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Everything posted by Haeschen02

  1. It isn't about being rewarded. If there's something waiting for you at the end its even better but the queuing is only about the experience of queuing itself. Its a kind of meditation. While everyone around you gets annoyed and pushes, you just stand there and feel completely happy with yourself and the queue. The longer the queue is the more complete you feel when you reach its end. The ultimate experience is the concert queue which is usually divided into two parts: The first part consist of queuing for hours (preferably in the cold) and ends with gaining access to a huge room where the concert will take place. The gap between the first and the second queuing part is bridged by music and almost orgasmic dance moves, which the queuing only made possible. After the concert is over you start to queue again and pretend you want to get a glimpse of some random guy who might come out the back door. This can take again hours and feels just wonderful. After the queuing is over you feel more relaxed than ever and have an apple to end the day. Personally I think that everyone should have such a queuing experience once in a while as it makes you become aware of who you really are and what your place in the world is.
  2. Here comes my picture. I guess I must be about a year old in this one.
  3. That is such a cute idea. I want to join too. Just have to scan a picture.
  4. Yes,like rabbits . Very random: I like Kibbeling (is that how it is written?) As for the cheese, I only say one name: Frau Antje
  5. Guess what I'm having right now . No not really. How about the Dutch having strange teeth?
  6. Hey ladies! How are you all doing tonight? Resisting the temptation to have a midnight snack? I would kill for a pizza right now
  7. Oh yes the Bratwurst and the Currywurst. I love them both
  8. I'm so sorry. I just started to get to know you and now you're leaving. I hope you will be back one day. Get better soon and feel hugged.
  9. We Germans are very well organised. And Germany as a whole consists only of Bavaria. We have no holidays apart from the Oktoberfest and we wear Knickerbockers and Dirndls all day and only eat Sauerkraut with Weißwurst. Which brings me again to the point that Germany only consists of Bavaria .
  10. He greets back Yes, I did it on purpose but I'm a bit surprised that it had the same effect as in German . Anyway, I have to look for a new job. And I'll lose my office, which is even worse . If I ever meet this bitch of a girl who steals my job I'll tell her off. Maybe not really but I can still pretend . I could train her wrongly so that she won't be able to do her job properly. Haha!!! *off to plot evil plan*
  11. I love the beach and I love the sea.... .... Especially the latter from a safe distance
  12. :roftl: No, my boss at the university. I'm his assistant but my contract will end with the end of February. And I asked him yesterday if he will renew it once again and he said he wasn't sure because he has another applicant. And the applicant is very likely to be female. So he kind of cheats on me . Arndt (bf) is an angel and definitely not my boss
  13. Wedding planner thread??? What a funny world this is I'm happy that you remembered the Appleman; the reason why we are here. I belong to the tiny group who actually met him and he was just so Have you realized that everyone is afraid of fish these days. And I always thought I was special (at least people made me feel special when they were laughing about my phobia). And my boss has another. He is cheating on me which will very likely result in me loosing my job . At least we have apples again
  14. That's great! Good job and good luck with reaching your mini goal in time
  15. Good morning Fat Fighters! How are you all doing? I've been quite a good girl during the last days. Always stuck to my points and did my exercises. I started this days with a slice of bread, a yogurt and a cup of tea. I'm really lucky that I'm feeling better now and not so dizzy anymore. My only problem is my grandma's birthday tomorrow. I don't know if I have the strengths to resist all those lovely cakes? Does anyone of you know Schwarzwälder Kirschtore? I love it! And I fear I will have it tomorrow . I'm off to work now which includes a lot of shelf-cleaning in our university library. So some more exercises for me . And dirt . BTW, what's with all these baby pictures? They are so cute
  16. But we usually talk about healthy stuff like fruits and not about delicious things like meat and pancakes . But I'm quite happy now. I have my rice-spinach mash. Aaaaaand I added some ham . Costs me only two more points. We will buy some apples tonight. I guess that's the best time to find a wizard in them . Although he might be out doing shows at night . I can already picture you shaking an apple like a surprise egg near your ear. That's actually the more healthy alternative to chocolate
  17. Oooooooooh! Stop talking about food! I'm hungry . Argh! I could never be vegan. Not even vegetarian. I just love meat! I love pork, beef, chicken ( ) and especially lamb. Little baby sheep. Sorry, its my desperate dieting self speaking . I'm preparing something to eat right now: wholemeal-rice and spinach. I'm just too healthy lately. The worst thing is (apart from not having any meat with my dinner) that we don't have apples. So i can't even look if there's a little wizard hidden in one of them . @ Scut: You're a bitch!
  18. I think that is a great success Bab! I've also lost 2 kg during the last week and now I finally start to feel great . I think I got used to my nutrition by now and I'm exercising regularly. If we keep it up like that we're doing a fantastic job . I'm off to work now. I wish everyone a nice and more or less disciplined day.
  19. Finished this year ? I actually had to finish Huxley's Island for last Monday . I'll definitely finish it during the weekend. Its boring I stopped reading for fun about 3 years ago : Now I HAVE to read. I still hope to read some of the Sherlock Holmes novels again soon. My first love .
  20. I don't like chocolate! So what other choices do I have apart from chicken ?!
  21. SSSSSLLLLLAAAAAAAPPPPPPP!!!!! Chicken sounds a good calorie burner though
  22. At my grandma's? Oh, I love her cakes! It will be really hard Saturday. I mean I allowed myself to eat one piece but I usually have at least 3 . Have to practice will power until then
  23. I really have this theory that they had some fun with photo-shop . I mean we can't be that wrong, can we?
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