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Everything posted by Me-Mi-Ka

  1. Lol, I have a dog, maybe that helps too! But.. It's not like I can do anything about it because I have like a panic disorder or something. But.. I think I'll try everything
  2. Me and my little sister LOVE Mika. But my parents and older brother dont..
  3. I also need braces! I searched for them but they are so hard to find.. :l And, I never wonder what Mika should do. I just go with the flooow..
  4. I think he would be like: And after that like: xD
  5. That clip rocks! He's so cool..
  6. Yeah, maybe I should stop watching tv. And I'll do the other things you all suggested. ^^ And see how that works out! Thanks a lot
  7. I had a dream about Mika again! I was with my family in our house, and suddenly Mika came in. He and my parents talked and after a while I asked: 'Would you like to sign on of my rubber ducks?' And he was like; why? I said I collected them and took him to my bedroom and showed all my rubber ducks, and he signed a Pirate one. He hugged me and gave me a kiss on my cheek. Later in the dream we were on a island in a big house with a lot of children and we went to the beach, he hugged me again and then there was a motorcycle. I jumped on it and after a while I was on the beach again apoligized because I suddenly left and he hugged me again. I cant remember any more. It was really strange, lol.
  8. Well, maybe this is a little stupid but I really need help. Here is the story: I get really scared. When I see a trailer from for example The Grudge 2. After that I sleep really bad and I wake up in the middle of the night. Then I get panic attacks. I always go to my parents but they get really tired from that. So we made a deal. If I can stay in my own bed till October the 11th, I can see Mika in Amsterdam. But I saw a trailer from the Grudge 2 yesterday and this night I was so scared that I ran to my parents. They understood but I cant do it again. I really want to go but Im so scared so if anyone could help me that would be great.
  9. Iphone.. is that the same as an Ipod? o__O But.. with a phone?
  10. I saw Relax Take It Easy this morning in Mobile Charts! Woohoo! 2 weeks of watching the charts was really worth it! *Yaay*
  11. I picked LlamafluffyMcBob, because he ís fluffy! And llama's are cool!
  12. Wow! He's really having tons of fun. Like the vid. ^^
  13. I could be brown I could be blue I could be violet sky I could be hurtful I could be purple I could be anything you like Gotta be green Gotta be mean Gotta be everything more Why dont you like me? Why dont you like me? Why dont you walk out the door! Ik kan bruin zijn Ik kan blauw zijn Ik kan violen lucht zijn Ik kan pijnvol zijn Ik kan paars zijn Ik kan alles zijn wat je maar wilt Ik moet groen zijn Ik moet gemeen zijn En nog heel veel meer Waarom vinden jullie me niet goed Waarom vinden jullie me niet goed Waarom loop je niet de kamer uit. It sounds so stupid in Dutch..
  14. Now the dutch version of a bit of Grace Kelly! I try to be like Grace Kelly But all her looks were too sad So I try a little Freddie I've gone identity mad! Ik probeer als Grace Kelly te zijn Maar haar uiterlijk was te zielig (or something like that ) Dus ik probeer een beetje Freddie Ik ben identiteitsgek Not everything is right, but it's hard to translate for me because im not that good in english lol
  15. It's not a magazine, it's a Mikazine! I like the layout! Nice job!
  16. Mika's smile is just the best!
  17. I think he should do a cover of 'here comes the sun' from The Beatles. He has a bit of it at the end of Instant Martyr, loved that!
  18. Im seeing him in November. I really want to meet him, and I really want to give him a positive, relax hug! He's one of my idols, next to The Beatles..
  19. Yes we do! We want you on stage fresh and not sick!
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