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Everything posted by Me-Mi-Ka

  1. Yeah, I think that would be easier. Or put it in an email..
  2. Me-Mi-Ka


    Yeah, great smile. Love it..
  3. Wth... That Grace Kelly one.. :roftl:
  4. Wow! I love that idea! If there would be a video like that, could I be in it too?
  5. Agree! *Raises hand* This forum is to talk about his music and about Mika, the singer. :รณ
  6. Place: my house Guests: My parents, thought they would ask him some very very tricky questions and I would be emberassed, they still are my parents wich I love. Not my little sister or older brother, my lil' sis would stare her eyes out. And my brother just doesnt like him. I would cook: Well, more my mother and I would cook, I think.. Lasagna! I love lasagna. Lasanga is like, the best thing that ever happend to me. And after that a bit like egg-white baked in the oven. Then whiped cream with strawberrys and blueberries. Wow, kinda makes me hungry.. And after that we would walk in the forest with my dog Tippet. With my parents too.
  7. *Hugger* *Hugger* 2 BIG! huggs for you!
  8. I have it as my ringtone too! And when I play it to people they're like: 'Isnt his laugh a little bit geeky?' And then Im like: 'ISNT IT CUTE!' *Talks on and on about how cute he is*
  9. Yup I hate that too. But.. nothing you can do about it. There was one boy, he can be nice but sometimes like not. And he was like: Mika's gay. I dont care. Mika.. *Very very rude sentence* I dont care. And then he walked away. I just hate that. Cant people just respect Mika for what he is?
  10. I wouldnt trust him. He's a little bit over-active, and so am I. That's not a good combination up there in the sky.
  11. Well he's my hero because... He does what he thinks is right. He isnt like some trashy Paris Hilton or some over-uber-****ty-pop-star, he's Mika. He is talented and people wanted his talent but not the Mika. But he kept working and now he's still here. That's why I like him. He's not going to change for no one. More people should do that, including me, sometimes.
  12. Hmm I need to do some brainstorming for my piece..
  13. Makes me feel happy too. And, it makes him even more sexy. I use that smiley way too much.. Aww well.. xD
  14. Yay! Good job! I almost converted 3 of my friends. I asked them if they wanted to see Mika in Amsterdam. And they like.. freaked out. xD They were like. Shouting in the phone..
  15. Love it! Love it! Love it! Nice work. How did you made it? Sorry if this was posted before but Im a little bit to lazy to read al the messages..
  16. Mika, I dont like this Cristiano for what he did to Holland in the champions league.. Lol But anyway he's not my type. So Mika. Really.
  17. That sounds like.. the.. saddest story of your life... Except for the first part where you were almost hit by cars.
  18. LOVE that idea! That would be awesome! ^^
  19. Me-Mi-Ka


    Summer makes you think about summer, doesnt he? Lol
  20. I only cry when I realise that his concert in Amsterdam is in like 5 months. Too long! Lol.
  21. Woop! It does remind me of Mika! In a good way. Love the song!
  22. Ok.. I think I can do that. I mean. I have like whole summer vacation.. Lol xD
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