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Believe In Fairies

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Everything posted by Believe In Fairies

  1. Exactly! Who cares. The guy was a genius and such an awesome performer people should have fixated on that and not everything else thatw as none of their business. *Snicker* I have my Mum to thank for introducing me to such awesome music and being brought up on it. It's probably why i have such awesome taste in music now, hahaha.
  2. Love Today for me, it makes me feel stupidly happy, lol.
  3. Hehe...that was funny. Pretty mask. *Hearts masquerade masks*
  4. I like the fact that he's completely and undoubtedly himself and he won't change that for anybody or anything. I think that totally rawks, especially in a business where people try to pigeon-hole you all the time. That and he has awesome curly hair, lol. *Snicker*
  5. OMG. I just cracked up at the quacking, lol. That was so random...well maybe not I just don't speak french. *Snicker* He might have been singing about ducks for all I know, sounded pretty though.
  6. I've not seen this one either! Thanks for posting it!
  7. Can't believe I haven't seen this before... *Has been living under rock apparently* That was really funny, the interviewer seriously didn't get him at all, lol.
  8. Actually you're right...that's kinda funny, lol. Although a red ribbon in his hair might be pushing it a bit too far. *Snickersnort*
  9. Ooh awesome! *watches repeatedly* I think the swirls have a gradually hypnotising effect...Or maybe its just Mika. Haha. *Snicker*
  10. Whoo, it's so late for me it's gone early and my sugar rush has just clapped out. Night all! *Skips on out to the land of Nod*
  11. I'm exactly the same, something about that song reminds me of him... *Snicker*
  12. Lol, I just read the whole of this thread and you guys made me laugh so much how it sort of gradually decends into the gutter as the thread goes on. *Snickerfits*
  13. Wow..this thread is sooo dodgy...or I'm the only one here with a guttermind. *Snicker*
  14. It was seriously annoying, we had the tickets and everything and two days before my dad rang me up and told me it was cancelled because he'd gone into rehab. It wasn't a particularly successful Festival really for us as we didn't manage to get hold of tickets to see the Dresden Dolls either (Although I did get a wave from them as they went past in a horse drawn carriage). But kudos to Tom for getting over it and being back on the road again, I'll just have to try and get tickets to see them elsewhere. *Nods*
  15. Wow, the first one was strangely fitting... *Hearts Spidey* The second one was just plain adorable though, lol.
  16. Oh gosh who've I seen. I totally don't remember. Hmm, let me think, quite a few when I was younger but non memorable enough for me to actually y'know...remember. *Ponders for a while* Celine Dion in Vegas, not my choice as I went with my parents and they wanted to see her and I didn't want to sit in the hotel by myself, lol. *Snort* I missed Keane at the Edinburgh Festival due to Tom Chaplin's little rehab problem and they cancelled the date grr. *Dies* Muse at the Edinburgh Festival. Front row baby! Woooooooo totally worth losing a shoe over! Muse again shortly after that at Sheffield Arena. Haha, going to see Muse at Wembley - running trend here? Maaaybe. *Dances* Josh Groban - 25th June coming (OMG! So excited I might just fall over.) And a bunch of Cirque du Soleil shows and the Blue Man Group...but they're not bands so totally don't count, heh heh. I need to get out more.
  17. OMG! There's a topic for the Tamagotchi. Hahaha, I love it. *Snickerfit* I used to have loads of Tamagotchi's as a kid. I used to loan them out to friends who couldn't get one, lol. I have a drawer full of the things from goldfish to dinosaurs and I have an alien one too, all dead now of course...I haven't looked at them in years. *Snicker* They're probably all manky now.
  18. I'm exactly the same, I grinned like an idiot through the whole thing, lol! *Snick* Such an awesome video, really colourful and energetic, it totally suited the song. And I loved when they were arranging the word 'Love' and the cafe bit. *Is now super hyper*
  19. I collect movie memorabilia like figures and props, ancient egyptian things and Dreamcatchers. I also seem to hoarde nice fabric, but I think thats the inner costume designer getting excited, lol. *Snicker*
  20. Hah, lol, I just spotted the deadline literally after I posted and then edited my post. *Snickergiggle* Thanks for letting me know though!
  21. Aww it sucks that I'm too late to join this. *Snicker* But it was an awesome idea! kudos to whoever came up with it! *Nods*
  22. That was really interesting, thanks for posting it!
  23. Lol, don't we all just adore him? *Snick* Although technically I loved his music before I even knew who he was, finally seeing him was just the icing on the cake. Looks fabulous, makes gorgeous music. That's pretty much spot on for me. *Snicker* Lol.
  24. OMG! Same here, lol, I used to like doing cartwheels until I fell over and nearly broke my neck. I've been too afraid to do them ever since. *Shudders*
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