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Everything posted by mellody

  1. my interpretation or stuck in the middle, as these two are my favourites after grace kelly.
  2. hi! grüße von einer anderen mika-verrückten münchnerin!
  3. the interview is somewhere in the news+press part of this forum, the part i'm talking about is on page 38, they're talking about the yellow press telling lies about mika. attitude: (...) it was reported that you turned down an offer to support take that on tour. is that true? mika: not at all. i was not even offered it. my bassist knows gary barlow and asked him about it and he had no idea about it either.
  4. the story that mika turned down take that's offer to support them was made up by the yellow press. mika said this in his interview with "attitude". he never was offered to support them. it's still not sure who will be take that's support act. mel c said she would like to do it, but there's nothing official yet. you say he's "too big"? last year the sugababes supported take that, you also could say they're "too big" to be anyones support act. same for mel c. if mika doesn't want to do it but prefers to do his own tour, it's ok - but "too big" is not a reason. i'd just love it if mika supported take that!!!!!!!!! :thumb_yello: i've loved TT for almost 15 years now, and i've seen no one who has that "special something" on stage like they do... until mika came. so mika and take that together would be the best concert of my life!
  5. you can find the interview here: (news and press section of this forum) http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=85562&postcount=53
  6. as this is the arms and hands thread, i have to say: :wub2: I LOVE MIKA'S HANDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub2: they are just wonderful. piano hands. better not say what i think when i see his hands stroking the piano keys.
  7. wow! where can i find the original pix? haven't seen them yet! edit: i mean the ones where he lifts his shirt, of course.
  8. which are the first two? probably vegas? and? newcastle is cool! i've been there for a weekend-holiday last year.
  9. uh-oh... hidden suggestive messages in the mika songs, that's why we're all addicted! has anyone tried listening to his songs backwards? maybe there's a message, too, lol
  10. WHAT?!? someone should write a letter to the author, the right words have to be "alarmingly sexy"!
  11. no, braces as in holding your trousers. ;-) i wonder if he planned the throwing-his-braces-in-the-crowd in munich or if it was a spontaneous decision... i'm not sure if he actually wanted to take them off or if it accidentially happened when he tried to pull them up again and then he decided that he could as well throw them in the audience. grr that's the bad thing about being front row, i couldn't film because it wasn't allowed and security would've seen it.
  12. lol, all the tourists go to HB, don't think there's anyone from munich in there except the ppl who work there! glad you liked it here, and i AM very happy that i live here.
  13. oh yes, or a "mass" (=1 liter of beer) on the octoberfest in munich, hehe prost!
  14. well, i don't know... since i know what take that did in their early days, nothing really surprises me anymore. they all smoked, drank, took drugs and partied the whole night through, and they still managed to look good, sing and do all their dance moves. well, maybe except for robbie, he overdid it with the unhealthy stuff and got addicted. i don't know if or how much mika drinks or smokes, but i'm sure he still can do his singing and dancing if he does, as long as he doesn't overdo it. and i'm also quite sure he knows for himself how much unhealthy stuff he can consume without getting any problems from it. (which sadly is less and less the older you get )
  15. grace kelly fist mika song i heard, and i immediately loved it! it's still my fave song on the album, the cheerful melody makes me happy, and the line "why don't you like me without making me try?" is exactly how i felt as a teenager, because ppl at my school just didn't like me without giving me any chance. one of my friends said it's that kind of song you can hear only a certain amount of times and then you're fed up with it... but that's certainly not true for me! i once put it in a loop on my player and listened to it for 2 hours or so! and i loved it even more after that, lol lollipop erm... better not say in public what i associate with "lollipop", since i know what the song is about... and the song itself, it's nice, but what i especially came to like is the last verse, where mika speaks (instead of sings) the words, don't know why, i just like the way he speaks there. my interpretation just a really beautiful song... i love the piano sound and the melody... and it reminds me of the concert in munich, while he performed that song he looked at me a few times lol love today at first i didn't like that song, but it's great live, makes you wanna dance and jump billy brown & big girls love the melody of those 2 songs, and i think it's great that mika writes about these things instead of the typical lovesongs you hear every day. stuck in the middle that's one of the few songs where i like the melody of the verses more than that of the chorus. but i love the whole song, with that staccato piano sound, that's just brilliant! and especially the part in the end with the piano and "ba-da-du-ba-da", sounds a bit like jazz music and just great! happy ending interesting idea to take the words "happy ending" to describe a not-happy ending... although i certainly prefer happy endings (in movies, books and real life), i like the song. ring ring great to dance to over my shoulder usually i love ballads, but i don't really like this one, i prefer the happy songs, this one sounds so sad also, i don't like his high voice in this one, although i absolutely love it in all his other songs.
  16. it was the answer to the post before yours, she asked if i was searching
  17. no, i just sort of stumbled over it when zooming to 100% at an original picture size of 2000x3000 pixel, you don't have to SEARCH for details lol
  18. well, i went sunbathing at a sightseeing point (opera house) in munich the whole afternoon (just in case, lol ), but i didn't see him. i got a nice tan now though...
  19. well, and more about the show: - there wasn't a lollipop girl. just the animal costumes, balloons and confetti. - mika said a few words in german (counting eins-zwei-drei-vier and stuff like that), and what was quite funny was that he said when he was in berlin the day before he was reciting goethe there, because that's the only german he knows, "like 'rauschendes bächlein' " - that sounded really cute when he said that, lol (fyi: 'rauschendes bächlein' means something like "murmuring brooklet", and it's a song by schubert, see for example: http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/get_text.html?TextId=13390) - he said that he had written "big girls" within 15 minutes. and that the first time he performed "billy brown" there were hardly any people there first, but during the song many came and started ballroom dancing to it. hope i understood and remembered everything correctly.
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