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Everything posted by CartoonKellyGreen

  1. YEEEAH! ^Bono ALMOST making out with Edge Does everything he touch spontaneously combust?
  2. *peeks in http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y28/SleepingSoul/oasis/liamandbono.jpg ^ Click at your own discretion :shocked:
  3. Hey guys, just wondering does anybody know where I can get my hands on "Lost" and "Viva La Vida", been lookin everywhere for it! Anybody here in the New York area hoping to get ur hands on the free MSG gig?
  4. HAPPY F*&KING BIRTHDAY BONO! Way to get old on me
  5. I didn't think the trailer looked all that good (but it is just a teaser) BUT EDWARD LOOKED PRETTY F@&KING HOTT AND THATS ALL THAT MATTERS!
  6. The boys were in HQ all last week, Edge said "later the year", "more news in the coming months" at a Music Rising Benefit a couple of days ago... They were in Moracco most of last summer...they just signed with Live Nation... So they are obiviously getting ready to get back out there again, but something tells me this album isn't going to be THAT great (and I HIGHLY doubt it will come out this year, its FAR to late), I have to admit, the last amazing U2 album was Zooropa...end of story
  7. I love Edge, but he is such a NERD! (In the best of ways) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqMm8xGAzzU
  8. Fly, Mirrorballman and MacPhisto WERE THE SH*T! But MacPhisto always freaked me out...he's just so, I don't know...into himself LOLOLOLOLO
  9. Pops in: How can you go from? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLYXS-3AMv8 "THEY CALL ME A FOOL, WHHHAT?" TO: "YOU GOT A HEAD FULL OF TRRRRRAFFIC!" Beats me
  10. Everybody...meet Jacob Black: No Joke http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1210124/
  11. Bob Dylan Is-My-Hero Plain and simple
  12. He is soooo funny, I'm a HUGE Borat, Ali G and Bruno fan! ^Work it girlfriend
  13. There first album is better than second, but you guys need to check out their singles... SOME OF THERE BEST SONGS ARE THEIR MOST UNKNOWN! ^Who The F*** Are Arctic Monkeys has some great songs! -Cigarette Smoker Fiona -Despair in the Departure Lounge (Its like a Hey There Deliah just not as annoying) -No Buses
  14. LOLOLO' date=' I live in the Palisades Mall! No, I didn't go to Terminal 5, I went to Nokia and the Borders Album signing (OMG, that was a year ago March 31!)[/center']
  15. She is incredible (when sober *cough cough), I've got both her albums plus B-Sides...
  16. I Loves MY MONKEYS! I've got every LP, EP, Single Release...Damn, Alex Turner is a genius of our times, really he is! (A reluctant genius, but a lyrical genius non the less)
  17. Yes! I head over to Westchester all the time! I live in Pearl River' date=' you know...big Irish community...r u at all fimilar?[/center']
  18. Well, from the pics I've seen it looks like the filmmakers r doing a great job staying true to the movie... Robert Pattisons whole get up as Edward is PERFECT!
  19. Americans, hows the weather? N.Y finally broke 60 SCORE!
  20. Perez is such a sweetheart That was so nice of him to give that great interview
  21. Is it me or did someone scream "Bella" durning that?
  22. OMG! I never thought I would be saying this because when my friend suggested these books...I said "F**king vampires in love...please" But over the spring break I read all 3 books and I AM A CONVERTED FAN! I read them all in less than 5 days, THAT ONLY HAPPENED WITH HARRY POTTER! ^NOT A BAD CHOICE AT ALL LOLOLOLOLO
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