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Everything posted by Me-Mi-Ka

  1. So I havent wrote a while so im starting over again. Part 1 -- I lifted up my head. It felt heavy, and a pain was cutting through it. The salt seawater was dripping of my clothes and hair and landed on the gold sand. Suddenly I rememberd everything, the crash and the screaming people. I crawled on my knees and sat down in de soft, dry sand. There was blood on my head and legs, and when I looked closer I saw 3 wounds. They weren't deep, but they stung badly. The sun was shining and it was very hot. All I heard was birds and the calming sound of the ocean, and in the distance there was nothing but sea. I stood up and turned around, a couple of rocks and behind those rocks was a big jungle. I never felt so sad, nobody could help me. I was on my own now. Though my legs were giving up on me I started walking. The wounds were making it painfull and hard to walk. I just couldnt think about something else then the screaming people, maybe no one else survived this. After 10 stept I surrenderd to my body and fell on the ground. Tears were running and all I could do was lying in the sand, waiting for death. I didnt wanted to struggle, even if I wanted to I didnt stand any chance. I was on my own, I had no skills. And thinking about that I fell asleep, or maybe I passed out. I couldnt tell.
  2. Ehm.. What about the.. Dont know.. Never mind. I cant come up with anything
  3. I dont know, it's his private life, isnt it?
  4. Can I be a bond girl too? And if I can, can I be the 'keeper of the pink socks'?
  5. That sucks, maybe he doesnt come to Holland.. o__o
  6. My friends think his laugh is geeky, but it's the cutest laugh I ever heard.
  7. I heard it on Eurosport. They were playing happy ending and showed images of crying footballers and supporters. Really sad, but I was to busy playbacking it. XD
  8. *Hands over positive thoughts* Here you are Mika, now stay in bed!
  9. I dont know what you can give him.. :ó Sorry..
  10. Well, it was a couple of days ago. But.. I was walking through a town, with high buildings so you couldnt see the sky, and I was walking there with my mother. Suddenly Mika was there and he gave me a hug. Then he walked away and that was the end of my dream.
  11. Nooos! I really want to stay and chat and help to find cures for Mika, maybe we should brew him a special kind of tea, but I got to go now. Have school tomorrow, last day! Summer vacation woohoo! but its nap-time now. ;__; Good bye! *Hugger to everyone*
  12. Count me in too! This is serious! Bring in the equipment! *Grabs robes and scarfs and a tank with tea*
  13. Pneunomia... god.. That's not very good! Mika! Please take a vacation.. After you get better ofcourse..
  14. But what are we going to do? are we going to sing-a-long or something?
  15. Yeah! When I'm down I listen to Love Today once and Im happy again! Yay!
  16. Me-Mi-Ka


    I wouldnt like a music teacher that hits you.... :'D
  17. You got my help I can do vids and pictures..
  18. That's really, really sweeeeet!!
  19. Welcoooooooomeee! *Gives cookies* We have cookies! And an obsession with Mika.. Well, most of us have.. Lol
  20. I think his whole familly needs to be thanked. Raising 5 kids, moving 3 times, dad was taken hostage. I dont want to say much but: I think that was really though. Because my momma sometimes freaks out and she haves only 3 children.. Me, lil' sis and big bro, lol.
  21. I collect rubber ducks. I have my obsessions..
  22. I only get like MP3 downloads.. And Javascripts stuff.. Love the advertisment!
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