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Everything posted by yuppymunch

  1. i think.. MIKA should do a gig at Thetford Forest, Norfolk i am not saying this because i live 10 mins away, but because its actually a really good venue! in the country side, and holds a fair few people! some good people have played there too, like blondie. do it mika....now!
  2. just bumping this so you guys get that link! hehe
  3. wow i actually couldnt sleep this mornign cos i was too excited about hearing what happened! THANKS FOR THE REPORTS! its just brought back all the memories from manchester! (like i could for get them anyway!!) i really cant wait for the pics! and poor martin having cooties.. MARTIN, DONT GIVE THEM TO MIKA!! I am a bit concerned as to why martin didnt mention where the cat was.... ie me!! i shall be having stern words.. and i wish mika wasnt going up in the world, and i wish he wasnt always in a rush, so one day i could have the chance to meet him! how many people did the venue hold then?! once again i am like this right now: :roftl: :biggrin2: xxxx
  4. YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!! DO TELL US ABOUT YOUR EVENING!!!! :biggrin2:
  5. HELLO!!! its taking me 50,000 atempts to do it, but i finally managed to get my 'love today' drum video on a sendspace thing, so you can all download it in a better quality!! (seriously, it took THREE hours to upload, and my comp kept crashing so i had to keep starting again! i even uploaded the whole thing, and press x rather than minimize.. GOD WAS I MAD!!!) so anyway, heres the link!! takes about half an hourto download i think. http://www.sendspace.com/file/5qxpxk i think thats is he download one!! enjoy people!
  6. aw! yay!! its all good in the mika hood! gotta put my video of him doing michael jacksons number!
  7. NOOOOO PROBS! i felt it was my duty to share the perfection
  8. is at the carling academy i take it?!! wow im so gonna go!
  9. MissyH i lurrrrrrve your pics! were you like, standing next to me or something!!
  10. LADIES, AND GENTLEMAN, MIKA FANS EVERYWHERE, I GIVE YOU... MIKA!! (love today drum solo) i cannot be help resonsible for anyone passing out at his sheer BEAUTY!! ps, i had to make the quiality poo to get it on youtube, i will upload it properly on another site, so you can see it better!! ENJOY! http://youtube.com/watch?v=IYJl6zlH054
  11. sara! or bo peep! really good meeting you last night!!
  12. we're not talking DAYS are we!! haha, man im sooo not down with technology! but, turns out, i uploaded the wrong thing by accident anyway! so im still in the proccess! patience little ones!
  13. ok, so i made my video files smaller, uploaded on youtube, but it wont play? it says video unavaliable?!! am i being really dumb?!! i really wanna show you guys!
  14. I KNOW JENNIE! we really were, it was obviously the mika love!! it was really windy, cold wind, and i was freezing! but it was supposed to rain, which wouldve been horrible, but im SURE we all wouldve still had a BLAST!! i still cant believe the whole night happened! haha
  15. aw, i LOVE this one! dunno why, it just makes me go... er.. purrrrr!!
  16. HAHA! so i managed to get the barman to be my slave for the night!!been txting him! and that bouncer.. i kinda thought he was creepy! but he let us go up so he was a GOOD OL' BOY!!
  17. ok so we basically said the same things! haha made me laugh!
  18. well i think we were talking about my cat outfit, and then i said its cos im a leo lion, and bxxy showed me her SUPER cool tattoo! and martin was saying how he cant have one cos his arms are puny, so i (what i though was innocently) said, get one below the belt!! (i was actually thinking it would br good cos of no one would see it on his so called puny arms!) we spoke about the mfc, and myspace, how they do actually go on there but they dont have time. and like, how mika loves his fans dressing up!! we were talking to martin loads! then just before they were gonna leave, bab said to mikey, jem loves you by the way!.. then she was like.. "no really we're not joking" which i found hilarious! and he was like.. i love her too! she was PRETTY DAM HAPPY!! thats what i can think of right now!
  19. bab you are actually hillarious!! you and jem cracked me up!! as if you didnt sleep, well i hardly did either, i got in, and i just couldnt even though i was mega tired! had an hours cat nap just now though!! meow! im thinking the band were pretty impressed by all of us! they wont forget us in a hurry! i hope anyway!
  20. oh i didnt cathc that bit either! i was finding it hard to keep up, every now and again id be like.. "is this ACTUALLY happening!!"
  21. OH YEA!cos he said the girl was like.."OMG this must have cost 6 DOLLARS!!"
  22. i have that exact same pink necklace! martin was like.. WHAAA.. mika has that?! i was like naaaaaaaaaaaa not THIS one!
  23. well at the time, i thought it was cos martins guitar wasnt working, but maybe it was the ball room dancing animals!!
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