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Everything posted by Haeschen02

  1. Exactly my thought. I once gave him something. I gave him some cough sweets after the Düsseldorf gig (they were actually samples my mom got at the pharmacy the day before ). He told me later that he wasn't able to eat them because they made him cough . So that is my Mika-present-career .
  2. I'm having another of those bad weekends . It was my boyfriend's birthday on Friday and I got quite drunk. I overstepped my points limit with 19 over the last two days. That is as much as I'm allowed to eat per day. I have to start being more disciplined again today. That's why I started this day with a piece of pineapple cream cake . Great! I guess I'll only have dry rice and fruits today. And I have to exercise again. I hope the rest of the week will be better.
  3. Oh, so Mika is worker as a waiter again ? I can tell you exactly when it will happen. On the 25th as I won't be there before afternoon. The other days will only consist of normal queuing and freezing. I don't want to be pulled up on stage anyway. I way too heavy Oh I'd love to see you as a Lollipop Girl Bab. I think pink would suit you . But you also have to wear one of those wigs.
  4. Wow! I can only say what everyone else had said before: Great news! Thanks a lot to all those people who worked so hard to make it happen! Juhuu!
  5. Ok then I might buy some carrots if you start an apple campaign afterwards . You just have to remind me of the date. May is so far away and I can't even remember what I want to do in a few minutes
  6. Ah I see. Still want to buy apples though
  7. Good morning ladies! How are you all doing? It's been pretty quiet in here lately. Everything's alright so far?
  8. Maybe the wireless mics just can't get a signal because of all the hair? Ever thought of that?
  9. Its all the same . Exchange the name for any other random name and you can use it for various occasions
  10. Oh come on! Leave the poor boy alone. Mika is by far the most creative artist I've ever seen and he has such a great stage presence. How could you say something like that?! He is just so wonderful and perfect. He does not need a wireless microphone. He actually wouldn't need a microphone at all as his voice is so loud and clear and perfect (have I already mentioned that he is just perfect). You are all just jealous. Very mean people indeed. Come on and get yourselves some kind of life! And leave poor Mika alone! Because he just does what he does. And no one will ever change him. Especially not you!
  11. Who is this old man ? I'm bored as well. I could actually read but I won't. Laziness is much more rewarding
  12. I once had some. I guess I threw them away last year . I didn't expect to ever need them again
  13. That must be me. About the best characterisation of me I have seen lately . So this is our new living room? As long as it stays The Return of the Jedi and doesn't turn into the Phantom Menace I fine with it .
  14. :lmao: I like the nominations for best villain. Johnny Borrell next to George W. Bush
  15. WOW!!!! :shocked: Great reports. Being a Lollipop Girl sounds so exciting. It must have been a priceless experience. I guess I would have died if I had been in your shoes . Great job!
  16. Wow! Congratulations . I'm really happy for you My legs are hurting. I did a bit of power walking last night with my sister around my hometown's old city wall. It was really nice apart from the rat who luckily fled back into the river when it saw us and the strange man who was pushing a dodgy wheelbarrow in the dark . These are the very reasons why I would not take this walk on my own at night .
  17. Dann mal hopp und auf in die Heia! Ok, I will click them wherever I see them Good night everyone
  18. I'm confused. You have so many clickable things in your signature
  19. That is worse than Take That. I like her song though
  20. But I want Jason! As I'm living so healthily at the moment I need an Orange. I know, bad pun but it was so tempting
  21. I thought you were going to bed young lady ? Ok, just to make you happy, I will click your funny signature. Can I also vote for Take That? *runs away as fast as she can*
  22. Oh that sounds bad. I hope you'll feel better soon. When you drive to unknown places just take your time. Don't hurry too much. If you are a bit late then you are late. Better than having an accident. I keep my fingers crossed for you that you get better until then
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