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Everything posted by crina

  1. welcome aboard, omar. have fun here.
  2. crina

    from Russia

    welcome and have fun. enjoy the forums.
  3. it's a great report. the longest ever, but very good writted. i'm so excited about the grand finale. i was sure that something good will happened in the end.
  4. the last queen radio interwiew with all the members. have 6 parts and was taken in 1989.
  5. at this link is the makings of queen and from minute 5 starts about casting for the miracle kids and is a short moment with the kid who played him.
  6. that's a nice one. mika is so sweet singing.
  7. i'm glad that girls you meet him. i still hope for romania.
  8. the final countdown begins. the drums please.....
  9. cynthia even if you planned it , wasn't turned out so well. it's so great what you just lived. i guess you're in the nineth cloud . i can hardly wait for you to come with more episodes. we are like in desperate mika's wifes. thanks girls.
  10. that's amaizing. thank you for your work. finger cross.
  11. i belive his dad is a busy man according to his job, so isn't too much to tell about him.
  12. welcome. you are quite an amaizing person. enjoy the forum.
  13. welcome elise. enjoy mika's childish world.
  14. hi kate. welcome and enjoy the forum.
  15. hi and welcome here. enjoy the forum.
  16. crina

    New member!

    welcome and enjoy this crazy world.
  17. crina

    3 Months

    welcome aboard. so do us.
  18. sign me up. i'm in too.we are the best.
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