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Everything posted by CartoonKellyGreen

  1. If you like watching great performances...this is the movie for you
  2. I saw that on BWE It's a new catch phrase in my Pop Lit class... "I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE! I DRINK IT UP!" Only DDL could get away with that I will never think of a milkshake in the same way after seeing that movie EVER again
  3. Yeah, POP LIT IS A GREAT CLASS. TWBB was really fantasic. Alot of my friends didn't like it because it was "slow moving" But if you get that chance to c it you should, its not out on DVD yet, but my teacher got it from a friend who votes for on the Oscar ballots...
  4. Yeah, I know right (He's not "Mr. Nice" guy in that flim, thats for sure)...and we watched "I'm Not There" (We are learning about the Oscars as you can see) If your a Bob Dylan fan I recommend it You learn nothing about Dylan...but that acting in it is great (Cate Blanchett was aaaaaaaaamazing)... But watching Heath Ledger was depressing
  5. Guess what we watched in Pop Culture on Friday Mandi! THERE WILL BE BLOOD! OH JOY! (What a heartwarming film) I thought of this thread And laughed really hard at the "milkshake" part Just thought you should know
  6. Thats how I roll Yeah, "Last of the Mohicans" my a** YOUR LOOKING AT ONE RIGHT HERE! I know all about hunting and fishing and looking damn sexy
  7. Mika tends to...erm...repeat alot, but thats okay...most artists do, because every night is the same, every interview is the same... But I think Mika does a good job changing it up every once in a while.
  8. Don't know about Hollis but I riped out seven hearts today. Speaking of DDL I saw ITNOAF a few weeks ago...damn, what a performace!
  9. Yeah, DDL is the sh*t...he's soo good it's scary, like...its actually scary... LOTM is a great movie
  10. SCORE! GO DANIEL DAY LEWIS! AND JUNO! "I iz ur Milkshake!" MUAHAHAHA! He's so good it's scary. Did I mention my Dad met him, and he said he was a very "strange guy".
  11. I'm doing super good Mandi, hope i can send some positive vibes your way! No, me and Brenda didn't go...I had to go to Boston for a Model U.N trip...I represented the United States, topic was "Northern Uganda", I got a treaty signed...I WON "OUTSTANDING DELEGATE!" WOOOOOOOOOOOO! But I would have rather seen Mika, next tour on the new album I guess I've seen him twice already
  12. Mika my Dear, you've got a HELL of a build!
  13. Loving it, feels like its been awhile...and no, I'm in High School but it sure feels like College HEY MANDI, SEE MY LAST POST? *Update: GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OBAMA!
  14. One word School *Sigh But I have returned, who you doin Flick?
  15. ^Struggling to get air time Thats for sure...*Sigh But he's got a loyal following, thats all that matters
  16. AHAHAHAH! I thought it was funny, he looked great, who cares what anybody else thinks Mika has to be used to this by now
  17. Wait wait wait wait wait *Random: HOLD ON! Mandi I've been trying to catch up (Haven't seen ya in a while chica, hows life?) Anywho WERE U AN L.G? TELL TELL TELL!
  18. OMG, WOW! Great job buddy! I workout 5 times a week, every week after school, I've lost 10 pounds and have abs...REAL ABS! I love it, I spend about 2 hours in there!
  19. Oh crap...there goes the No Doubt tour :Z *Sigh BUT I'M SOOOOOOO HAPPY FOR HER!
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