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Everything posted by Mici

  1. Hi guys, i found some pictures from today's event: Enjoy.
  2. That looks scary although it is also brings back good memories from the London Eye from December.
  3. Yeah but you need to remember that Jerusalem is not Tel Aviv, and Tel Aviv is more free spirited city (that is why i love this town so much) then Jerusalem, who it's large majority is strict religious groups.
  4. *sigh* i wish we had a glimpse in hearing that..i could just picture him singing Happy Endings accoustic.
  5. That wasn't what i meant, but the postal service really screwed it up on that autograph.
  6. Could you bring me an invisible autograph as well??
  7. NOOOOO!!!!! i can't belive that is it. :tears: I guess i'll have to wait until February 26th to see him live....*sniff sniff*
  8. I know, i've been watching the dvd almost on a daily basis this past few days...addicted
  9. Well i think in the more strict religious groups there is a strict tabu against homosexuality. I remember the noise those groups made and how much they have protest against the gay parade in Jerusalem that was held last year. I can say for this moment i was very ashamed to be in my country, i know it is a holly city but i still think that this parade should have been made properly as previous years. i am very much pro gay marriege and gay rights and what happened then, last year i mean, was a in my view a complete disgrace...
  10. He is so sweet, i am in the process of sending friends requests to Martin, Mikey, Cheriss & Luke's pages on myspace, i don't know why i havent done so already.
  11. I love this band who are actually 2 people Alison Goldfrapp (vocals/synthesizer) and Will Gregory (synthesizer). It took me sometime to get used to thier sound but now i just can't get enough. Are there any other ppl who likes this group??
  12. I love Tel Aviv, i go there frequantly and try to take in the big city while dreaming of someday moving near it. I do have to say, Jerusalem is a very pretty & of course holly place but i dont think i'll be able to live there. Last week i was there for 3 days and got completly lost, i mean in London i didnt got lost so that gotta mean something... I got no comment on this, i live around one hour drive from Haifa...that's as far as i'll go.
  13. I've seen it so many times before but it is still funny.. :lmao:
  14. *nods and agreeing to the fact*....
  15. haha, i was THISCLOSE to write the same thing then i saw your post. Thanks girls, glad you liked it, doesnt he have the cutest nose?
  16. I've made some screencaps from Happy Endings video, here are some of them, enjoy.
  17. I don't belive in superstitions but my mum is very supestitious and belive in wierd things like, if a pigeon/bird flies into your house, then that means you'll have lots of money....so OPEN YOUR WINDOWS!!!!! :roftl:
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