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Everything posted by findingmywords

  1. ......... most likely :das:


    FINE! Hahaha.


    Sorry, I just forget things easily :teehee:


    How are you!?

  2. Rah rah ah ah ah Ruh ma ruh ma ma ga ga ooh la la Want your bad romance
  3. I deeply understand :flowers2::aah:


    I have no idea for me haha.


    Narrow it down for me! Choose a few that you really like.

  4. What is your favorite Mika picture??

  5. What is your favorite picture of Mika?

  6. The Bad Romance video is awesome! Love it. I think I'm about to become a big fan. Maybe not big, but medium.
  7. I was just about to post that video! Really! Hahah, mind reader I was wondering if anyone had posted it, and was about to post it when I checked out the link you showed haha. AMAZING! She has such immense talent.
  8. That's so sad about Stephen I never knew who he was, I just looked up his story. Very sad.
  9. GaahhH! White would seem better at first, but it would be blinding I think haha. They would both just be incredibly scary and strange. But also with white its just white. But when we think of white we associate light with it, so that makes us think that we would see our bodies. But what if its just the color white? Then we wouldn't see our bodies either. Gaah! My brain! Hurts! No it doesn't haha. Do you guys think its possible for your brain to hurt after too much thinking? Hi Kathy! I'm Vanessa Nice to meet you! How are you doing?
  10. But what is 'emptiness'? How do you define it? That's cool about the good and bad nothings! I never thought of that. Good nothings do seem like they would be white. What about bad nothings? My answer would relate to 'MissPie's answer. I think of nothing-ness as black. For some reason when I think of nothingness, I think of floating in space. But that is not accurate at all, because there's still sooo much in space. But there are random periods in space where there is not anything for light years and light years. So I guess I picture myself in the random periods of no stars, even though you can still see the farther away objects. I know! So paradoxical, its crazy. I don't think that nothing exists though. I think there always has to be something.
  11. To everyone/anyone: What do you think of when you picture 'nothing'? Do you just picture darkness? I was thinking about this, and realized we never really experience 'nothing'. There's always something. Do you think 'nothing' even exists? How would you define 'nothing'?
  12. I love The Simsssss!!! Its addicting! Unfortunately I don't have it on my PC I have it "The Sims 2 Pets" and "The Sims: Bustin Out" for my play station 2. I just love the idea of building houses and have a little separate life in my sims haha. Its awesome! I for sure want to get "The Sims 3" for the PC soon though.
  13. Eating Mac N' Cheese while holding my abdomen because I have cramps!
  14. Such a beautiful group of siblings. They look like how the Cullens should look haha. Stunning. Fortune and Mika are devilishly handsome, and the girls are incandescently sexy. Love it! Mika's shoes are rockin'. Booyah! (I have a strange vocabulary today haha. But I'm liking it) Thanks for posting!! It made me even more happy ... I'm afraid I may have developed a little crush on Fortune. At least he's around my age..That makes me feel a bit better...
  15. Pretty darn good. I met the artist who painted murals on the inside of Jimi Hendrix's Electric Lady recording studio in New York. I talked to him about art, and he talked to me about his art. I asked him for advice and he gave it to me. I feel inspired. I finally feel a bit more secure, because I feel like I know what I want to be. I know that I'm going to do art. And it feels beautiful.
  16. My responses to Shikutukumimika's questions: -What do you think is more important, friendship or love? I think love is more important. However, you can't have friendship without love, so in a way they both go hand in hand. I just believe love is the greatest, highest thing. Love is my religion. I think you can always find love, and love can always find you, even if its not in the exact form you want. Friends are absolutely amazing, but even friends can fail you. I feel that if you believe in love and are willing to look for it in your everyday life, then it can never fail. -How do you see feelings? What are they, or are they undescribeable? Feelings are so absolutely mind blowing. I see feelings and emotions as beautiful. Of course the good ones are beautiful, but also the ones that we consider bad are also beautiful. Feelings are one of my greatest values. Actually, I think they're my greatest values. I want to live my life through feeling everything I can. I want to feel pain and hurt, and feel kindness and love. I don't think there's a way to describe what they really are or how they happen. I think they come from our soul and connect us with everyone else. I think they come from whatever/whoever made this place. I think they make us feel that and that's how we connect. -Why do you want to live? I want to live... because this world is too amazing and beautiful to let it slip away. Not just this world, but everything, the universe, the unknown. I want to live for others, and for myself. I want to improve, to grow, I want to see myself get somewhere in every aspect of life. I want to see others grow and improve and I want to help them to do that. Why do I want to live... that's a complicated one, yet so simple. I want to live because I want to live. I want to LIVE! I WANT TO LIVE! I want to live it up, embrace it all. Hahah. For me, I don't think there is a designated reason. I want to live for everything in this world. The world doesn't owe me anything, it doesn't owe me the right to live. I just owe myself the right to live as much as I can, while I can. I owe everyone the ability to help them, to love them. I owe it to my soul, to who I am, to what I'm able to be, to love, to my feelings and emotions. -Why do we like what we like, and why do we like the people that we like, why do we fall in love with the people that we fall in love with? I think we just do. There's no way to explain it. I don't think our lives are all completely mapped out, but I think we just do what we do. I think it just falls into place. For a surface answer, I'd say that we like what we like and like the people we like because of the way we were raised, and what our influences are. But for an answer that I truly believe in, I would say because of our souls. I think inside us all, we truly are who we are, even though we don't know it yet. I think that's what's guiding us; our soul. For example, you know how when you hear a song you like, or do one of your favorite things to do, you just get this feeling inside you that is perfect. That feeling of love. We can't describe it, we just know it. I think that's why. Great questions!!!
  17. Thank You to the soldiers. Am very thankful for what they've done and continue to do. I have them in my heart.
  18. EXACTLY! GAAAHHH!! Well, at least we all understand each other haha. And I'm sure many others think that way too -sigh-
  19. I agree with you! And I love your example too. Just how simple it is, I love how you looked at a little thing, like everyone has good in them, you've just got to look for it and realize it I also think people are good. I don't believe this from any religion either, I just feel like when I look at someone, that there is good in them. I have talked to rude people, who probably are treated badly because they seem rude, and I treat them how I treat everyone else. I try to understand them and stay calm and patient, and eventually their guard goes down. They smiled haha. I have a friend who seems very selfish and rude at times, but when its just you and her, she puts her guard down and tells how she feels. Its like a realization, she told me why she did what she did, and it gave me a sympathy for her, and gave me a sympathy for others with their guard up too. Not just a sympathy, but an understanding of them too.
  20. I completely, 100% agree with you. I have nothing to add, because you said it all. Just let out a frustrated scream! Go in your room and just go GAAAAHHHH, in your pillow maybe, to stifle the sound. It really helps. Actually, I think I will add something haha: This ideal life that society has shown us, as in a good education, get married, have kids, a nice house, a dog, money, career. "Two kids, a dog, and then the cautionary wife/husband." I HATE IT WITH A PASSION! This is just my personal opinion, but I want to LIVE! I want to EXPERIENCE everything, I want to travel and make a difference!!! I want to feed the hungry, help the poor, love the unloved, help the hated. If I just lived my life in a house with my kids, I would feel unaccomplished. I wouldn't feel like I had a life lived worthwhile by the time I died. This world is so freakin' amazing, there's no way I'd let all that go. Of course I want to fall in love, possibly even get married, but I just don't like the way marriage is, having to sign a contract. I feel like its binding you to the person, and I know that's the point, that when you love the person you get married because there's no way you'll stray away from either way, but just right now, it doesn't appeal to me. The worst thing is, I'm in my last year of high school, trying to get good grades, thinking about careers. And its making me think that either way, that's where I'm headed, into that dead life. Society has gotten me in its claws, and I'm thinking about what college I'll go to, what I'll spend my life doing for the rest of it in a career that hopefully I'll get into. I just want to live a life well spent, that's all... And another worst thing is, I can't travel the world and experience everything IF I DON'T HAVE MONEY. Which means I need a career. Which means college.
  21. I agree. I think that whatever happens in our lives, love is what connects us to everyone else. Even murderers love their familys, terrorists, Hitler loved dogs. No matter what, love is still in all of us in some form. No matter how terrible or rude someone can seem, love is always reserved someplace in us. I think that love is the only thing that will only truly exist. Going back to the 'do you think anything is original?' question, I think love is original. There's no controlling it, you just feel it. It just pops out of knowhere. This relates to the 'other life out there' question, but sometimes randomly, it doesn't matter where I am, but I just look around me at the leaves and the cars and the people, and think how crazy it is that this amazing sphere full of music and plants that grow from the ground and sharks and emotions and conflicts and airplanes and Mika, how crazy it is that we're in the middle of a dark universe. Isn't it so CRAZY?! Just picture the black endless universe, and then us in the middle, like a tiny little grain of... well, probably even smaller than sand. And on this grain of microscopic earth, humans with hearts dance and go to concerts and sing and love and be sad and mad and depressed and eventually we die. Its like, we're in this simple little universe with just blackness and beauty, but then there's earth, and its so incredibly complicated. Just think about our bodies and how we stay alive as long as our heart is beating. We run on our own battery, and we just naturally are this way. And we came from someone else, which is even crazier... Its endless beautiful stars of gases (well, that's the scientific side anyway), and then BAM! We're just in the middle of it all, living our lives. But sometimes we just don't think about these kinds of things, we just keep on doing whats on our list for the day. I feel like wondering and speculating is such an important thing. In a way, I feel like it can connect you with the universe. Not literally connect, but just make you aware of everything and appreciate everything. I feel like it can help you to stay a kid too, to always remain curious instead of being preocupied about knowing.
  22. Completely, utterly, incandescently thankful in every aspect of my life. I love everything and whoever created it all. Thank you, wonderful, mysterious being.
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