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Everything posted by findingmywords

  1. Yay!! I'm glad its getting somewhere!!! I just came back from being with my two best friends, and they are the most deep people I know. We have such amazing conversations, but I seem to forget them when I want to talk about them again haha. Its just a moment of being in the present. Here's some thoughts: - Do you think people are genuinely good, or genuinely bad? As in, when we're born, do you think we're pure and good? Think about how much the media and society influences us. We grow up learning all these manners, but many of these manners are, quite frankly, to seem like a better person, to act kind even if we're feeling not so kind that day. So if we learn these manners and lessons from our parents and society, is 'good' just made up by people? - Is there anything truly original? Everything comes from something, whether its musical influences or what we're interested in or how we act. And if you think there is anything truly original, then what is it? And what is your definition of original? -Do you think there might be alternate dimensions? -Do you think there is other life out there? (This can also connect to alternate dimensions) -What do you think is love? Just think about love for a second and how you feel about it. Do you think love is the main emotion in life? The main purpose, even? - What is your own purpose/meaning in life? Why are you here?
  2. I have also thought about the dolls thing too!! Crazzyyyy hahah This is kind of random, but when I was little, I used to think that hills were dead giants buried underground, and the hill is the giants tummy haha. Okay, that was really random hahahah. I absolutely love your post and agree with it all. After thinking about it myself, I think I would roughly post my answer in the same order as you (as in least to favorite sense). Also, after Beethoven became deaf (and blind, was it?) , he began to feel the piano's vibration by a jaw piece he wore in his mouth. And he is one of the greatest composers, and still was able to do that with his sense of touch/feeling.
  3. I'm going to post a quick thought on something I read because I'm in a hurry: Punkie Penguin's post: "Well, first off, part of me doesn't even believe that we are here. And if humans do exist in the first place, everyone around me still might not be real. I know that I exist, but no one else can prove to me that they exist - everyone else might be in my imagination" I totally understand what you mean. I have thought those exact thoughts haha. That's so crazy! And I'm sure many other peopel think about that too... Also, sometimes I'm just sitting in my room and thinking, "What is this? We're people? We have fingers? We're actually living in time, in a world where we breathe and speak?" I can go on and on, but its just mindblowing. And all we know is what we see/hear/experience. We know that we're alive, but what if we're each in our own little world, in our own little dimension? But then there are things that prove us wrong... but then again I think something that brings me back to square 1. Like what Pinkie Penguin said, I know I exist, but I can't prove that others do. But we still feel emotions and feel our hand touch someone else... and that's real enough. And also, kind of random, but you know how when you have a dream that has random people whom you've never seen before in your life? I've thought that what if they're actually a real person somewhere in the world right now... or a person who has lived in the world before. And when people who you know their name and you know who they are, but aren't their friend and they randomly pop into your dream.. thats crazy too haha. Gah! I have to go haha
  4. One more thing!!!! I was talking to a few of my friends about a month ago, and we were having deep conversations. A few of the girls started saying that when they stare at theirselves in the mirror for a long period of time (Not directly at themselves, but at a spot next to them) , they start to have an out of body experience because it feels like they're looking at a different person. I have tried this, but it doesn't work if you're thinking too much about it. I haven't had it happen yet, but it sounds crazy. It might provoke some thought, so you guys should try it! Apparently it feels like you're disconnected from your body, like you're looking at a random stranger, not yourself.
  5. This is kind of cool. To kind of realize how little we are in a huge universe: Close your eyes. Imagine that you are floating up out of your body and rise up through the ceiling, through the roof of your building, and continue to rise up over your neighbourhood. As you go up you can see further and further. You see your town or city, you rise higher and can see your state or county, you rise higher and can see your country, you keep going higher and you can see the planet Earth receding below you as you travel far, far away. Deeper and deeper into space. See if you can travel into infinity. Keep going. Can you find the edge of the Universe? Reach a point where you feel comfortable to pause there in deep space, trillions of light years from The Earth. Begin to think about your life and about human life from this perspective, so very far away, so very far removed from emotional issues.
  6. I completely agree. I began to tear up as I read it. Shikutukumimika and riverstwilight, I love reading about you guys. I'm going to try to read everything people post in this thread and not skip over anything, so just know that if you think no one's listening, I will try to be. I absolutely love all your guyses answers. You're all so amazing, imperfections and all. And about this question: Would you be willing to murder an innocent person if it would end WORLD hunger? Hundreds of innocent people die EVERY DAY because of hunger. When I thought of that, it turned on a whole different perspective. More: Why do you do what you do? Don't think on the surface, really think of why you do what you do. Think about how much you do for others. And think about these actions of kindness, think about where they really come from. Do they really come from wanting to help someone? Or do they come out of selfishness, out of the personal gratification you get out of it?
  7. Questions to anyone: You are at the doctor’s office and he has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? What do you do with your remaining days? Would you be afraid? Would you be willing to murder an innocent person if it would end WORLD hunger? If you were guaranteed honest responses to any three questions, who would you question and what would you ask? Would you rather be happy yet slow-witted and unimaginative or unhappy yet bright and creative? For example, would you rather live the life of a brilliant yet tortured artist such as Vincent Van Gogh, or that of a happy but carefree soul who is a bit simple-minded? What do you think would be the hardest thing for you to give up? Why would it be hard to lose?
  8. That is fantastic, I also think that the amount of everything, of knowledge, is just unbelievable. I think that's great! I love hearing about what inspires you. For me I think it is a bit less about knowledge. I don't care if I know things exactly; I'm a pretty nieve person. I just love to wonder and speculate, what inspires me is the process of wondering, thinking about all the possibilites. The answer and outcome doesn't matter as much to me, I just love thinking about everything. In a way I think I also thrive on the unknown. However, I do love just learning random facts about the world, whether it be random statistics or amazing, crazy facts. Learning is so great. I'm sad to say that I only want to learn the things that I'm interested in. I wish I had open arms to learning everything, but there are certain things that I focus on, and if it doesn't interest me, I just can't learn it as well. That's a great trait that you have, about learning it even if it doesn't interest you. I wish I had that haha. And I love what you said here: "The idea that we are all detectives trying to make sense of this mass of complexity surrounding us". I think it sums up many of my thoughts haha. I am also a senior in high school! What are you thinking of studying in college?
  9. Yo! So what've you guys been thinkin' lately? Any deep thoughts?
  10. Hello! My name is Vanessa. What's yours? :P

  11. Hello Aubree! Welcome back, and nice to meet you :P I am Vanessa. How are you?

  12. I absolutely would, with all my heart, but I have no way to get there (I don't drive), and I'm doing a performance tonight also. I wish you luck though! I'm sorry for what happened, that's a huge bummer. I hope someone comes through!
  13. I saw you guys in the audience! I had to pause it haha, and it wasn't a very clear image, but I saw you guys! Third row to the far left! And you can see Mika acknowledge you guys haha, you gives you guys a smile
  14. Maybe you can do futuristic mixed with spacey for the attire! Or spacey AND 1950s haha. Like a poodle skirt and white Nasa shirt
  15. Just read the reports, that's so awwweeesssoommmeeeeEEE! I'm so so incredibly happy for you guys :wub2: SOOO happy haha. And even more happy about tomorrow! Loved the reports, and will love to see 'Ellen' in 45ish minutes Thank you!
  16. That is very true! Oh gosh! I did see that haha. Yay! That's so fantastic! I completely completely get what you mean about him I think many people here get what you mean haha. I have also had lucky experiences with him, but its not just luck. He makes it all happen, we feel lucky because he has the heart to do all of that. I don't know if he recognizes my face yet haha. But I'm hopin'! Its kind of like with Mika, its not on the surface at all. There's always something more. And about your fangurly-ness: WOOHOO! Every thread needs some kind of fangurlyness, no matter what form.
  17. Oh wow! Thats interesting haha. Civilised can be nice... but its also nice to not be civilised I'm sure they both have their fair share of pros and cons. For example, on a TV show it might be kind of cool to be the only crazy fans who stand out! Where as at a gig, its all fans, but its also a better experience because of the fans haha. Which Jools Holland show were you at? The recent one?
  18. That friend sounds so awesome! Very crafty too haha. Congrats!
  19. I love how you say that so casually haha. I would be " I LOVE BEING ON TV SHOWS!!! GAAAHHHHHHHH! "
  20. Oh my goodness!!!! This is so exciting, this is so exciting, this is so EXCITING! I'm so glad they got in. Phew. Can't wait to hear whats goin on!!!!!! I hope tomorrow we see some MFCers on da TVVV! Ye-he-hea!
  21. Hey guys......... I LOVE YOU! Please have a good time. I know, SUCH a big request haha. It will be IMPOSSIBLE to fulfill. Just don't stress out too much on having a good time! Go with the flow. YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO HAVE SO MUCH FUN! :dance_man: This is going to be a test for me... I'm going to stay positive the whole time, no matter how far I am from that gig haha. WEEHEE HOO HOO HAA GOO BLEE JAA GAA! EEEHEEE HEEEEEE!! Friday, Friday, FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY!!!! :huglove:
  22. Sad but accepting. And calm. But still have something to be excited for!
  23. I got a strange inbox message on Mikasounds from someone named "p_cares". Did anyone else? I got 2 of the same messages, so I'm guessing she's mass PMing. She describes herself, says that she's 'good looking', talks about a 'proposition', and says she will send me pictures later. :blink:
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