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Everything posted by ajbollin

  1. I found this: Also this. Look at that hair! So...fluffy! OMG I can't wait!
  2. That's my husband. I have the same tattoo behind my left ear. Just not as big. Here I am getting it done actually! LOLZ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rP2v1CXtURI
  3. These are a couple pics of when my husband got to meet them. They signed a tshirt that we have hanging in our hallway now. The pics are really dark b/c they didn't allow cameras with flashes. The first one is Grant and Chester (!!) and the next one, if you squint your eyes, you can see Mike and Phoenix. I didn't get to meet them because I'm not in the fanclub.
  4. He's a very good friend! He gives good hugs. Here he is doing some of his tricks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvxQts-cbOU
  5. O??? And Orlando Bloom was just said...Oh! Oprah Winfrey!
  6. His name is Jerry Wonder and he's super sweet, but you're right, he wouldn't make a very good husband.
  7. Their last album is growing on me. It's taken awhile. You know why? It's because Mike doesn't rap enough. The best songs are the ones where he raps!
  8. Oooh, next week's not good. I'll be at the beach! If you're her by Thursday you can come with us though!. Or you can babysit my dog while we're gone. He's in the pic. Isn't he cute?
  9. *sigh* We can only hope.
  10. Yeah, come on over! We can have a Barbeque!
  11. OMG I'm seeing them in St Louis in August! This will be the 4th time I've seen them and they get more bad-ass every single time!!
  12. Christina Aguilera's "Candyman" and "Ain't No Other Man". It never fails, every time I hear them I tear up and I have no idea what it is! Maybe just the power in her voice. Hehe!
  13. I LOOOOOOVE Robbie! More than words can say. Also...more than Mika. *hides behind her chair while MFCers throw things at her* He's my future second husband. *sighs*
  14. I LOOOOVE MIA! Do you know she supposedly retired at the Bonarroo fest last month? Booooo to that! I havn't seen her live yet!
  15. Hey guys, look at our guest bathroom! Anybody want to stay over? LOLZ!
  16. I'm going to the St Louis show in November! SOOO excited!
  17. Tim Allen (Did you know that your post has to be at least 10 characters? It wouldn't let me post just "Tim Allen".)
  18. Emile Hirsch LOLZ! Have you guys seen this outfit yet!?
  19. http://www.apple.com/trailers/lions_gate/mybestfriendsgirl/trailer/ I thought this was cool! It's called "My Best Friend's Girl" and in it, Kate Hudson tells Dane Cook "I lost my virginity to this song!" while "Love Today is playing! It's probably not the song that's playing during that time in the actual movie, but I thought it was pretty funny!
  20. This white shirt kills me dead! For some odd reason I think it's so hot! And it's just a plain old shirt.
  21. "Wow!!!!" on the first one! I mean...wow! But, yeah, I agree with you guys on the 2nd one. It's a little "I'm going to EAT your FACE!"
  22. How new is this one? He looks caught off guard!
  23. No, but with markers I do. Is FRIENDS your favorite show?
  24. I do, but I always forget it's there and never use it. Do you eat Asparagus?
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