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Everything posted by leonita

  1. so you get all wacky just from regular mushrooms? Now I'm worried- what time is it there? It's 11:30pm in Chicago
  2. this is so exciting. Technology is a wonderful thing. Technology and Mika!
  3. "Reality Bites!" I would watch a video of him ordering at McDonalds.. Or giving someone directions on the street.... Or he can just stand there and let us bask in his gorgeousness!
  4. see you all later in California thread! bon soir Leona
  5. Good thing there's no school tomorrow, so I can catch up on the California gig thread!
  6. I am turning various shades of green with envy- celadon, mint, pea, hunter, kelly....
  7. Hello, Robi! you get to seee himmmm!!!! Have fun! what is in 12 minutes? I'm afraid to ask!
  8. bye, Christina, I used Turbotax last year & it was quite good. ciao!
  9. hello, Elanorelle! how is the weather near you? Last night it was --28 degrees F. with the windchill! today, not so bad.
  10. didn't know it was private, whoops! never mind.... Wig hair is the worst, isn't it? has anyone else done their taxes yet? I've printed out the forms, but I'm just looking at them, goofing off on the MFC, this is addicting!
  11. yyeeaaahhh-well, anyway, I feel better every time I find more confetti! I have a whole ziploc bag full, it smells faintly of beer, so I'm airing it out. I had an idea- didn't someone say he had relatives from Branson, Missouri that he saw there(in Chicago) -- what if he comes thru the midwest to visit them, and we could schedule a meet & greet at a hotel , no show, no equipment to get stuck in snow just get to say hi & maybe a photo? I'd go to Branson for that!
  12. True, this week would have been deadly. I have a little issue with my neck vertebrae & discs & bone spurs. Apparently, I have the neck of a 60 year old woman & I'm not even 40! Muscle relaxants & Tylenol w/codeine make it REALLY hard to focus on things, but it's gradually feeling better. although I didn't feel a thing the 90 minutes he was on stage!
  13. I mean, what did your boys make of the show? (sorry, Tylenol 3 doesn't help my already sketchy typing skills!)
  14. is this what you'd call the mosh pit? right in front of the barriers? then I was there, between where Martin & Saranayde were standing. The next day I had stripes of bruises across my torso, from jumping/dancing pressed against the barrier, didn't feel it at the time. Good call, better not to have your boys get squished! what did they make it?
  15. (Mika looked at me, not your husband!) sometimes things look weird after you type them!
  16. Did your husband get any video/photos? (Oh, and he looked at me during "My Interpretation"!)
  17. Christina, sorry! yep, last week's concert was the most fantastic thing I've ever seen (until these Grammy photos)
  18. Hello, Christine (it is Christine, right?) I am still kelly green with envy that you got to dance with/meet him. But you did a great job, I would have frozen in awe! But I did touch his hand at the end of Love Today! Leona
  19. those Grammy picture need to go in the dictionary under: gorgeous, jaw-dropping, Adonis, mouth watering, - help me out here- how many adjectives can we come up with?
  20. that part of "Happy Ending" where the audience is singing "Little bit of Love" & Mika just makes up something gorgeous to sing over it (I don't know the correct musical terms!) that gives me the shivers. Every time I hear it - so glad someone caught it on video -Merci beaucoup, Eric!
  21. Originally Posted by Christine Ugh, North Americans are not interested in that. Conformity is the name of the game. That's why it will be difficult for his music to break too...but he'll get through eventually. All 350 million of us are not so mindless. hey, it's not fair to lump us all together... some Americans do have good taste in music and clothes...
  22. did someone say he said he'd wait till the end & tear off a corner of Joni Mitchell's dress? That would be worth waiting up for!
  23. no, I haven't progressed that far yet! I don't have a digital camera, so.. one of these days!
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