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Everything posted by Serendipity66

  1. See a spectacled (and I assume "ready") Mika discuss his tea at 1:30 below. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=LN1Zp4ty6uM
  2. AND, let's not forget, the water itself has to have a certain "hardness." Oh, how we love this guy!
  3. Ha ha, don;t know if true, but wouldn't surprise me. Mika has always admitted he is quite particulah about his tea! I myself can't drink from any cup that isn't at least white on the inside! And I am far from a Diva. A bit OCD though.
  4. OMG--Imagination going wild! :mf_lustslow: ALL these fabulous pictures, day after day after! WHAT are we going to DO when this tour is over??? I am afraid to think about it!!!
  5. Christine wrote: Secondly I think snubbing Boyzone gives him credibility no matter how the tabloids want to spin it. All it does is illustrate that Boyzone are no-talent hacks who can't write their own music and that Mika's songs are too good for them. Sure it can make Mika sound elitist but he obviously is on a different level to Boyzone artistically or there wouldn't have been an attempt to use his song and all this whinging about him not allowing it. That he would turn down £250K shows that his work is valuable and that he's not willing to sell out. AGREE! AGREE! AGREE! In fact, that is the first thing I thought of when this story first broke--that it is GOOD publicity. It casts him in a more favorable light, as far as I am concerned
  6. Thank you so much for the link, Christine! You always seem to come through!!
  7. Hannah says... That very early Grace Kelly video that Jack posted a while back in reference to her Sexuality thread was THE prime example If it is not too much trouble, can someone provide a link to that thread or the video? Unfortunately, I did not know of Mika in his early days. Are his performances a lot different now? PS. This thread makes me laugh. It's almost like it's about two different topics going on at the same time.
  8. Doesn't surprise me at all. Mika, for all his cuteness, is a shrewd business person who likes control. Is it possible that the song is on the open market for purchase, but that there is some kind of contingency clause that Mika must give final approval before the song can be fully purchased? Like "renting it on spec" or something. (I have no idea how the song industry works--probably obvious:wink2: ---but Mika does like to do things his own unconventional way, doesn't he?) In any event, the only thing I don;t like is calling the group "cheesy" but we don't even know if he even used those words. The same as when Michael Buble made a joke at Mika's expense--I see no need to denigrate another artist.
  9. For some reason, that first picture took my breath away for a second. Seriously.
  10. HA HA--- Font heading in above message. The mental image of M and P together (puke!) made me lose control!
  11. OMG YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That would totally gross me OUT!!!!!!!!!!COLOR="Navy"][/color][/font]
  12. Ha ha, I'm with ya! Sexy stubble! I want sexy stubble! And I want it now.
  13. Sometimes in my dreams, I am with a certain person and feel a completely overwhelming sense of love for him.... I can't see his face--all I know is that my feelings for him are stronger and more intense than anything I have felt for anyone in real life. It is almost if this person is my "soul-mate" and when I wake up I feel very sad and alone. I am no babe in the woods, and have had real nice relationships, so where this all comes from, I don't know... With Mika, I think he just subconsciously fits with what this person might be, if he really existed. All that beauty and intelligence and sensitivity..... So that is why I love Mika, in a "fantasy" way and I can't shake that. I would not even want to meet him in real life for fear that the fantasy would go away. He suits my purpose right where he is--the unknown man of my dreams!
  14. Thanks again, Sarah! I agree with you that the interview just touched me in some sad way, I don't know why. I did not know what he was saying, I was able only to read his facial expressions, and they looked more intense in some sad way in certain parts. That is why I was anxious to know what he was saying. (My one year of French class is not helping me much!). PS. I am a messy hair lover myself, and in fact, am known for it!
  15. Thanks Sarah! Oh, I am sorry:blink: , I did not even know this had been discussed before! In fact, I looked and could not find anything, so I will search again!
  16. Why does Mika seem not happy in some parts of this interview? I think it was Pamette who said that he was angry about what people said in the past. Can anyone translate that part, please? Thanks! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=kMI8igvLLDQ
  17. OH, that is tooo funny! (Maybe I am yop's alter ego:wink2: ) Seriously, I better change my avie so as not to confuse anyone! Otherwise it will seem as if I (and/or yop) have gone identity-mad!
  18. Thanks, Esperia. He can't be any cuter, can he? Here is another track where his happiness just glows!! Check his smile out at 2:17!!!! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=kQFQcYlzOKg
  19. :lol3 OMG, this cracked me up!!!! Don't hold back how you feel! :roftl: :roftl:
  20. That bottom lip! Looks like it tastes like strawberries!
  21. Wow, I must be in la-la land because I did not realize there were so many deep undercurrents! I have ended a few threads myself with my comments, but I just thought it was because I was boring!! Being relatively new, I don't feel like I am part of the in-crowd (now that you mention there is one), but I go ahead and post whenever I want. Sometimes I feel like I am not as eloquent or funny as some of the posters here, and maybe a lot of new people feel that way and don't post. So, I just want to reach out to the ones who don't post for whatever reason and say, hiya all!
  22. On a much less exciting note, I heard "My Interpretation" being played over the intercom at the "Bath and Body Works" yesterday. Here in the US, we take what we can get!!
  23. Oh my goodness gracias!!!! How did I ever miss THIS one? I usually think of Mika in a sweet, innocent way, but after a video like this..... Thanks so much! You made my evening!
  24. I wouldn't actually leave my partner, and I would not be unfaithful. (probably) But I WOULD run away with Mika for a couple of days, just to lie next to him, talk to him, and run my fingers through his hair whenever I want. Life is too short not to seize on moments like these!!!
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