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Everything posted by mellody

  1. just trying to find another way than real player, cause i don't want to install that cr*ap on my system. don't think it's the whole interview though, seen a bit before on the stream that isn't on any of those 2 videos. hasn't anyone except fanny recorded it today?
  2. haha, the cat and the goldfish! :lmao: hm... the interview on the website starts at the point where he talks about the nirvana song.
  3. wouldn't be so sure of that, i mean, he's doing so many interviews, who can keep up with that schedule?! maybe he should just turn off his phone during interviews...
  4. huh, think i missed that part... or maybe it wasn't the whole interview that is on video on the italian website, as tonight they showed a bit that wasn't in either of those videos. what did he talk about when the phone rang?
  5. tweet from jimmy: Fun show tonight. Goodnight Milan, wherever you are x tweet from robi: Amaaazing! Not many new songs though well, definitely sounds like more than 2 songs altogether.
  6. really, was that only last winter? since when is he on twitter, it already seems ages to me?!
  7. so is it a whole gig then, do you know? anyway on that live stream there's nothing about mika anymore. and as it's past midnight, i'd guess that even if it was a whole gig, it'd be over by now.
  8. well, at least we have this thread. better to make up theories here and post smileys ( @ the smiley again!), than tweeting mika every 5 minutes why he isn't tweeting anymore.
  9. well, as far as i saw, the stage is really small, so if his foot is not well, he can just sit at the piano. at that gay club however, i think they'd expect more than piano music... and that's why it was postponed. just a guess though, but he performed in italy today so i'm sure he'll be there. have fun everyone! will this be live on tv/on the web? or only shown later? because someone said it would be filmed...
  10. ok, after searching for tweets mika gets, i've just decided that i won't feel guilty anymore about tweeting him about baden-baden tickets. i was just asking nicely, and he gets like 3 million tweets a day that are much worse than mine. and probably not only since last week but ever since he's on twitter, so i guess it's not the reason anyway. my new theory (sorry, i just love thinking of theories, even if they all turn out to be rubbish and we'll probably never know the real answer anyway ) is that he realized he's a bit addicted to twitter and didn't like this fact, and therefor decided to stop tweeting for a week (then he'd tweet again tomorrow... ) or a month or until top of the... whatever. we'll see.
  11. it's his (old) stage design... so is that a whole gig then? thought it was just 1-2 songs on a tv show... edit: just switched on the live stream... but that was from the interview this afternooon? just different talk... arrgh, i don't get what's going on! well, whatever, will keep on watching the stream.
  12. i can understand you. i tried to bring it back to "normal" with my last post, but obviously didn't work. sad, this is why the knitting thread was closed in the end, explicit language instead of funny allusions. *leaves thread for a few hours and hopes hormones will have cooled down by then*
  13. no, i think you can control it even less when you're so close. those balloons go where you didn't plan it, arrive at the stage sooner than you'd think, and mika is moving so much that he might just run into it. and sometimes you just put up your hands in a reflex because you see a balloon shooting right at your face, and then heaven knows where it might go next. i always try to shoot the balloons back into the crowd, but in baden-baden it was just LOTS of balloons for that small crowd! anyway, that guy in the 2nd or 3rd row shot the balloons right in mika's face on purpose, i wouldn't have done that, but looked like mika found it quite funny, judging from the looks on his face. it was like "who was that?! - i'll show you!!" and then a triumphant "ha!" when he shot the balloon directly in that guy's face. i think it's like with the stage invasions, it's danger but he loves it. (though this stage invasion was very civilized, at small gigs like that where 90% of the crowd is sleeping anyway, it's no problem. ) you can't see much of it on the video though i think, they also didn't show the bit where mika killed a yellow balloon with his drumstick (why?! what did the poor balloon do to him? ). hope they'll show more of it on tv in january!
  14. maybe a missing plugin? if you tell me how to download it, i can put it on sendspace, but my youtube download program doesn't work with this website. it should be possible somehow though, as a video from an old interview on this site was posted as a download here.
  15. what show was he talking about when he said he was late and almost missed it? was it the one yesterday? he definitely talked about the mixing up his band part... but if was yesterday's show, it's not good that he had to RUN on stage! maybe it took so long to change his clothes because of his foot...
  16. about that body hair discussion a few pages ago... i'm over 30 and still not too keen on body hair. i mean, are there really people who find a hairy back sexy?! imo the amount of body hair mika has (or shows, in case he cuts/waxes) is just ok, and i wouldn't mind it to be less. so i prefer the pix where it's freshly cut.
  17. thanx for that, just saw that on the site there are 2 videos as well! http://www.deejay.it/dj/multimedia/dettaglio/type-V/idMedia-2909/Io-cittadino-del-mondo http://www.deejay.it/dj/multimedia/dettaglio/type-V/idMedia-2910/We-Are-Golden so, is that the whole thing then? haven't watched it yet, but both videos together are over 10 minutes, so i'd guess it would be all of the interview. *goes watching*
  18. you guess...? did he say that? because i wouldn't be so sure, after what he did in LA, dancing on with the hurt foot! thanx for the screenshots... but can't you upload it on megaupload.com or something? at least an mp3 of it? would love to hear the interview... damn, why do i have to sleep so long and then miss stuff like that!
  19. idk, as it involves a m+g i'd guess it's meant to be for fans. anyway, i hope a fan wins, what sense would it make for someone else to win a m+g at the soundcheck?!
  20. nope wasn't in dusseldorf. went to see take that in stuttgart instead. was nice, but still regret choosing them over mika! surely won't happen again! ah, that explains some posts to me then. hehe, and it took me only 2 nights in this thread to find out. well, ok only coz droopsy posted the link to the other thread, and i used to be familiar with topics like that in 2007/2008. am off to bed now, night everyone. and sweet dreams!
  21. haha, thanx! seen that some time 2 years ago but forgot about it. that gig surely was good for some fab films! like the one and only shirtless performance of sweet dreams: , some water bottle fun: or mika singing a bit of "macarena": hmm, think i prefer the pictures, knitting was more about pix than about fanfic. but saw an interesting post in that thread - so is nessie the same as uzzo? i remember the latter. and the profile on myspace!
  22. what the... :lmfao: i knew the ones with the gel in the hair, but those are new to me. reminds me of bill from tokio hotel. what video are you talking about?
  23. wow, love this! amazing! i'd definitely give you an A if i was your teacher!
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