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Everything posted by lilmot

  1. lilmot


    Welcome to the MFC, hope you enjoy it here!
  2. So, if this is the cannibal pic, may I ask (anonymously, of course).....before, during or after the cannibalism? :mf_rosetinted: PS I liked the pic of the brains, very colorful. Perhaps if I knitted a new thinking cap that looked like those brains, do you think I would be more attractive? Well, maybe to a cannibal?
  3. I'm sure it just you. Well, okay, I might admit to find it a bit sensual....erm...actually it makes me want to run around and kiss big girls too. But don't tell anyone else, ok? :roftl: In five words and you have me on the floor, I can't stop laughing, you kill me! I so agree, it can't end after just 25 pages, can it?
  4. Yes, "particularly skillful", well said. I will definitely have to keep watching this one since I am such a beginner and need to observe such skillful knitting as I see in this video, over and over again, I believe.
  5. I found another striped pattern that I am interested in. But I would need some screen caps to really be able to follow the directions. Right around 2:14 2:15 would give me the best instructions I think? Anyone else like this striped pattern? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qU3k_Soobv0
  6. Thanks, Kavi, for the Stripy pattern ideas. Yes, I am definitely in a stripy mood today. Stripy things just make me want to fall down on my knees. LOL I am falling all over today
  7. Thanks for your vote of confidence. Emphasis on "few" and "short" sentences would sum up my summary-ability (not). It was fun to write but I think I will leave the other thread summaries for people whose brains are not quite as mish-mashed and addled as mine. After all, reading the posts might actually be quicker than reading my summary???? Although in all truth, sometimes a thread summary would be rather nice, huh?
  8. I love Scut Monkey because she organizes things so nicely. Looking for the brown stripy pants I only had to go to the "best of pic" compilation and after looking through a few pics:blush-anim-cl: I found it! Hope you don't mind if I share. I thinik I will knit something stripy today.
  9. You are the smart one, I see there is conversation on another thread (Mika likes smart girls? or something) right now and here is a quote from a Q&A from the master: "-which do you prefer - british or american girls ? i dont care. im really not a looks man anyway. i always go for brains, im really not a superfiial person. i dont og for looks" Lucky you!!!! I'm jealous:wink2:
  10. STRIPY pants! I love that one pic of the master in those brown stripy pants. I need to do a better job of organizing my pics, 'cause I want to go find that one. What color were the stripy pants? (In knitting, color is as important as the pattern, no?)
  11. A swimming costume, I like that....would it be like a swimming chicken costume?
  12. Thanks for posting the screen caps. I had heard about this on another thread and watched the video again....but the screen caps are so much better, ummm, for those of us looking at the knitting pattern details. details details details
  13. Hello and welcome to the club. I hope you enjoy the forums. Yeah, you are right ---Love MIKA forever!!!!
  14. Here's is a very masterful pattern which I have recently come across. Makes me want to get down on my knees. Might by too complicated for me to knit, but I think I will study the directions for awhile. It was posted by Avoca on the following thread along with some others, have you seen? http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5919
  15. Scut Monkey, I missed you. You have such a way to sum it all up and piece it all together to give me a recap every so often. Better than Tivo,better than late night tv repeats. Especially piecing together all the knitting patterns and such. And ...Yeah, that last Big Girl pattern, I was "all over" that, or should I say she was all over that?
  16. I don't think Mika has any "troops", well unless they are the MFC troops, who will fight to the end for Mika. Sounds a bit like a Star Wars movie. Anyway, on the sheet music, the words are, "But my truths are bigger than yours" and I always thought that makes a lot more sense to the meaning of the song, no?
  17. -waves back- Hello Jess, and welcome. Hope you enjoy your stay!
  18. Welcome to the club, I hope you enjoy it!
  19. lilmot


    Hi Catherine, and Welcome! I think you have come to the right place if you want to talk some Mika-talk. Enjoy!
  20. Knit 1, Purl 2, Knit 1, Purl 2, I love knitting late at night. Thanks for sharing all the good patterns.
  21. Please Don't read this summary....tongue-in-cheek: Wow, I’m sure glad I read this thread because I was so confused before and now it is so nice to have the answers, you know….. because I care so much. There is a lot of information here, I’m going to try to sum it up: Mika was born with a name that was not Mika. His mother said over her dead body would it be Michael (did you see Mika’s teeth when he said that, sucking in his breath, like it was a pretty serious thing….yeah, I like that about that interview) and she did live to tell us about his middle name…so that part seems a bit convincing, having no dead body for proof and all. Many mispronounced the name (or nickname as the case may be) and so he chose Mika for his fans to call him, however, we choose to call him other names anyway, cause we are as ornery as he is (and many fans don’t really care, even though they choose to read the 24 pages of the post they don’t care about). Sorry for the run-on sentence. well... Then comes the interesting part, about who is actually signing the autographs. …if I understand the posts correctly then….. I think when Mika found out that Mel Gibson, Jr. was a dead ringer for Mika, they made a deal that Mel Jr, would sign the autographs, therefore, giving Mika a rest. Mel Jr. refused to sign Mika and just signs Mel. Since he looks so much like Mika, no one really cares? Do they? (That was in this thread, wasn’t it….or was I drunk last night and imagined that part? I hope I am not digressing here) Mel Gibson does not write the songs, but Mika’s father could be given credit (where credit is not due) And the whole Holbrook- Cupcake middle name sounds just like a mispronunciation. Just say it several times fast, while a bit intoxicated, and you will know what I mean…We all know it is Cupcake, since the mother lived to not call her son, Jr, but to call him Cupcake. (I can’t imagine a mother who wouldn’t, at some time, call their beloved sons’ cupcakes. I do that a lot to my son, and I also call him, Chunky Monkey, (my son, not Mika) not that any of you really care, huh?). I did find out that most Mika fans really only care about Chipmunks anyways, so the rest is rather meaningless. Although there was the post about Deek being female…..was that from birth or is that on the passport? Well, not that I really care, or anything, just thought I would mention it too….because it did come out in this thread. And there was that one marriage proposal between two Mika fans, correct? Not that I will mention any names here, other than the ones we are trying to figure out. The one thing that still really confuses me after reading this thread (a bit haphazardly, perhaps) is about John’s cat, George. Do you guys know if that was the cat’s birth name, or maybe the cat was renamed, George ,after he was adopted into his new family? I wouldn’t care too much except I have heard, through innuendo and rumor, that George really likes Chipmunks, (deek didn't tell me that so it is a rumor) and therefore as a Mika fan, I do find myself caring about George’s real name, don’t you? I hope my summary will help others who don’t really want to read the 24-25 pages but are looking for the REAL answers that they may care about a bit more than they will admit, but definitely not as much as the Chipmunks..not that the Chipmunks care about us, but I thought we cared about the Chipmunks, or am I confused? Ps I really like The Bees Video, (What was the question) Who cares. THanks for sharing, I am now off to the knitting thread where I can take my thinking cap off for the night and just knit and purl away. Perhaps I will knit a new thinking cap which will help me think better?
  22. Nice, it seems to me to be immediately after, while the last vibrations of the, uh, song, are still echoing through the, uh, musician....or did I mean theatre? I'm glad that I was reading this thread last night and caught on to the knitting name change right away. I have found my needles and I am ready to get to start knitting my sweater.....although that corking tool did look rather interesting. Maybe I will take up corking instead. Does that make us Corkers?
  23. Hi Andrew, Welcome to the club and I hope you enjoy your time spent here.
  24. I just ran across this post and clicked on your my space....WOW, I love your singing...right now I am listening to, "Baby, won't you please come home". I am really impressed, do you play with your band at live gigs? I live south of Seattle, close to Centralia, WA. Thanks for sharing!
  25. If I was slightly drunk and - he was slightly drunk as well, I'd ask: 'Could I buy you another drink, I have some questions to ask, but I need another first, you too?' - later...when he was drunk: 'Would you do some Mika impressions for me?' - he was wasted: 'Would you show me some of your dance moves now?' If I was drunk and - he was slightly drunk , I'd ask: 'Excuse me, do I know you?' - he was drunk: 'Would you consider doing a cover of Tainted Love?' - he was wasted: 'What I said was.... would you please do a cover of Prince's Darling Nikki?' If I was wasted and - he was slightly drunk : 'Wait a sec, now, I think I do know you' - he was drunk: 'Have you seen Mika anyplace....I was going to ask him some questions I think?' - he was wasted: 'I think I see a tiny Homer Simpson hiding in your hair wanting to tell me a secret, would you mind if I take a closer look....wouldn't want to miss Homer, ya know?' Yeah, I'm kinda goofy when I drink. Probably not a good idea. But, deliciously fun to think about. ps I need a drink after trying to figure out the bold, bold, italics thing for this post....good grief!
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