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Status Updates posted by crazyaboutmika

  1. I couldn't care less about my age! So I don't need to lie about it! I love babies so much I can't wait ti be a gradma someday! Take care and have a very happy week!:)

  2. Hey, I just found ou thanks to the age thread that we are both 42!

  3. Bonne nouvelle alors, j'espère bien faire la connaissance de Mika un ( très)beau jour!

  4. You're so right Katie, first times are so special and unforgetable! I will be so happy then I guess I'll be floating on a Mika cloud!

    (I just posted this on my own board!)

  5. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20798

    This is a thread I started for MFCers who want to write a get well card for our one foot boy; I plan to do as foalbaby14 did for the thank you notes to Mika for wearing our MFC jacket so much; print them and put them together and one MFCer can give them to him at one of his gigs;; what do you think?You could even draw something for him is you feel like it.

  6. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20798

    Welcome my MFC friends! This is a link for you to write a get well card for our one foot boy; I plan to do as foalbaby14 did for the thank you notes to Mika for wearing our MFC jacket so much; print them and put them together then an MFCer can give them all to him at one of his gigs!

  7. You're so right Katie, first times are so special and unforgetable! I will be so happy then I guess I'll be floating on a Mika cloud!

  8. Careful with my ♥, French Deb, it's still a bit weak! Thanks so much for your report!

  9. I was laughing (silently-hubby and two teenagers sleeping!) as I was reading what was written on my new thread! I do feel and act as a kid that's for sure; never loved a singer the way I love Mika! He gave me my youth again, I'll never thank him enough for that; he taught me that dreams can come true...

  10. Hi! I'm ok! I was so sad because I won a tic for Mika's jam sessions in Paris and could'nt go because I had to work! But I feel better now...there will be other oportunities to make my dream come true!It would have been my very first Mika gig!

  11. On voit qu'il a mal sur les vidéos d'Italie...sa main va toujours instinctivement vers sa jambe gauche...oui, il faudrait le ligoter ) son tabouret...sa voix est toujouirs aussi merveilleuse, même s'il ne saute pas dans tous les sens sur scène; il devrait se ménager; il a une très longue carrière devant lui! Des blessures comme ça, c'est très long à guérir parce que tout le poids du corps s'appuie sur le pied!

  12. Coucou, merci pour ton message...non, il n'y a avait pas de date qui convenait (un week end et à une distance "raisonnable"...j'espère qu'il donnera un jour un concer pendant mes dates de vacances ou un week end et pas trop loin de la breatgne (Paris un week end serait le mieux pour moi) mais même si j'adore Mika et que je rève de le voir en concert, entre ma vie de famille pas toujours simple et mon travail qui me convient très bien, mais exige d'être très disponible, ça risque d'être long! Mais je suis patiente!

  13. Il n'avait pas trop mal au pied? J'ai regardé des vidéos et il ne porte plus son attelle; mais il bouge tellement que ça me parait prématuré! Dss blessures comme ça , c'est long à guérir!

  14. Merci de ton post; ça me remonte le moral! C'est vrai, Mika fait de plus en plus d'apparitions publiques alors, j'aurai peut-être une autre chance!:)

  15. By the way, the chicken was back on google's French home page yesterday...good timing as Mika was in Paris too! [i got tics but I had to work-too bad:(]

  16. Hi! Everybody's worried about Mika's health from what they've seen yesterday in Paris (jam session thread)...could we put together a get well note from MFCers for him so he knows we worry and care about him? One MFCer could collect and give him everybody's get well wishes and give them to him at a gig!

  17. Same thing for me...I've always been wondering...but only found out this morning!:)

  18. Thanks for your Mika jam session pics..I had tics but I was working and I couln't take my day off...so seing your lovely pics really mean a lot to me!:)

  19. Thanks for your vid on youtube! He's so cute and smiling...I love his smile..I wish I'd been among the fans...I had won two tics but I had to work and couldn't take my day off...so your vid makes me feel a lot better...thanks a bunch!

  20. Yes, Mellody, Paris Mika Jam Session will be shown later in January 2010; Jamel Comedy Club people mentioned that (on their internet site probably)

    I'm so looking forward to it as I got two tics but couldn't go because I had to work!

  21. I love your avatar too! Where did you find this lovely pic?

  22. Merci encore Fanny pour lle lien versl'émission consacrée à Mika; je la regarde maintenant et elle me fait un bien fou! Bisous et bonne soirée à toi!

  23. Merci de me récomforter car j'en ai bien besoin! ça fait trop de rebondissements pour mon pauvre petit ♥!

    C'est d'autant plus dommage que maintenant que je ne peux vraiment plus y aller deux de mes employeurs m'ont dit que finalement on aurait pu s'arranger, ce qui est bien gentil, mais trop tard et pour le troisième, il n'y a avait aucune possibilité de me remplacer...bon, je ne suis pas méchante, mais c'est un peu facile de dire ça après puisque de toute façon, je n'ai rien changé à mon emploi du temps! Et puis, mes ados se seraient retrouvés tous seuls ce soir car j'aurai sûrement attendu Mika à la sortie des artistes après le spectacle! Merci encore de me réconforter, c'est vraiment gentil de ta part! Je sais que tu me comprends et ça fait du bien!

    Bisous pour toi!

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