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Everything posted by Marianne84

  1. Mites paljon se maksoi ja millainen artikkeli siinä on? Multa on tainnut jäädä huomaamatta jos se on skannattu... Täällä on niin paljon asiaa! Mä voisin kyllä maksaa kymmenenkin euroa lehdestä jossa on muutama aukeama Mikaa.
  2. Findingmywords, that was a really good report! Sounds absolutely amazing, and now I can start panicing 'cause I'm going to see Mika in London next month! Can you tell what the set list was like? Almost the whole concert is on YouTube and I'd like to watch the videos in right order.
  3. Thank you for the pics and vid... I think I just died and went to Heaven! But why is it so hot in here?!
  4. Skint is a British slang term and means broke.
  5. What a conversation! You're sooooo lucky! And I'm so jealous! I wish I will get to meet Mika next month!
  6. Wow, he's so smart! I really could listen to him talking for hours! Thanks for posting.
  7. Saas nähdä mitä mun neulomisista tulee, kun langat on vielä ostamatta ja Somerset House -puku vielä vaiheessa. Lisäks mä ajattelin tehdä Mikalle jonkinlaisen Suomi-postikortin että se vakuuttuis että tänne kannattaa tulla seuraavalla kiertueella! Kesätyöt vie ikävästi aikaa kaikilta kivoilta projekteilta. Oli niin rankka viikko taas että oon ihan rättiväsyny. En kuitenkaan liian väsyny notkuakseni tällä foorumilla ilmeisesti!
  8. Of course you can work in Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory! We have amazing time there singing with Oompa Loompas!
  9. Oooh! Mika's face was priceless when he heard about that laugh ringtone!
  10. Hello! It's nice to have neighbors on Chocolate Flow Avenue, but could you choose an existing plot? The avenue ends with plot number 23 and that plot is dedicated to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. Plots 7, 13 and 22 are also taken but there are loads of them left!
  11. I hope he can read my birthday card for him. I put some very little text on it! Or maybe someone else will read it to him.
  12. Thank you! Keep them coming, I love them!
  13. Yeah and he has also said that he draws pictures as he writes his songs.
  14. He said in Australia that he can't read what time it is on his watches. And yet he's got three of them around his wrists!
  15. I'm gonna change at my hotel since it's very near to Somerset House. That'll be a funny walk!
  16. It's on YouTube somewhere... Personally I don't think Mika was looking down her cleavage. I just didn't see it. But if he did... So what? That doesn't make him a pervert.
  17. He has said he's catholic. He's certainly not a pervo! Aww, this thread is too funny!
  18. I like the way days are in the habit of passing and getting me nearer to Mika!
  19. Look at his jacket! He's so lovely in everything he wears.
  20. I'm sorry about the crap quality of these scans, but it's just a sketch in two parts. Here's Chocolate Flow Avenue. Plots 7, 13, 22 and 23 are taken and there are plenty left! All plots are of a same size, so if you'll choose to have a little house, then you'll have a big garden! Residents can make suggestions of what they would like their houses to look like. And of course you can draw your own houses. This is about the street really... (BTW Nicole, your neighbor has got a statue of Willy Wonka! ) I'll be doing more specific drawings later, after I'll have this finished. My sister asked me if this is a cemetery! Oh, and there's no use to have a flat roof here... Remember the regular chocolate flows! You do NOT want your roofs to crash because of the chocolate masses!
  21. Amazing job! If everyone makes a drawing of some place in Mikaville, then we can put them all together and... and... we can see Mikaville!
  22. JEYYYY! Welcome my first neighbor! Any more residents wanting to move Chocolate Flow Avenue? I'm gonna draw it later.
  23. Sounds good, but where's Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory? Mika likes Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie (at least the older one), doesn't he? Please, tell me there can be Chocolate Flow Avenue in Mikaville. I have plans for it!
  24. Yeh, it may even take years to finish his second album! I hope not too long though.
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