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Everything posted by DaMango

  1. I finally found something to wear, Sivan! I bought a very lovely dress that has swirls of coral, black, white, and pale pink. It's far more colorful than what I was originally going to wear. I'll also be wearing a "got mika?" badge, so if you see me, definitely say hi!
  2. A couple weeks ago, I would have had no problem rallying against people who posted Mika's outtakes and demos... ...and then I heard them. Mika, darling, those songs are PURE GOLD! I like a few of them better than some of the songs on LICM (don't hate me y'all, it's just my opinon). Please give them a proper release so that I don't have to feel guilty about falling in love with these incredible songs. Don't be like Prince and hoard your best stuff to yourself. Ok, I'm done now.
  3. A couple weeks ago, I would have had no problem rallying against people who posted Mika's outtakes and demos... ...and then I heard them. Mika, darling, those songs are PURE GOLD! I like a few of them better than some of the songs on LICM (don't hate me y'all, it's just my opinon). Please give them a proper release so that I don't have to feel guilty about falling in love with these incredible songs. Don't be like Prince and hoard your best stuff to yourself. Ok, I'm done now.
  4. Eeeeeek!!!!!!!! The overnight package with my tickets just arrived, and I have them in my hot little hands! YAY!!!! Tomorrow is going to be MAGICAL! I wanna meet you guys. If you see an Indian girl in a dress with a swirly coral and black pattern, wearing a badge that says "got mika?" THAT'S ME!
  5. Ok, I was WAY off in my interpretation of this thread title! Hey Tim, great photo! Congrats on getting your work published!
  6. Yeah, a lot of those comments are rather vile and disgusting! Some of them were kind of funny tho, like the person who said, "Mika is my Lebanese lovetoy!" I do find it strange that the subject Mika doesn't want to talk about the most is probably the most talked about subject about him.
  7. Nelly was awesome in 2001. Her sound was very original and fresh. Now her new music sounds just like the rest of the stuff on the radio today. It's rather disappointing to me.
  8. It sounds pretty cool up until the chorus, then the chords in the background music don't match Mika's melody. Oh well. It was a creative idea.
  9. I don't know, I'm not gutsy enough to give a man I just met a lillicondom! I think I'll stick to giving him something cute and innocent.
  10. I know! I was just playin. There's actually a crazy store here in Seattle that sells all kinds, as well as items made from condoms. It's hilarious. They even sell giant ones that resemble lollipops. Now THAT would make an interesting gift for Mika.
  11. Thank you for um, clearing things up. I knew about the different colors and flavors, I just thought maybe the designer ones were ever more crazy. I mean, not that I'd know anything about this stuff, I just heard about it. From a friend. Yeah.
  12. I think i may have to go shopping, because I wear A LOT of black and muted jewel tones and earth tones. Time to get colorful!
  13. By the way, what the heck is a designer condom? Is it decorated in a crazy, colorful pattern? Do they try to make it a different shape? That just doesn't sound practical.
  14. Really, well then I'm sure I can't miss you! I haven't decided what to wear yet.
  15. Great interview! Not the typical questions, and certainly NOT the typical answers. His guest list is really great. I would invite Ella and Sir Duke to my party too.
  16. Yay! I'm so glad that other folks are willing to hop a plane, train, or take a long road trip for Mika. I feel better now.
  17. I hope I'll see you in the crowd, Sivan! It would be awesome to meet some MFC members on Friday.
  18. I wrote a bunch of things I want to say to him on my birthday card. Basically, I just want him to know that I am a fellow musician who enjoys his work, and his individuality. If I meet him in LA on Friday, I'll probably just introduce myself, tell him I think he's fantastic, and that I'm a member of the club! If given any more time, I might give him a little gift.
  19. Hee hee. I'm just kidding! I wouldn't hurt Mika! We would sit in the sand and sing songs together, until I passed out from low blood sugar. I'm sure Mika would make my last moments very pleasant.
  20. Hmmm...if I were stranded on an island with Mika, I would lay down, and................. die. Seriously. I don't think I'd last long in the wild, so I might as well get it over with. Actually, before that I'd at least have a good cry over never being able to see my man again. Then, I'd end up taking my anger out on Mika at some point in the form of physical violence. After all that, I'd lay down and die.
  21. And 29384298 times more painful when my creditcard bill comes! Just kidding, Mika is worth it!
  22. So, how are we going to meet him guys? We need a super sweet group pic! (Well, and single pics too. Gotta have something to make our friends and family jealous. )
  23. Hey Sivan! I'm going to the LA concert too!!!!!! We should get a pic with Mika together.
  24. Ok, so I live near Seattle, which means I may not see Mika in my area until next year (or possibly never ). When I found out that he would be performing in California, only 2 states away, I started plotting an evil plan to fly down and see him. Well, my sister had a terrible disappointment this week, and last night she decided that she wanted to go to Disneyland to feel better. I said I would go with her, but that we HAD to go see Mika. Well, she said she'd go SO I'M GOING TO SEE MIKA ON FRIDAY!!!!! I just bought tickets off of Ebay for a ridiculous price, but I know it will be worth it. I used to say that Prince was the only man I'd get on a plane for, but it looks like Mika is joining the club. I can't believe I'm doing this. It was such a spontaneous decision, and I'm still recovering financially from a trip I took to California 2 weeks ago. Am I crazy, or just crazy for Mika? How about you guys? What crazy decisions have you made for Mika?
  25. Oh yes, I've seen it done before, but I enjoy it each and every time.
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