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Everything posted by elise_xx

  1. I look terrible on this picture BUT he's looking right in to my eyes :swoon:
  2. HOI

    jij zat naast mij bij mika gister, toch? : D

  3. Great pictures! Do you mind if I put some of these on my hyves page? Thank you so much! Haha yeah, I was like: Pleeease sign it!
  4. So I'll just tell the things that we're special for me: my seat was great, I was on the second row and when he came back to do grace kelly the girl in front of me said that I should just climb over the seats so I did and then I was front row for one song haha, it was so weird that he was SO close! And then later when we we're outside I gave him a little bunny dressed as a pirate- keychain and he said something like It's demented! and I said it's cool, it's a pirate! and he gave me a huge smile and said: I love it! And then he signed my backpack ( oh and cherisse and martin signed it as well, martin said: are you sure?! It's just me! and cherisse said she loved it ) and he said something funny but I can't remember what, all I know is that he laughed It was really the best gig so far ( for me )
  5. I have to go to school now but I'll report later:wink2: I'm bouncing with energy, it was amazing!
  6. I can't believe it's tomorrow already! I'm going to a festival now, so I guess I'll see everyone tomorrow!
  7. haha, I always draw cupcakes and stuff when I'm at school as well
  8. wow! :mf_lustslow: amazing! I wish I could draw like that
  9. Swan songs - Hollywood undead got it for my birthday so didn't buy it myself x D
  10. I can't believe I'm actually going to SEE him on tuesday. 100% real and not a picture or a video.
  11. Hollywood undead - this love, this hate. I love Hollywood undead
  12. Just saw your yearbook message, nice picture and great message! I really didn't know what to write xD And I saw that you play guitar, that's amazing! I really want to learn how to play the guitar.

  13. ahw thanks, thats so sweet : D I'm going to search for you in the yearbook now haha!

  14. And he loved the movie Coraline... http://www.mikasounds.com/blog/post/342/coraline-incredible-coraline which I'm going to see tomorrow
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