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Everything posted by Haeschen02

  1. I'm still looking for a way to bring my apple badge in February. I only travel with hand luggage. Big hand luggage but still... And they tend to be so fussy about sharp things not matter if it is a small needle or a big knife. As if I would harm anyone with the apple badge . Anyway, I thought about scanning it and doing something with magnets. Don't know if they are allowed as they might irritate the cockpit instruments .
  2. Oh don't give up hope. You can still change. You just have to want to. I always need this special moment that tells me that I really have to do something like for example seeing a picture of me where I look heavily pregnant . That happened about 5 years ago and led to my last 10 kg loss (of course I have gained everything and more again). This time it wasn't an awful picture but me feeling very uncomfortable and the appearance of this thread. You guys really motivate me and I'm feeling so much better now . Thanks a lot.
  3. Oh I guess its too late to send some greetings to Blue and Kata . I wish I also had the chance to meet some Mfcers spontaneously. I'm watching handball right now. Totally random but even watching it really hurts. I mean physically and not mentally. After the Danes accidentally won the semi-finale yesterday the Germans aren't able to play anymore today and it is quite apparent that the French will get the bronze medal. What is even worse is the fact that the majority of the German team comes from my hometown and they are all injured by now. I wonder how they will ever be able to play in the national league again . I wonder why I even think about that as handball usually doesn't bother me at all. Maybe its still because of my theine shock from this morning .
  4. As far as I know my luck I have already missed the deadline . I'll try anyway. Thank you.
  5. If you have another friend who is desperate to see Mika let me know. I still have my spare ticket . My ticket is still from the original gig so I think it might be ok if I ask them to take it back.
  6. My fridge magnet arrived today. Its amazing. Thank you so much Shari. It looks gorgeous and the size it just perfect .
  7. Good morning friendly fellow fat fighters! Today is scales day. I lost another kilo (2 pounds) over the last week although I had this terrible weekend. I'm on 75 kg now and have reached my first mini-goal today . I hope I will stay as disciplined as before. When I could go on losing a kg per week I would be really happy . I hope you are all doing well too?
  8. It has surfaced before. That is the reason why I only have Mikey as a friend from the band . I have the picture on my bedside table . As for your other discussion: I didn't read the whole RIP thread. Just wrote my message. I was really shocked because I always saw Heath like Jack: as a stable, talented young actor. A comparison to Mika never crossed my mind before I read it here. Its sad that people have to relate it to Mika. I mean there are certain things he has just nothing to do with and deaths like these should be treated respectfully and not disappear in the overall fan hysteria.
  9. OMG! Just heard about the news. How awful. I really liked him and thought he was one of the more "stable" actors. I really feel for his daughter and family. He will be missed
  10. I'm off too. I have a little headache today and I definitely need more sleep .
  11. As long as you also leave presents on my doorstep when I'm ill you are welcome anytime
  12. I went there in July the day after Somerset House and I really liked it and now I'm planning a year abroad. I hope it will all work out and the university will accept me. It would be so cool. But I really have to start arranging everything otherwise I'll be too late again
  13. Blue already told me. Have a lot of fun I might spend a few months in Brighton from this autumn on when everything works out fine
  14. I have already heard that some strange things happened here during the last days. I don't know if I got that right. Hm, I guess even if things happen under my nose I would not recognise them . I'm so naive and slow.
  15. Ok thank you. I think I left when Kata left to calm down. Who is Deek? So nothing really important during the last few pages? I think then I will just not read them I guess I won't understand it either. So to spare me the confusion I might just go to bed. Oh, that doesn't happen often, does it ?
  16. Same here. There seem to be so many how try to sell tickets for the 26th. I even think about returning it to ticketweb (at least I want to ask them) . So why doesn't anyone want my ticket ?
  17. It looks as if I've missed quite a few pages. Did anything interesting happen? Something really important? Could someone summarise the essentials for me? I'm too lazy to read everything
  18. Alles Alles gute zum Geburtstag!!!! Feier schön mit hoffentlich vielen Freunden und vielen Geschenken
  19. Hallo! Ich weiß ja, dass ich hier schon ewig nicht mehr war. Wollte nur mal eben vorbei schauen und fragen wie es euch so geht. Alles klar soweit? Es ist ja nur noch ein bißchen mehr als einen Monat bis zu den Konzerten in London. Ich freue mich schon tierisch
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