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Everything posted by lazy_daisy

  1. Ahá. Mire, yo me levanto a las 6.00 para ir a la facultad. Así que anóteme en el de las 2.00. ¿Cuáles son las formas de pago y qué contenidos se imparten en las cátedras?
  2. Lo que tengo que cuidar está a la altura de mis narices. Voy a ser una excelente guarda-cullitos.
  3. *se acerca, medio nerviosa, a la mesa de inscripciones y mira a la secretaria Adri* -Buenassssss... soy Lourdes, de Tucumán, y me gustaría inscribirme en el post grado. ¿Qué disponibilidad horaria tiene? Aclaración contra la exclusión social: el post grado se llama "Cullito Guard" y es para ser guardaespaldas del cullito de Mika.
  5. Y, por si querían más... http://www.nordeclair.fr/site/albums/?Qwd=./images/Les%20concerts/10-10-2007%20Mika%20au%20Zenith%20de%20Lille&Qif=IU6C1156.jpg&Qiv=Aucun&Qis=M
  6. God, I can't stop listening to it! I've watched the vid a hundred times and I can't stop! I SO LOVE THE SONG! And the worst part of it is I keep smiling like an idiot.
  7. ¡DE NADA, CHIQUIS! Si el link expira y alguien no la tiene, mándenme un PM y se los envío por mail. ¡Casi me largo a llorar cuando escuché la cancióóón! Me encantó. Mika cantó eso y me alegró totalmente el día. Pero no estuve ahí para escucharlo en vivo...
  8. LOL! Sorry! I didn't see it! Thank you!
  9. ¡CONVERTÍ LA CANCIÓN A MP3! Apúrense, porque el link expira: http://www.zamzar.com/getFiles.php?uid=1690524659627001192142674&targetID=wgKEL4yfnSkkHcrCM5rPGQ_I_I
  10. OMG! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS SONG! IT'S AMAZING! I wish I had been there! I tried to convert the song to mp3. Hurry up, or the link will expire! http://www.zamzar.com/getFiles.php?uid=1690524659627001192142674&targetID=wgKEL4yfnSkkHcrCM5rPGQ_I_I
  11. La letra de la nueva canción (¡gracias Anastasia!). No sé si esto ya fue posteado, pero no tengo tiempo de leer todos los comments. ¡Nos vemso después! There's a boy His father's bad He's living on the road And it's so sad Now he cries Every day Just tell him to forget about a father Who couldn't show the way There's a girl Her momma's gone She's got an old man Who couldn't carry on Now she cries Every day To forget about her mother She runs away How much do you love me How much do you care How much do you need me When I'm not there How much do you love me How much do you care How much do you miss me When I'm not there Do do do do do... In this life We live and learn To lose what belongs And get what hurts I'm not a boy To forget it all I love every minute From the time I'm born *chorus*
  13. Hellooooo! Welcome to the forums! I see your are completely crazy. And you know what? So am I. Have fun and enjoy the forums!
  14. ROFL! Well, thank you so much for this priceless service! I'm already #1 fan of this thread!
  15. My country wasn't listed (what a surprise! ) so, in addition to registering in another unknown site, I had to lie... just a bit. Now I live in Spain. Well, anything for Mika. Anyways, VOTED! But I have a question: can you only vote once?
  16. AMAZING! It was like going through an art gallery in a few seconds! LOL! Thanks for sharing! (Though I must say seeing Mika as a woman is rather disturbing, ).
  17. LOL!The most used smilie in this thread: haha I don't understand a single word you wrote, but never mind... WELCOME! Have fun.
  18. Well, maybe you failed the first time because you were too nervous! Next time, relax (take it easy) and be sure there's no-one around to bother you. Practice makes perfect, hehe. I wonder how would you look with Mika's curls on... *tries to imagine* LOL!
  19. LOL! That sounds really funny! You are hilarious, david! And my verdict is bangs. They look beautiful in people with your type of hair. Mine, for instance, is way too curly for bangs. If I dared cut it too short... it would just get frizzy and I wouldn't be able to comb it at all.
  20. OMG! He looks like a posing model on that pic! And you know what? I looooove it!
  21. Listo. Decimos cosas como "te parto", "sacate todo", etc., fantaseamos con Mika y un pote de dulce de leche, mostramos fotos en las que se le ven las partes bajas (de atrás), discutimos teorías extrañas, pero arman quilmbo por una fotos que no tienen otro sentido que mostrar unos calzoncillos. Siguen ahí, de todos modos. Y no porque no haya borrado mi comentario. Y en cuanto a lo de "dejar fuera a la gente", no veo cómo se puede tachar a una persona en un foro. Sólo comenten lo que dijeron los otros y es todo. Así no pueden quedar excluidas de nada. Los comentarios quedan escritos; no es como hablar en vivo, que es efímero y queda en la nada. Leemos todo y todas somos escuchadas acá, pero no se puede contestar todos los comments. Esto no es un chat; para eso está el msn. Me voy a la facultad. Nos vemos después.
  22. Hey, Anna! WELCOME! Hope you have fun here (which you will, most certainly). Mika is amazing, isn't he? I fell in love with him and his music almost instantly as well. Enjoy the forums!
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