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Everything posted by marlau_20zr

  1. Thanks Caro!! I haven`t seen it before! the first is soo cute and i love his face in the last one!!!
  2. i don´t have one yet... i will do it when i have more time.. here in argentina... Mika was only in 3 magazines!!! so i don´t have big posters but i print a lot of pics and in all my books i write MIKA!! like in the cd.. my parters say i´m obssesed!!! well... that´s true! Great work Ceci_B!! one girl in the argentinean thread made a t shirt of Mika!! Carol_Queen!! it´s sooo cute!! she made the cover of LICM big and painted... i´ll asked her if i can post it
  3. sorry... but he once said he loves driving around with out a propuse?? he lied about it?
  4. i feel the same... when i see an interview and he laugh and i laugh too... and his laught is sooooo cuuuteee!!! i have it in my cellphone!! jejje
  5. that´s true... you are famous!!! here in the mfc!! and congrats for your vid!!
  6. Add me please!!! i love his smile!! is sooo cute!! I love this one!!
  7. Holaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! como andan por aca?? como es ese proyecto?? yo estoy re perdida!! jajajja
  8. jajajj Sofi!!! we need him so much... i hope he comes soon!!! Lily Allen came and i didn`t like her but she is famous and if she cames why Mika wouldn`t?? Argentinean Thread "grow up" a lot... first we were 8, 10 but now we are a lot!! i think in one week we are going be in part 5!
  9. how she can critisse Mika`s voice??!!! she is soooo stupid! Mika does a great cover of Sweet Dreams! is one of my favourites covers! Mikas released 5 singles in one year!! and i hope the sixth too!! jajaj he has done a lot this year... he made two tours and i hope he comes to argentina next year!! and released a new album!
  10. He should come to ARGENTINA!!! because there a lot of fans here! we are about a lot in the argentinean thread part 4! we are crazy!!! actually... he should do a latinamerica tour... including countries like brazil, uruguay, venezuela, mexico... it would be very succesful!
  11. que bueno!!! mi cumple es el 28 de Diciembre entonces le dije a todos mis conocidos que mas les vale que algunos me compre el dvd!!! sino ya se la veran conmigo enojada jajaj
  12. sorry... for me that was a wallet... my father got something very similar but in black...
  13. Hola!!! como andan por aca?? me contaron q quedo re linda la cancion de navidad!! ya tiene el dvd ustedes?? aca con suerte sale para navidad!! cuak
  14. I`m so happy!! How much do you love me in his second album!!! and Holy Johnny? anybody knows something about it?
  15. ummm... Mika reconigsed that he is a tea freak!! Mika said that he was like! so i don`t think he is becoming a diva or something like that
  16. yes.. he know it!! i love white! and gold! and MIKA!! jajja
  17. OMG!!! he is so cute!!! mmm... when i see this pic many naughty things come to my mind!! jijiji
  18. What carrear can have THAT? OMG! sorry.. but most of the people i say Mika thinks about our Mika! not that... she isn`t very famous!
  19. ummm... live my favourite ones are sweet dreams y misionary man... and only for listening i would say... satellite!!
  20. Ring Ring!!! like its something that needs repiting..
  21. Grace Kelly!!! is there anybody home?
  22. jajaajaj.. romi!!! grrrr.. i want to take a photo with him like that!!! Mika can look my boobs when he want!! no problem! i don`t have a lot but...
  23. i shoulda never let that message on your phone.. easy one!
  24. here in argentina music stores didn`t know about Mika releasing a dvd!! grrrrrr... one girl of the argentinean thread have an uncle in the USA so she asked for the dvd and one for me!! i`m going to pay her next week! it`s really expensive for me!! but it worth it!! it`s Mika!! when he come to argentina i`ll spend all my money to see him! i already save some money!!! he didn`t come yet! i just keep dreaming!
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