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Everything posted by -HubblyBubbly-

  1. Actually, You may be right there. Now that hes taking a break, it gives people time to forget about him. He needs to do something inbetween to keep fans interested *Cough* Secret Gig *Cough* Shes had them reduced hasnt she?, Not that i care or anything...
  2. Totally random Q's out of the top of my head. HAVE YOU EVER: - Met Mika? - Fallen Down The Stairs? - Attempted To Write A Book? - Dyed Your Hair? - Eaten Haggis? - Been Abroad? - Spent £60 Or More On Something Mika Related? - Had A Spray Tan? - Broken Any Bones? - Decorated Your Room? - Had A Pet Tortoise? - Watched 'Jaws'? - Eaten So Much You Feel Sick? - Been Extremely Embarrassed? - Had Teeth Braces? - Been Swimming With Dolphins? - Been To A Mika Gig? - Had Children? - Owned A George Michael CD? - Been To A Wedding? - Built A Sand Castle? - Wore Eyeliner? - Been Sick? - Had A Food Fight? - Met Anyone Famous Besides Mika? - Cut Your Hair Yourself? - Been Horse Riding? - Been In A Hot Air Baloon? - Had Any Piercings Other Then Ears? - Collected Anything? - Done Something You Regret?
  3. I say keep the original date - Tommorow! If its comeing form Jerry, it wont be a joke.
  4. That picture looks like it comes from the 1970's or something, decor, lighting, clothes, etc...
  5. I don't think they are THAT cruel to say its an 'April fools' after we have been waiting Months for this. Well they better not.
  6. Errm...Who's Mika in this pic, the one on the left or right? Edit: Oops the one on the right, Sorry im not thinking today *runs and hides in embarassment*
  7. Wooah, thats a mouthful to say. Try saying hat 10 times fast and i guarantee you will sound like a Turkey.
  8. Damn! Freddie, Please? (If i say i ABSOLUTELY LOVED the glittery stuff you had on your head at Brixton...Will you give us a hint? )
  9. What is the 'thing' that you sent to them? Im just curious, or nosey - or maybe both:wink2:
  10. Haha same here, hes never smelt nice when ive been near him, but then again i was onstage when i was near him so yeah. one word = Sweat.
  11. Ive donated before, but i always faint about 5 min's after having it done. Its realy strange since i never faint when i have any piercings:blink: But its worth it, Its for a good cause.
  12. I would love him to do MM - Evidence. The words are amazing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zF2z7B-6-E
  13. Good on him! But i would like it done preferably before i die. Please.
  14. When... you swing the other way, But hes the only man that you find attractive.
  15. Hmmm - Well: - Men. - People who ignore your actually there in the streets and bash into you. (Errr hello cant they see you? I have purple hair, im sure they can see me.) - The song 'Heartbroken' by T2 Feat & Jodie (urrgh, just go listen and you'll know what i mean http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhIxixtikzQ) - Ebay when they send you fake Mika tickets! - Leona Lewis... - ...Leon Jackson (Yeah, i have a hatred for processed singers.) - Girls who wear loads of makeup and look like theyve been tangoed. Loads more but i cant post them all here:naughty:
  16. Wooah - Why do men wear such repulsive Y fronts? Honestly, If i saw them in my bed i think i would die. Urgh. Nice legs though.
  17. No - Im a Vegan aswell:roftl: Hmmm ..Do you find Mika physically attractive?
  18. No - Im a vegetarian. Do you sleep well at night?
  19. No - Did have though...But they kinda flopped. Are you wearing makeup at this moment in time?
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