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Everything posted by AnnaMariaPetra

  1. Oh twins! Nice, do they look alike? I am bringing my 16-yo daughter. Your hotel looks really nice, and probably also not to far from Paradiso. Mine is, according to Google Maps, a 5 minute walk.
  2. I understand both of you! I know it is asked before, but since you're there as 'press' can't you take your pics in a special 'press-area'?
  3. Kaatje!!!! Hi:punk: So you're coming to Paradiso too! Great, love to see you again:boing: yeah, I would like to know the 'start-queueing-time' too. Then I know if I should go stand in line or that I could go to my hotel first.
  4. 'Sarcasm?' You mean about getting in front? It's okay by me, but ofcourse I don't know where I'll be standing:dunno:
  5. Ah! Hahaha:naughty: I thought he was with Dita ànd someone else:aah:
  6. MIKA official ‏@mikasounds Prince Prince Prince!!!! With Dita and a pint of cola and JD in Hollywood. On my way!!! ---- 18mMIKA official ‏@mikasounds On my way to see Prince perform in front of 70 people at a secret bar in LA!!!!!!!! Who is JD?
  7. MIKA official ‏@mikasounds @BritRick09 nice pic 8u ago -- MIKA official ‏@mikasounds Over 18 @HeleneMusic96 for venue insurance sorry! 8h ago -- Perez Hilton‏@PerezHilton This is repulsive! RT @MittRomney Wants To End Hospital Visitation Rights For Same-Sex Couples http://shar.es/cGiND Geretweet door MIKA official -- MIKA official ‏@mikasounds At the Ch Marmont having drinks. Always try to say this place is overrated until I'm here and I'm seduced by the old slut all over again. 54 mins ago -- MIKA official ‏@mikasounds Indeed “@SrFCasanova: @mikasounds Old sluts are underrated” 50 mins ago
  8. Lovely girls, good interviewers! Mika is ending the interview to soon, the girls wanted to ask more I think.
  9. Very impresive video from Milow: Please listen and watch. It makes you very sad.
  10. As I see it on the internet, the show will be recorded on Saturday the 27th in Almere: http://bijwonen.vara.nl/Paul-de-Leeuw.1360.0.html This is the FB-page of Langs de Leeuw: https://www.facebook.com/Langsdeleeuw
  11. Oh, I really hope you can be a member of the PolkaDotChoir! Would be awesome to see a fellow Oldling on stage with Mika!
  12. This guy is posting some nice pics of the gig on Twitter, and promises to post more later on: https://twitter.com/TheGayPaul (I'm not sure if he dressed in his profile pic... sorry if not)
  13. Me too. I like that t-shirt! Did anyone mention what it costs? MFC won't be with a lot, but there will be a lot of others... I hope it doesn't rain: crepe-paper won't stay pretty if it does! I am so very excited!!
  14. 'A girlfriend with a moustache' :-) http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=v0tUcW6SI1Y&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dv0tUcW6SI1Y&gl=NL (Watch the vid andere check out the lyrics!)
  15. You're welcome. Neo-noire: good scenery for Dita von Teese:fisch:
  16. Not sure, but could this have to do with Mika's video shoot?: http://losangeles.craigslist.org/wst/tlg/3349379103.html
  17. Hi,


    I just saw the gig-dates in your sig..but if you go to Paradiso the 26th you will be a day early.

    I am going too, I love to meet new MFC'er, so I'll see you in Amsterdam!



  18. Yes, in this German interview: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3815367&postcount=2
  19. Tnx! I love it too, so much that I apparently 'stole' it from someone on the internet...

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