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Everything posted by tako

  1. Hahaha, that was hilarious when he compared them! And his reaction too. But yeah, this comparison is pretty true. I think I've read an article where the author said he looked like Jim Morrison...
  2. I love it! I know it must have killed you looking through so many photos of him. Ooh, my fillmore pics are being used! Eek the "reaction" pic at the end of Mika is so cute!
  3. Aw I'm so jealous of people in Europe! They can drive to another country to see Mika, but we have to practically drive across the continent if we want to see him again. Hehe.
  4. My friends and I were so angry we didn't get one. They weren't handing them out when we entered or left, but people behind us got them. When we went back to get them, they were all out. Sorry for complaining. They're really pretty.
  5. Yes! I completely agree. Finally a journalist that understands it is really all about the performance... and that he's attractive no matter what.
  6. Wow, this sounds so poetic. I can completely picture it. I love how you write - it makes everything seem so romantic but so real. I'm incredibly jealous, but so happy for you!
  7. Guys that wear sweaters are so hot. He's definitely not an exception. There are so many posters in the background! Is you av from this, ziema? Because it looks like the same thing he's wearing.
  8. Aw, poor Mika! That's so cool you guys got to meet him for being MFC members. That camera part really sucks. In SF they didn't do anything that radical, but they made one of my friends delete a video she had. Another friend was just told to turn the flash off haha. I can't wait to hear more stories! Ooh, orange. He was wearing grey in SF, I'm afraid. And his shirt stayed on with us too. Unfair, I say.
  9. Aw this interview is adorable and hilarious. Definitely one of my favorites. It's so cute when he puts his head on hers... reminds me of the Dutch (I think) interview when he puts his head on the interviewer's shoulder. And the face he makes when he "sings like a dog"
  10. That sounds absolutely amazing! I think I'll follow the trend and insert this smiley: Aw, I'm so happy for you. I wish I could have stayed after the SF gig. I love how he treats his fans. Can't wait for him to come back here! And I have to agree, he is so much hotter in real life. Even though I didn't meet him, I was front row at the concert.
  11. Hey guys, here are a couple pictures from Saturday of Mika and his barely buttoned shirt. I'll promise I'll upload more tomorrow, but I have to go now. Enjoy!
  12. I saw the girls wearing the glow-in-the-dark necklaces. I think they're MFC members? But anyway, I think the word "preteen" is overused in journalism. To me, it has come to mean enthusiastic teenage girls, not 10 year olds.
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