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Everything posted by Marianne84

  1. In Mikaville there is Chocolate Flow Avenue. Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory is on the plot number 23, which is on the very end of the avenue. I'm working there with Oompa Loompas, and I live next door in a house made of candy on the plot number 22. Everyone is free to move that avenue, but you must keep in mind that you may have to leave your homes from time to time. I explain: There may be some chocolate leaks in the Chocolate Factory sometimes, if Oompa Loompas are not concentrating on their work. They have their regular singing breaks in order to maintain their health, and they sing their own songs and also Mika's Love Today a lot. Therefore there may happen leaks that grow into flows. That's why you can't sleep tight on that street.
  2. I changed the name of the avenue. It's now Chocolate Flow Avenue! Hmm... I guess it's not very long avenue after all, if plot # 23 is the last... Well, the plots must be big!
  3. I want to live on Chocolate Flow Avenue 22. It's a very long avenue, and Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory is on the plot number 23, which is on the very end of the avenue. I'm working there with Uumpa Loompas.
  4. Can I move in? I want to live in a house made of candy!
  5. Mä suunnittelen jo tokaa Lontoon-matkaa vaikka eka on vielä tekemättä! Ajattelin että voisin mennä joulukuussa Apollo Hammersmithiin Mikan kiertueen vikalle keikalle! Nyt pitäis kuitenkin keskittyä lähinnä siihen Somerser House -keikkaan ja valmistaa itelleni puku. Suunnittelen että samalla reissulla voisin käydä Madame Tussaudin vahakabinetissa, kun sinne oon aina halunnu. Ja sitten tietty British Museumissa muumioita tuijottelemassa. Sinne on ilmainen sisäänpääsy!
  6. Lovely pictures on here... and I want jeans like those! Hmm... I could make my own Picasa album too. After all it's free. I've got lots of drawings to show. Non-Mika pics too.
  7. Marianne84: Has she run away from the Chocolate Factory? She's going to make herself a candy outfit and come to see me dressed up in it on July... Makes ridicilous pictures of me. Apparently she has made a comic strip of my toenails! Good God... What will she think up next? A joke about my grey underpants? And why, oh why I've got an individual hair sticking out of my curls in almost every drawings of hers? And I almost forgot... This girl desperately wants me to visit her country Finland. Apparently I don't need to though, cuz she would probably swim her way to me. Wouldn't it be kind of dangerous for her? Cuz she would melt if she's been made of sugar.
  8. Wow! I will buy a flashing heart if I'll manage to find one!
  9. I'm a member of a Finnish Barbie forum. We also have English section on there if you want to join in... We've got a huge picture gallery and the texts beneath the pictures are mostly been written in English. So, my nick is Aurora on there and here's a link to my pictures: http://www.barbiescale.com/mkportal/modules/coppermine/index.php?cat=10015 Aurora is a name of my favorite doll from my childhood. All my dolls are from Mattel, and some are ordinary and others very rare.
  10. Your dolls look great! I could make Mika doll too! I've had a dream in which I've got a Mika doll. So I already know what it should look like. And I have painted a doll's face once! I only need to find Ken that has got long brown hair. Do you guys want to see my doll collection? I've got Elvis, James Dean, Marilyns, ancient princesses etc. Actually I want to make two Mika dolls! One for me and similar one to be given to Mika.
  11. Jospa se on supermies ja lentää ilman konetta! Mikalla on kyllä ihan liian tiukka aikataulu. Jos pari tuntia vaan ehtii yössä nukkua, niin se on ihan järjettömän vähän! Mä kuolisin sellaseen.
  12. They have no taste! I love, love Love Today. It's one of my favorites. I think I even may listen to it the most! Especially live versions!
  13. Thanks for posting! Mika, magical you are!
  14. I almost fainted. Thanks for posting!
  15. Have you ever wondered what may happen when Mika disappears in his dressing room after Grace Kelly? Well...
  16. Ooops! Hotel changed. Now it's gonna be Royal National Hotel. It's not far either.
  17. I'm a bit disappointed. I thought I could buy the Big Girl single in London and maybe get Mika to sign it... But I can't be around on the 23th. And there's no chance I could buy the single here in Finland! Finland is sooo much behind! I wonder if they're even gonna release it here... I haven't found Mika's other singles anywhere. Had to buy Love Today from abroad.
  18. Are you going to sew your costume from the start? I've got basically all the material now, that I need for my costume: white clothes made of cotton and some red and black fabric paint.
  19. Hotel and flights booked! I'll be in The Bonnington Hotel in Bloomsbury, if anyone is interested. It's very near to Somerset House. Less than two kilometres I think.
  20. I told about my costume a few pages back. I'll be Marianne by Fazer. White and red stripes...
  21. I may scare Mika too. Since I'm going as a candy! But I promise I'll handle him sweetly.
  22. I did something stupid... A new drawing. Unfortunately you'll have to wait for tomorrow. (Or maybe I should say fortunately... ) I only say that Mika is a great muse!
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