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Everything posted by ziema

  1. I had a dream where Mika and I were walking arm in arm at my old schoolyard. We were talking but suddenly he got mad at me. I got kinda scared and said I would do anything to make him be freinds with me again. So he said I should take a ball from one of the children who were playing in the schoolyard. But when I did, all the children went inside. Mika and I were friends again, and he starts writing a song on the wall of the school! When he finished, my friend (who suddenly was there) said that he used the wrong word for something in the song. So I got mad at her It was a really good song btw
  2. Wouldn't it be quite cool to dress up as Grace Kelly? I volunteer for that, I love the 50's
  3. My friends say I'm stupid who bought a toy for 199 SEK I say I love it. But they think it's kinda cute, and they play with Mika in school So I guess they would be quite happy to get a tama for birthday present...
  4. The matchmaker should come back after six more days or something... I'm happy I accepted, none of my friends has a tamagotchi. I think I will force them to get one, or buy a tama for birthday present
  5. My tama Mika was only 6 days when that old matchmaker lady came. Some of you others tamagotchis are much older than mine, and they haven't got any baby? Does that mean I've been a good tamaparent(tamamamma )?
  6. Manga and anime is really cool, though I don't read or watch it very often. I love Sailor Moon When I draw, I draw quite manga inspired.
  7. I like that Mika likes BWO. I love BWO Sunshine in the Rain is my favourite song by BWO. The first time I saw a picture of Mika, I thought he looked like a cross between Martin Rolinski(the singer in BWO) and Hugh Dancy (British actor)
  8. ziema


    Hello and welcome!
  9. I will miss my Mika, good I can visit him
  10. Good that I have no school next week, so I have plenty of time for the baby But when she grows up, will Mika just disappear? Lollipop15, I really hop you get a tamgotchi, they are so cute
  11. Yay! My tama got a baby today It's a girl, and I have no idea what to name her when she grows up I can't name her Mika too How long does it take til the little one grows up? And will it be the same species as her father Mika?
  12. If he doesn't do any more concerts than those on his list, I guess he will start wroking on his next album this autumn or something. Then he won't be touring until next spring. It's a long time until then.... >_<
  13. I will probably lie in my bed tomorrow evening and cry and listening to Over My Shoulder. Mika is playing in Copenhagen and I'm depressed because I can't go there.
  14. Cute!!! I wish I could draw Mika that good
  15. Welcome to the Mika Fan Club!
  16. I've tried to make my freinds like him. Only one of them likes him a little. My sister is already tired of him, but my mum thinks he is good(as long as I don't play him too often ) I have to try harder
  17. ziema

    Hey yall

    Welcome to the Mika Fan Club
  18. ziema


    Welcome, don't worry about your English, noone cares as long as they understand
  19. Willkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome
  20. A toast to Mika's wonderful curly hair
  21. I love that picture! But the sunglasses are horrible >_<
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