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Everything posted by Shari

  1. OMG they were the absolute best vids I've seen. Wow! Thanks fpr posting them, awesome.
  2. When does the voting finish anyway? I keep voting and seeing it go up and down. The most being 21.9%
  3. Hi folks, for anyone who is interested, there is the interview with Roger Taylor on Sky news a week last Sunday morning. Here is the link. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=X484fCQJBPk
  4. Oh Thanks ever so for posting the link fo that. I have never seen it before and ddin't know about the performance. You can certainly tell a difference in energy levels can't you? Thanks again
  5. What is this SYTYCD? Is it another performance on wetten dass?
  6. Then you too will know how illness affects your performance if you are under the weather. You must know how it feels. Mika is in the spotlight for us all to either pick to bits or crave every movement on here. I just desperately feel so sorry for him having to fulfil his commitments when he's already been on tour over a year!
  7. Cynthia, my hubby is in entertainment and he knows that if you don't feel 100% it is hard to disguise. I empathise with Mika on how he must be hating doing his songs because he is so tired. People DO see thru the mask sometimes and if you are a perfactionist wanting to give your best, doing it half mast will not do you any favours. I enjoyed what I saw, but if he was mine, I'd tuck him up and let him sleep for days.
  8. Oh dear, poor, poor Mika. His heart wasn't in it was it? I should think he'll be cursing that performance as it was his usual 110%. To the untrained eye, it would have been OK but knowing Mika as we do, he's soo not well. Sack the bloody management for making him work so hard when he's ill.
  9. Can anyone point me to the photo of Mika's set list for Doncaster please?
  10. Sivan, I saw the pictures of that necklace you made and I was amazed at it's design and quality not to mention it is unique. No wonder Mika is proud to wear it. I can feel your delight from here.
  11. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/Queenie/DSC00701.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/Queenie/DSC00702.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/Queenie/DSC00709.jpg Not very good, but hope somebody recognises themselves.
  12. I'm uploading 3 pics taken from the tv screen, you can only see 5 people in the crowd!
  13. I think you could say that about the stereophonics too Vix! They've been around longer than Mika!
  14. I think I saw you in the crowd Mariposa. Were you front row? I've copied it and will pu it on youtube, but can't do it until tomorrow. Someone may have beaten me to it! Thanks to whoever it was that notified us in advance xx
  15. I think it's wonderful that he is just so obliging. Yes a nicely brought up guy with alot of respect. I have never met him or been close to him sadly and it is an ambition to have a photo with him. However, with world domination beckoning he will not be as attainable as he has been in the early days. Make the most of now.
  16. A lucky case of being in the right place at the right time eh Sivan?
  17. I will away to my bed too now. Think my laryngitis is turning into a cold
  18. LOL @ Sarahlou, well I hadn't quite thought of it that way! LOL
  19. You just hang on for one or 2 more posts. I know I do.
  20. nighty night Kath. Sleep well and enjoy your weekend.
  21. I quite like Palladium for a new group, they certainly have a good sound. I keep waiting for someone to ask if I'm their mum! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/Queenie/MIKA%20Donny%20Nov07/DSC00369.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/Queenie/MIKA%20Donny%20Nov07/DSC00368.jpg
  22. Have fun swim practise Candboys. Belated birthday greetings for October then Carri. You a fellow Scorp like me then?
  23. Oh great news Carri. Congrats to you for tomorrow. Hope you have a really fabulous day. Hi chickadee btw, sorry wasn't ignoring you.
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