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Everything posted by Serendipity66

  1. I still chuckle every time I think of this. Pam's post sealed the deal. I did wonder if that bendy picture was Mika though. The chest hair looked different. (I spend a lot of time studying things in the Mikagasmic thread:naughty: )
  2. Masterfully done!!!! I wasted, (uh, I mean, spent!) a couple hours reading through each and every post! But all is not lost! I learned about yogic flying, head shaving rituals, mystical theories about use of the left hand, problems at Heathrow airport, sanitary and toilet conditions of India, and more! Much, much more! Where else would I get this wealth of knowledge. Great job, guys!
  3. Keeping busy checking out other guys until Mika reappears. lol. A guy from the Final 10--American Idol last night. Great take on Billie Jean. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-Ke1zCWgI8
  4. Hee hee, he is adorable. Love the floppy hair. What is that green thing that falls out of his backpack?
  5. 'Cause he's not ours anymore? Not that he ever was...well... maybe a little.....kinda...while he was on tour.
  6. What a great idea--this walk down memory lane! Especially now when we are all so Mika-deprived-- perfect timing to celebrate when it all started. Koko was one of the first videos to push me over the edge in August 2007. It is interesting to see some of the names on the postings. Some are still posting, but a lot of the names I do not recognize. I wonder if they are still fans.
  7. Yowsa!! He is lookin' hotttt! That little velvet collar, those beautiful hands, those eyes! Fall in love all over again? Yeah, you said it!
  8. I think it is beautiful and exactly what I need to look at when I have a bad day. I'll be watching it a LOT--thanks!
  9. Hot Dang!! 296 PAGES of pictures. Many I have never seen. THANK YOU!!
  10. I am a Mika neck lover. Lots of thin guys have pencil necks--his is nice and meaty, and he has wide shoulders too. Yum. I mostly love his neck when it has beads of sweat running down it.
  11. ME TOO! Thanks, Lady Godiva, that is a beautiful tribute, happy yet sad. I love the music. I love this thread.
  12. Good luck, Christine, in keeping all the ruffians and hot-blooded mamas in line! Thanks to all mods! I would need sedation to do your job.
  13. Oh my my my! Why does he seem clean, even when he is all sweaty???!!! Like he would smell like strawberries.
  14. OOOO, thanks so much, bonjourmika! Fast work! He was so adorable in those early days--like this:blush-anim-cl: And he is just as adorable now, but much more self-assured, differentl, like this:mf_lustslow: ).
  15. Oh, BonjourMika, that was so FUN! I had a big grin on my face the whole time--thank you! I recognize and LOVE so many of the clips you included. That first one (red pants, braces) looks like one I have from Ronnie Scott's showcase, but mine is much farther away! Yours is much closer and clearer! I LOVE this clip. Would you be able to provide a link to it? Would really, really appreciate it!
  16. Yes! I was at the Philly show! In the right bar section, hugging the rail. Were you at the show? I was so happy to see such a large, receptive crowd!!! My big fear was no one would show up and Mika would be humiliated and embarrassed. I actually agonized about it! I had no idea there were so many fans around Philly! BTW--The Amish country is quite pretty, I think. Have visited many times throughout the years.
  17. Oh, and that hair! Those bouncy shiny curls! (Why doesn't his hair kink when he sweats???!) Oh, and that skin--no pores, perfect, glowy!! Oh, and everything else! You just made my Monday morning REAL good! Thanks!
  18. Like a number of people here, I first saw Mika when he appeared on "So You Think You Can Dance." Can I admit something? He performed "Love Today" and I was like "Yuk" and I thought he was very weird in his movements and much too skinny and nerdy. (Runs and hides, but it's true). It was only when they showed a closeup of his face that I was like Something about that face!!! Next day, checked out Utube and as fate would have it, first thing I pulled up was: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lXAK3Aj7iQ I was like :mf_lustslow: This is the same guy??? It has been :wub2: :wub2: ever since. Hours and hours of obsession and devotion. All due to a face.
  19. Oh god, I just logged on, and I read this, and also the part about the big girl's underwear falling down and her dancing with it around her thighs and....maybe it has just been just that kind of day...but I am laughing so hard I am crying. :roftl: :roftl: I know this is a serious matter and has to do with Mika's credibility, but still..... :roftl:
  20. Unbelievable pictures, Blue Eyes! You captured several of his facial expressions that are very familiar, but I have not seen captured in pictures before. Thank you very much!
  21. I agree. I prefer when he handles rude interviewers like this
  22. I love the final Ka Ching! too funny. Plus, I just love the way some of you phrase things, it makes me laugh. Like "is this taking the piss". Another thread was entitled something like "If Mika took someone backstage and gave them a good "seeing to." :naughty: I never heard these phrases but they are just right on!! I am learning so much from MFC!!
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