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Everything posted by Ms.Mewissa<33

  1. awww...i just adore his music!! and his point of view????
  2. im trying to hide my OMG!OMG!OMG-ing but wheneverr i hear him or something......eee.....OMG!OMG!OMG! ::jumps!!:: dad mocks me!! grrr lol
  3. yippiee! congrats Mika! where do you get this world chart thing??
  4. i would love a pic of the scrapbook once your finish
  5. ^ ^ truuee norway, sweden and denmark are like bros and sis [wat am i talking about? O.o] i wish i could speak french.........its a romantic language!! xD
  6. can i do anything here that could like help the site or something which doesnt include money xD ?? if i can...i would love to help
  7. LOL thats so cute!! James Bond James Bond xD
  8. good idea!! ^^ we can have a Sleep Over party too ....with Mika as a theme! B)
  9. i used to collect stationaries when i was young xD and everytime there are moving amusement parks near my town, i always....ALWAYS leave with Teddiiieees <333 i love my 'i love you' bear.....it reminds me of Mika ....sigh....::lost:: xD
  10. his hair xD i just realized i luv guys with curly hair O.o but mostly everything
  11. your not alone......im late too......eee....can we swear here?? LoL
  12. REALLY!??? jeg må begyne igjen oxo
  13. i dont like the radio station here :S but great i guess
  14. thankiess =D yaa...i think he is doing that Kachiiiiiiiiiing move B)
  15. really?? my dad knows this ex-manager of them xD Mom loooooves Morten
  16. i havent told my friends about him hahaha although they SHOULD know him >:\
  17. thnx guys! =D i can actually English, Filipino, a bit of Spanish and of course.....norwegian =D luv the club! its addicting REALLY =D
  18. I have seen the Back to the Future a year ago and yaaa he was cute =P but Mika is the greatest obsession!!!
  19. cool! i mean...not really LOL i dont even want to do those rollover things awww....i hate wars.....it just terrible...poor people =(
  20. well of course he had LoL but thats kindda different?? [dont mind my weird-ness O.o] i do dream about him....just for mins...i dont really remember everything xD
  21. waaaah....i just burst a tear =((( ::::::greeeen::::::
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