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Everything posted by Dee

  1. Welcome to this site and have fun
  2. Dee


    Welcome Mr poetry to this site. Hope you really enjoy it here. I know that I have.
  3. Welcome to the fan club
  4. Don't be shy, and welcome
  5. Welcome to our world......The Mika world.
  6. Dee


    big HELLO! and welcome
  7. Big WELCOME, have fun on this site. I know I do.
  8. WELCOME and have a great time at this site
  9. Welcome to our big MIKA PARTY!
  10. Don't be shy on this site. I know everyone here is not shy, neither am I. Welcome
  11. Dee


    WELCOME obssessed, I believe we all are, so have fun reading the threads
  12. welcome to our little party. Be careful you don't get lost, you might end up in tears of laughter and/or joy. Again, big fat WELCOME
  13. I'm laughing so hard, I'm in tears. PLEASE STOP! YOUR KILLING ME. ALL OF YOU.
  14. For all the ideas about how a tea or coffee should be. When it comes to guys who like 6 spoons of sugar in there coffee is probably because there not sweet enough.
  15. I'm fussy when it comes to any tea (can't stand red rose). I love earl grey, but not all earl grey teas are good. You have to find the one you prefer the most. My perfect cup of tea is - the tea bag has to be put in the cup before the water goes in. Once you pour the water in, let sit for a few seconds (not too long) and strain about five or six time (never leave the tea bag in). Only use one lump of sugar (preferably raw sugar). The best water you can get in Canada is either the mountain spring water of British Columbia or the well water from Northern Ontario (which are the best tasting waters that I know of), other then that I have to make due with Cedar Springs Bottle water where I am. But you know I'm French Canadian and I can be weird some time when it comes to making things!
  16. I actually had to take a brake from this site because my eyes wouldn't stay open when I was at work. Here I read this warning label and can't help but laugh. I'm toooo addicted to this site and can't think straight. Definetly need to see a doctor! and definetly because of that beautiful man.
  17. More publicity the better it is for him. When I found out about him his name was so scarce that every time I waited for the end of the song to find who he was it took about a month to finally here his name. I'm glad that he is getting recognition at a football game.
  18. thanks for the video. I miss alot working afternoons.
  19. Saw the vid and I'm actually in tears. I can't believe that they would make a commercal like that.
  20. I donated, but I wish I could have given more. Maybe next time I can slip in a little extra.
  21. I love you guys, you give me a good laugh
  22. I'm only curious to see if someone can do it because I love the way his hair is too (and his eyes, nose, mouth).
  23. Sorry, I think it might have been my fault. I am trying to go for the PG but have a problem in controlling what I write. I try to write how I feel about him. I should have refrased it so no one would think that way. But unfortunatly someone is probably thinking what I'm thinking.(I won't go into details)
  24. Thanks... I didn't even know that someone else had posted it.
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