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Everything posted by DaMango

  1. Ok, I'd be fine with one night of talented, curly-haired hotness....mmmm hmmmm....
  2. ...should form a band, so we can all gawk at their talented, curly-haired hotness! Sorry, I'm sick, so I'm not in my right mind. I'll probably forget about this by tomorrow.
  3. Honey, it is all good! You've got enough love in your heart for Mika and John right? Hell, if I had a picture of my hero Prince and me, I would tattoo it on my FOREHEAD!
  4. I'm so sad that I can't go! I'm 24, but flat broke.
  5. She was the kind soul who delivered my present to Mika. I officially love her.
  6. I think it's a very interesting interpretation of Mika, and his musical world. Maybe this is what the artist thinks of when he hears Mika's music?
  7. I think I may actually have one of those posters. I bought a Mika poster from Sweden on Ebay and it looks identical. Keep watching ebay to get one.
  8. Now that is a GREAT idea! It would be so much easier to replace a set of batteries than an expensive camera. Good thinking!
  9. I'd love to see him in a purple jacket with a ruffled shirt, just like Prince used to wear. That would make my day.
  10. The artwork is very beautiful! Great one Sivan! Dang, I gotsta get myself an autograph one of these days.
  11. I'm totally calling the VCR that night! Believe it or not, I've never seen Mika on tv before. Only online...and in the flesh!
  12. I tell ya, I dang near fainted when he whipped off his shirt in LA! Unfortunately, I only got pics of his back. You got a great pic of him from the front! One of my first thoughts was "Somebody's been to the gym!"
  13. Mika in PURPLE!!!! That's my favorite color!
  14. ^ They had better be typing fast! Faster, faster!
  15. Have fun everybody! I hope Mika will be feeling better today.
  16. It's one of the great mysteries of the Universe, Sivan! A kind and generous popstar is a rare thing nowadays.
  17. I'm still in awe over how well he treats his fans! Really. He's amazing. So... nobody had to sneak into a private party or chase his SUV to meet him? I definitely went to the wrong show!
  18. Awww...poor Mika! He's been running himself completely ragged. Still, how beautiful is he to take time for his fans! You guys were so lucky to get some special MFC member time. Maybe I went to the wrong show...just kidding! I hope our boy feels better soon. Take care of yourself Mika!
  19. So, where are the reports? It's got to be almost over by now. Just kidding guys! Have fun chasing Mika, and then get some rest. I can wait until morning for the reviews.
  20. Oh, this is so tempting! If I wasn't already broke from my last Mika adventure, I would be there in a heartbeat.
  21. ^ Seriously! There must be something subliminal in his music, because my fanship grew like a wild fire! Honest to goodness, the VERY first time I heard his voice was just over a month ago, around May 5th or 6th. I was taken aback by his vocal style, and intrigued by his image. The following weekend (Mother's Day weekend), I delved into his videos and interviews on the Tube. Yep, that did it. He was a musician after my own heart. I ran out and bought his album within a couple days, joined the MFC, and 3 weeks after that I boarded a plane to see him in concert! Mika is musical crack. I'm sure of it.
  22. Dang. If Mika's a woman, then I may have to become a lesbian. Just don't tell my boyfriend.
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