes. I’m home. Mika: Who’ll believe me, won’t deceive me, won't try to change me? You: I won’t do any of that to you. I love you the way you are. Mika: Ah, ah, ah – Is there anybody home? You: Yep, still here, would you like to come inside and have a cup of tea? Mika: Who wants to have me, just to love me? You: I adore you just the way you are dear. Mika: Stuck in the middle. You: Yes, I’d love to be stuck in the middle with you…[/ --------------------- Mikaforia: When you're whistling Love Today as you hand the cashier at the supermarket your money and she's join in and you go, ‘ OMG! Mikkkaaaaaa fan!’ --------------------- Mikamania: The craze that will erupt around the world after Mika is fully recognised. --------------------- M-rush: 1. The utopic feeling you get when listening to his music, watching him perform, or just listening to him talk about tamagotchi’s or marmite. 2. The inevitable stampede that will occur at all major music stores when he releases his next album. -------------------- Mikanology: A college course all about Mika...that WE would all get an "A" in because we know more about him than he does because many user titles actually profess this fact......hehehe...we WISH!!! --------------------- Mika Sighting: When you look at signs and every time you see an "M" you think "Mika!". Also, seeing a guy with brown curly "Mika-hair" and expecting it to be him... --------- Share the Mika: The need to make sure EVERYONE you know sees AND hears Mika immediately --------------------- Mikawiggle | Mikascrunch | Mika-twang: Various Mika movements, the little wiggle he does when he dances, the nose scrunch when he sings and the brace thwapping or ‘twanging’ that drives female fans wild. --------------------- Mikafreeze/Mikajam: What the fan club forum would do if Mika posted on the board. It would be so jam-packed full of Mika-ettes it would come to a stand still. --------------------- Mikanian Slips: Help, I can't stop making "Mikanian" Slips! E.G ‘Oh my Mika did you see that Mika, I mean Michael.’ --------------------- Mikalock: When your computer freezes on a really good picture of Mika. Mikalock can also stand for the recent state of your cd player...the only album you play is his...over and over... it's almost as if it's not even a "cd" player- it's a "Mika" player... --------------------- SupercaliMikailisticexpialidocious: Hehe, the explosion of amazingness when you hear Mika being played anywhere when you were least expecting it. --------------------- Mikaplosion: When you play music with the volume in Mikanic proportion. --------------------- Mika-time: When you start counting minutes by how long Mika's songs are (i.e.: hey, it took me 'till Love Today to clean my room! or I'll be out in a Lollipop!) --------------------- Mikaluck: Being lucky enough to get to meet Mika in person.... --------------------- Mikaphelia: The uncontrollabe urge to hear Mika, to be next to Mika, near Mika, around Mika, to dream Mika, touch Mika’s braces…etc. --------------------- Mikavision: When everything you see reminds you of Mika. --------------------- Mikaphile: A collector of anything pertaining to Mika. --------------------- Vitamin Mika: And don't forget to take your "Vitamin Mika today kids!" --------------------- Mika Run Out: The horror of when your nearest store runs of Mika CD’s. --------------------- Mikafication: 1: the act of Mikafying: the state of being Mikafied. 2: a source of satisfaction or pleasure from listening to the Mika. --------------------- Mikaanoia: Advanced stage of Mikanitis --------------------- Mikanesque Body: There are Rubenesque bodies (plump)....statuesque bodies (tall and shapely)...and now the best of all: A Mikanesque body! Woohoo! --------------------- The Mikalich manoeuvre: What you need after holding your breath for 3+ minutes while Mika sings live on TV and is terrific! This is where a friend does the Mikalich manoeuvre on you to revive you. --------------------- Mikaless: The times and days Mika-ettes suffer when there are no Mika sightings on TV or new stuff to read... --------------------- "Mika": What I now call his cd. Not, Life in Cartoon Motion or the Mika album. Nope, just "Mika". For instance, "I'm going to turn Mika on" (Hahaha. Look everyone I’m Mikegutterminding.) Or, if I'm looking for it, "Where's Mika gone?" ------------------- Double Mikapardy: when you are secretly chatting on this message board in the bedroom, you create two screens so when your husband walks in, you just click on the minimize button to hide your Mika screen in a little corner.... ------------------- Mikatrums: The attitude you throw at your kids when you very much need to replay a Mika video and your kids are tugging at your shirt for attention.... ------------------- Mikasm: What your Mikagutterminded Mikafingers do when you try to type "Mikaism" after midnight... ------------------- Mikaphoria: A state of bliss, satisfaction and contentment after being able to listen and dance to the whole Mika CD without interruption. ------------------- Mikallusion: Any word or phrase said by non-Mika-ettes in the world outside the realm of Mika that you register as a reference to something Mika-related, including his likeness, his quotes, or other Mikaisms ------------------- Mikanating: Hey, get your minds out of the gutter!!! That's not what I meant! Mikanating is when you are sat in front of the computer chatting with everyone on the forum and being thoughtful of Mika. ------------------- HRM (His Royal Mikaness): A rightful title, HRM - the true blue king of psychobabble pop! ------------------ Mika Amendment: The right to freely express one's adoration of HRM. ------------------ Mikanize: The act of spreading Mika around and trying to turn everyone into a Mika-ette. -------------------------- "M" force: The gravitational pull of the Mika Fan Forum. -------------------------- Fanatic Mikaddict: Someone who sings Mika songs everywhere while picturing his face or singing to his CD cover…or a picture of him on the computer screen. -------------------------- Mika-itis: Name of the virus everyone on the forum has caught, making us have all these "symptoms" of severe Mikaddiction and Mikadmiration. ------------------ Mikatonia: The vegetative state that a Mikaette falls into when listening to Mika's cd or watches him on TV and involves a sort of insane wiggling and dance routine. --------------------- Encyclopedia Mikania: The book of all things Mika. --------------------- Mikaful Thinking: When you see someone or hear someone in real life, on the TV, etc., and you think it's Mika and you get excited and clamber to find where it’s coming from, but, alas, it's not him... --------------------- Mika-BAM: When you are thinking so much about Mika that your head explodes!! --------------------- Mikanol: Mika medicine title. WARNING: may cause uncontrollable smiling, grinning, drooling, or unexpected feelings of inner peace/joy/cheerfulness and professions of loving today or lollipops. --------------------- The Mikana Triangle: Similar to the bermuda triangle. Where Mika-Land is located. Mika-ettes here forever live in a state of Mika-induced ecstasy or a Mikatonic state caused by our adulation of our eternal ruler. *Snickerfit* -------------------------------- Mikafooled: When Enfa tells us all he’s got a girlfriend and we search the net for gossip only to find we have been totally fooled and it’s April 1st… --------------------------------- Mikannoyance: The irritated response that one gets after reading a negative review such as the case as the person who had the gall to write a negative review...like they know anything at all. Pfft. --------------------------------- Mikagotchia: The inexplicable urge to go out to the shops and buy a Tamagotchi with connective abilities…just because Mika has one and you want to ‘connect your tamagtochi’s’ *Giggle* --------------------------------- Mikasteria: The Mika-induced hysteria that runs rampant on the Fan club forum and is often experienced when listening to his CD on repeat for an entire day. --------------------------------- OMM! (Oh My Mika!): State/expression of shock. --------------------------------- Mikanapping: Stealing the exalted one, often with the use of a piano stool, wheels, duct tape and a getaway car. -------------------------------- Mikagasm: The physical and emotional sensation experienced at the peak of Mika related excitation, usually resulting from stimulation by Mika things and usually accompanied by happiness. Add your own ideas if you have any!
  20. Okay so I had another craaaaazy idea, it's not as great as my Mika-Watching thingy, lol, but this has potential to be added too and improved greatly. *Snicker* So if you have an ideas for the Mikanictionary, just add them onto your post and we'll see what crazyness we can come up with as I know you guys are imaginative! The Mikanictionary A Guide to Understanding Mika Fan Terminology Mika-ette(s): A fan of Mika. A lover of all things bright and cheerful and Mika flavoured. An inhabitant of the Mika Fan Club Forum and tends to cluster in groups with other Mika-ettes. --------------------- The Mika Bug: A contagious infection:: -that causes one to continuously play Mika’s CD’s -that causes minor heart palpitations when the name’ Mika’ is spoken or any other Mika Song related word. -that makes you look twice whenever you see a man with curly brown hair who just happens to be quite tall. -that makes you check his website and fan club forum continuously throughout the year just in case he made an appearance -that causes you to check myspace everyday…y’know just in case you got a message form the exalted one. -that spreads wildly among fans, young and old...LOOKOUT!!! --------------------- Mikanian Slip: Where you call someone (particularly people with M names) Mika and you have to cover it quickly..."Er..I mean Michael, Michelle...whoever!" --------------------- Mika-ism: Things that remind you of something Mika would say, or has said. ex. "It makes you feel at one with…your…feminine…side-maternal side…haha." "Have you seen that Mr Bean episode where…[insert appropriate anecdote]" "As far as I’m concerned…." “Why not?” --------------------- Mikafingers: (1) When you're trying to type something while you're thinking about Mika and your fingers won't type the right words and all that coems out is ‘MikaMikaMika Mika’. (2) When you're thinking about Mika and your fingers simply stop working. For example: aklhdfkla!!!11111. --------------------- Mikaguttermind: I think this is self-explanatory. But for those without a clue it's what happens at 1:00 in the morning while chatting with the Mikaphiles on the forum in the ‘Body Hair thread’ or the ‘Brace Appeal thread’ or really any thread on the Mika Fan Forum… --------------------- Mika Attack: That feeling you get when you hear or read ANYTHING about Mika...especially something new - you start to shake - you can't breathe - your heart is POUNDING, almost jumping out of your chest - tears begin to form in your eyes......aaaaaaaand then you break out into Love Today.... --------------------- Scattermika-ed: when your brain is so fried from all the "Mikatalking" in threads that you can't think or type straight anymore and when you talk to someone they think you’ve gone insane. ------------------- Mikaholics anonymous: Support group hopelessly in love with Mika. --------------------- Mikafright: When you meet Mika and are petrified and feel like melting into a gooey puddle or fainting or possibly fixing yourself to his leg permanently so he can’t get rid of you. --------------------- MIKAMARES: Having a sometimes wild, sometimes thought provoking, sometimes AMAZING Mika-dreams, and then waking up to realise they weren't true...or sometimes you wake up laughing your butt off...E.G Mika trying on Indiana Jones outfits in the Disney Store…*Snickergiggle* -------------------- Mikamelting: How you begin to turn into a liquid state (especially at the knees) when you listen to "Happy Ending" and you hear Mika sing "This is the hardest story that I've ever told// No hope, no love, no glory// A happy ending gone forever more." And then just want to give him a really big hug. --------------------- Obsessive Mika Compulsive: One who keeps going to various music stores pretending to look for other CDs but really just wanting to check out the supply of Mika CDs...for no good reason, just to see them…or move them to a more visible area…like switching them all to the Number One spot again. *Cough* Hehe. --------------------- Mikasies: A play on the word "fantasies"...nuff said. ------------------ Mika Friends: All the amazing people you've "met" because of Mika...those on the forum. Mika Friends are ones that although you've never met them in person and probably never will, you feel as close to them as you do to your "non-Mika friends". You care deeply about your Mika Friends and look forward to the time you get to spend with them each day because they won’t give you a dirty look when you start talking about braces being twanged...again. --------------------- Drop dead Mika-licious!: Scares you to think when you see the real Mika looking so gorgeous that you’ll probably just drop dead! ----------------------- Mikawear Collection: New brand of clothing, including skinny fit red or green jeans, braces, bones with your name on them around your neck and tamagotchi’s -------------------- Mikasylum: An asylum for all of us craaaazy Mika fans to retire to! ------------------------------------------- Mikapressure: What you feel when you hear about a new Mika appearance or news...Like you HAVE to hurry up and tell EVERYONE before you explode!!! Only to found out everybody was told three days ago… ------------------- Mikappointment: What happens when you’re told he’ll be on TV and then he’s only on for a few seconds and you had to sit through something really terrible to find that out. ------------------- Mikanictionary: A compilation of MikaSpeak. ------------------- "How Mika of you!": Use it in reference to something incredibly cheerful, adorable, cute or otherwise Mika-like! ------------------- Doctor Mika: Who to call when you are feeling "down and out" and need a little consoling... *Eyebrow waggle* ------------------- Can you "FEEL" the Mika?: When a bunch of Mika-ettes are gathered in the forum talking about how much they love Mika...you can almost FEEL his presence in the "thread"...or is it just him hiding out behind a user name…? ------------------- The Mika-ette Hangover: How you feel the morning after a late night on the Mika Fan Club forum. --------------------- Grace Kelly Syndrome (GKS): This is, when you replay the video of Grace Kelly over and over again, just to see him do the adorable nose scrunch thing – closely related to Love Today Syndrome. GKS can also refer to the huge party you throw yourself when you discover the "full screen" button - and can watch Mika in all his close-up curly glory! --------------------- Love Today Syndrome (LTS): This is when you play love Today on repeat to the point that you no longer need to hear it to have it playing inside your head. Symptoms include insane dancing, singing and occasionally muttering the word ‘Mika’ under your breath with a sort of glazed expression on your face at the words ‘Love, love me!’. ---------------------- Mikapics: That feeling you get when you look at pictures of Mika, especially the really cute ones where he's smiling and his teeth are showing, his hair is super curly and his eyes are all big and cute, that just makes you want to give Mika a big hug or smooch! Can also lead to Mikanosing. --------------------- Mikanosing: Seeing a Mikapic and automatically launching yourself at the computer screen or magazine cover and bashing your nose. Similar to ‘embarassment’. --------------------- Mikapression Blues: The craving to hear Life in Cartoon Motion when you haven't had it on in a while or when Mika's supposed to be on tv and isn't. --------------------- VocabuMika: Talking about Mika in almost every sentence. --------------------- The God of the Curly Hair: Alternate name for Mika, used by those of the religion of Curlyness. --------------------- Mikacising: Working out with Mika on your iPod of MP3 player. --------------------- Taking a Mika-break: Using your coffee break, lunch break, or any other break you have to log onto the forum to see if your thread has got any dirtier or if Mika himself has posted and revealed hismelf! --------------------- Hopeless Mikaniac: Someone who can only think, dream and talk about Mika, Mika, Mika.....his voice, his face, his curly hair, his braces, etc...... --------------------- Car Mikaing: Listening to Mika while you're driving, with the volume up real high, singing along at the top of your lungs, wiggling behind the wheel or in the passenger seat and trying to make your voice go as high as Mika’s...can be embarassing when stopping at red lights (Amendment by RAK1) --------------------- Mikanomics: 1). The huge effect Mika has had on the economy. Think about it--battery sales must be way up so we can play our portable CDs; we buy blank VHS tapes and DVD’s so we can videotape every appearance—on the slowest speed; we use more petrol so we can take the long way everywhere just to hear Mika sing a little longer; and I'll bet the TV will need replacing after constantly flicking through the music channels searching out his videos. 2). When Mika-ettes try to influence the sales of Mika CDs and flood the market with money buying them. --------------------- Just Plain Mikalicious: Someone you have a crush on who resembles Mika in some way. --------------------- Getting your "Mika fix": When you haven't heard Mika's CD in HOURS and your iPod has died and your "best friend" just won't share, because hey, everybody needs their Mika Fix, and you feel like you're going loco and you JUST WANT TO HEAR THE DANG CD!!!
  21. Sure! Post away! *Snickerfit* Uh-oh. I just came up with another (completely new) idea. Hang onto your seats people, lol. I'll have it up soonly. *Snickergiggle*
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