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Everything posted by Marianne84

  1. I really hope he'll do a signing and I can go! I'll be in London on July 16th - 18th.
  2. http://www.ticketmaster.co.uk/venue/255100?CAMEFROM=CFC_UK_MU0469_WEBLINK "General Rules: No cameras, video cameras or audio recording devices. No re-admission. Body and bag searches may be made at entrance to the venue. Any items which may reasonably be considered not suitable/appropriate for use at the event will be confiscated. Some rules and details vary event to event – please see below for more information" WHAAAT?!? No cameras? I think I may faint now...
  3. I love your cards! I'm not sure if I dare to show you mine... I scanned it a moment ago and will send it to Avoca tomorrow. But... what if Mika lurks about here? I wouldn't want him to see my card this soon.
  4. Thank you so much for this! My mouth hurts... It's a shame that my phone is too oooold though. I can't use this as a ringtone.
  5. I'm of the opinion that this fruit thing may be the barrier.
  6. Jeps, seittemän veljestä on hyvä lanka. Tuolla sivulla on neuleohjeita!!!! Mitähän mieltä Mika olis näistä? Nääh! Ehkä mä tyydyn näihin toisiin.
  7. Juu, raidallinen olis kiva. Mika näkyy tykkäävän raidoista. Sitten pitää vielä päättää tarkalleen mitkä langat otetaan ja mitkä sävyt... Ja sitten vaan luovuus käyttöön!
  8. I'm lazy too! I've read maybe twenty pages... I don't think anyone can sum this thread up. There's just too much information on here! Hmmm... Too much information...
  9. Me too! Oh God... I can imagine the situation soooo well! I so wanna hug him too!
  10. Hmm... Onneksi mun isällä on isot jalat. Voin ottaa mallia sen sukista.
  11. I don't think it's so weird... I mean, I've tried fatten myself up for years, but it just doesn't work. I can eat anything and I still don't gain weight. I would like to be a bit heavyer. Still, I'm not too skinny, and neither is Mika.
  12. Haha! Great! This news made my day! Thanks for posting.
  13. Yum! Geisha is gooood... But I won't be a geisha. I will be a Marianne candy! Who would have guessed?
  14. Someone asked here what kind of costumes we are planning to wear... Well, do you know any Finnish candy brands? I hope you all know FAZER! I've got a daft idea.
  15. Mä teen sitten vissiin ne sukat? Jos joku muukin meinasi tehdä ne, niin Mika saa sitten kaksi paria. Sukille on aina käyttöä! Mikalla taitaa olla aiiiika isot käpälät. Muistitkos Satu tiirata sen jalkoja? Mulle sopii toi väriyhdistelmä. Siitä tulee jotenkin suklainen mielikuva... Ja mansikkainen.
  16. Wohoo! I saw him perform a part of Grace Kelly and Lollipop. What else did he sing?
  17. Babspanky uploaded it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WN650hmG3dQ
  18. Thank you Babspanky! I watched it and must watch again right now!
  19. Why that Chris Moyles hates Mika? Has he got any good reason? I doubt it...
  20. I don't know if it works for Kata, but to me it says "this content is not available for users outside the UK."
  21. Don't tell more! Sounds horrible! Yeah, I watch Emmerdale too. We are like two years behind in Finland. Diane and Jack are planning their wedding. I think it'll take place next week.
  22. Thanks to you, next time I'll see Mika in my dream he'll be making me pizza without a top...
  23. Me and Mika don't need diet coke! I'm even slimmer than him! Best part was, that he made that pizza for us! He used rye breads for it. He kinda piled them breads. And put loads of tomato slices on top of the whole pile. It was very healthy. Therefore we were allowed to drink tea instead of diet coke!
  24. I had that kind of a dream last night too! I can swear! Ok, he wasn't topless... But he was performing at my house! He threw me a bunch of fake flowers while singing! And after that he wanted to stay the night and I ate pizza and drank tea with him! He was sooo nice to me... He didn't tell which bed he wanted to sleep in though! That remains a mistery! I've had Mika dreams before, but this was the best! It felt so real...
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