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Everything posted by ziema

  1. I thought I would never have the guts to go to a festival. People seems to be very scary at festivals But maybe Mika is worth it? I think some of my friends are going there, so mayve I can join them
  2. I like this picture and this coloor: #2B9F94 You are so nice
  3. Could you make me one too, if you have the time? I'm would be very grateful
  4. I'm quite sure he says "at the fan club" in that video. So he must mean this forum?
  5. What a good picture! I love his hat Doesn't he look a little bit Johnny Depp-ish? Thanks
  6. Over My Shoulder is in the end of Happy Ending. It starts about 5:30
  7. I had to try three times before it worked My camera was slow
  8. It looks like someone has cut Mika on his neck
  9. Thanks everyone who has added me! I've got a lot of more friend's than 4 now
  10. I know the colors are horrible I just tried around a bit, I have no idea how to make nice myspace pages, though I am studying webbdesign at school Someday I'll try and make a Mika-ish myspace
  11. I have 4 friends on myspace Feel free to add me
  12. I want a message from Mika too! You're so lucky Mika is charming, I don't think any other famous person would answer that sweetly (is that a word?) I wonder what to write to make him answer, something very interesting...
  13. There is an article on the Swedish Elle site. Probably not the same as you are talking about, but it's Mika Maybe I should try and translate it someday, but I'm not sure my English is good enough
  14. Välkommen landsfrände
  15. I'd like to have better skin, be a little bit thinner (but still have my curves left) and no scars. I would also like to be able to sing (I feel sorry for my neighbours when I play Mika and sing along ) and have perfect hair. Preferebly hair that would be in a perfect 40's hair-do every morning, without me doing anything
  16. I bought a tamagotchi today. I hae no idea what Mika is doing to me... My friends are going to tease me a lot on Monday in school But the tamagotchi is cute, and guess its name? Mika of course!
  17. I'd love to see Mika with glasses, he could be one of those who look really good with glasses. What do you think?
  18. Braces are hot, I can understand why this thread was made I love that Mika is wears braces, it makes him even cuter, if that's possible I wish I could wear braces, I've got two pairs, but I'm too curvy, so it looks weird :S
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