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Everything posted by Haeschen02

  1. I'm in. Can't wait to get my partner
  2. Hey girls! How are you all doing? I had a terrible weekend (food-wise). It all started quite good on Friday. My mom made a salad for dinner and afterwards I went to a friend's to watch Dvds. I knew before that we would order some pizza and I thought I was strong enough not to order anything. Of course I was not . I had pizza bread which was horrible. All greasy and tasteless. I think they even fried it . I ate it anyway. After that I gave a damned about the rest of the evening and had some wine and coke. At least we didn't open the crisps. I was so angry with myself when I got back home. I really shouldn't have ordered this stupid pizza thing. The Saturday started ok. My mother made some vegetable pancakes in the evening. We had spinach with it so it was actually quite healthy. But it were nevertheless pancakes. I was well within my points limit but I also felt bad after eating them . I tried to work out on my sister's stairwalker (yes, I've finally found out that this machine is not called a "stepper") but that thing was just stupid. Mine is much better. So I ended the day with a few sit-ups to make me feel better. At least I drank enough. Today we had lunch at a Greek restaurant. I only had quite fatless meat and tried to avoid everything bad like chips. I guess that was ok. I gave myself 14 points for the whole meal. My Weight Watchers restaurant guide says its worth 12 but I also tried my mother's dish . When I went home with my bf to our flat we stopped at Burger King and I had some ice cream. I've yearned for it for days. So another thing to add to my bad conscience . I mean I'm again within my points limit but I just feel uncomfortable about the weekend. And I'm afraid that I might have gained everything that I had already lost . On Wednesday is my next scale day and I think I have to be more disciplined than ever until then. It would really be annoying if the last two weeks would have been good for nothing . I hope you are doing better than me. I wish you all a good night and hope to see you around during the next days.
  3. I know. I met your virus. t told me funny things about your potential love/private life . I felt a bit disturbed though How are you all tonight?
  4. Yes he is. And he can handle a sewing-maschine. In contrast to me...
  5. I think I know where this one's from. At least I know who it wrote and what it was about How come I've never seen this thread? It sounds like fun though.
  6. I think its time to repost it: I have a spare ticket for the 26th (London)!!!!! If anyone's interested please pm me.
  7. Arndt kind of "volunteered" to make wizard hats for us. And wands. Anyone interested?
  8. Hey! Any news about the wizard hats? I wonder if we can't make them on our own. Out of paper like those little party hats. I mean we belong to the most creative forum on the whole web . I actually saw a cute paper hat when we cleared out my grandparents house a few weeks ago. It looked like "our" wizard hat with a little shield (?). So cute and I'm a bit annoyed that I didn't take it with but throw it away. But it was almost 100 years old . So what do you think?
  9. Good morning ladies! So the scales were waiting for me this morning. I lost another kilo (2 pounds) over the last week. Not as much as last week but better than nothing. That makes 3 kilos in two weeks. I think that is ok. How are you all doing today?
  10. I join whatever you do. As long as it doesn't include or . I'm off to bed now. Have a lovely night everyone and sweet dreams.
  11. Ok, lets **** the others and wear those hats . When we touch them they won't move and we'll have the front row all for ourselves . Good plan! If we find some affordable hats I will wear one. My grandma always says I have a hat-face. So why not show it then . It sounds good and so we can also invent a new outfit for the new year
  12. Oh I'd love to have one of those . But they are quite expensive. And I think people will not be happy who have to stand behind us. I know, I care too much about others
  13. I hadn't had any cake since.... erm.... Sunday . So it kind of works .
  14. I did the ticketfast option. It worked fine for me. You get the tickets a few minutes after your order and can print them out for the gig. No problems with shipping or anything.
  15. Hey! Good job. Congratulations. I have to face the scales on Wednesday again. Wonder what my cake weekend costs me .
  16. Hm, if I got it right you have about the weight that I want to have in the end . I feel like getting a cold. I guess I have to cancel all upcoming classes and rest my voice during the next days . No, I hope it won't be that bad. But isn't it strange? I ate so much unhealthy stuff during the last few months and hadn't had a cold for more than a year. And now that I start to eat healthy my immune system is down .
  17. Wow! You've been really suffering a lot lately?! Take care and get better soon.
  18. I will be at all three gigs as well. Looking forward to meeting you all
  19. No, I don't have a dog but a boyfriend . But he's on a diet as well so its not such a good idea to feed him the cake. I don't have the heart to throw it all away . I thought about that as well. Guess I might do it. Have to do it fast though or otherwise I will end up bathing myself in cake
  20. Aaaaah!!!!! The friends of my bf won't come over today. So no pizza temptation for me. BUT!!! And that is even worse. I brought a huge plate full of cake from my grandma's yesterday for bf's friends today. And now they won't come. And I have plenty of cake only waiting for me . What can I do? I love cake and I fear that when I start eating one piece I will eat the whole plate sooner or later. I already had some yesterday and I have to be really careful today. I guess I have to hide it somewhere. Or hide myself somewhere. I think I should leave the country until the cake crisis is over . It's so annoying!
  21. Urgh! Something I even like less than chocolate is nutella. Baaaah! I would die for a bag of crisps now though That's right. The weekends are really bad. I went to my grandma's birthday today and I did quite well. I only had one piece of cake and only tried tiny bits of others. Now I still have a little salad with tuna and a few vegetables waiting for me. I only exceeded my points limit with 6. Still a lot but it could have been worse. And I saved quite a few points during the last days. Tomorrow will be another temptation as some friends of my bf's will come over and they will very likely order some pizza . So I think I'll go for another salad . Maybe with chicken . Kittie, I hope your ankle will be fine soon. And having some chocolate in these circumstances is really not bad at all. Treat yourself and you will be better in a few days notice .
  22. Christine, why is the wizard pic on the myspace page gone? It doesn't show anymore in my comments. I want it back
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