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About chopotte

  • Birthday 12/21/1974


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    Mika Obsessive

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  1. Yeah very bad news, exactly one year ago I was having a picture with Brandon after War Child Gig, one of the best night of my life... Brandon was in such a good mood... Hope he's doing well though...
  2. I'm looking for 1 or 2 tickets for Luxembourg!!! PM me if you can do something! Thanks!
  3. joyeux anniversaire!!!!



  4. At the beginning, this song was written by Michel Berger for France Gall but it was referring to Elton John! We thought that the lyrics would perfectly match Mika indeed
  5. No we were just perfect! Look how he looked uncomfortable before we start and then, his smile, it's as if it was a relief!
  6. Ok I'm sorry.... It won't happen again .... I don't want to waste my time discussing with a stubborn woman who obviously loves wasting her time nitpicking.... I started to discuss in french to prevent you from getting bored as hell Let's move on!
  7. Étant à côté de toi j'ai été une des premières à te féliciter mais je tiens à réitérer mes félicitations, tu as été brillant....Tu ne t'es pas laisser démonter par le trac, quel sang froid! C'était touchant de te voir avec des étoiles plein les yeux quand tu es revenu à ta place! Au plaisir!

  8. je ne prends plus le temps de passer par ici..... Merci encore Fanny pour avoir hébergé mon sac dans ta voiture! J'espère que tu es bien rentrée!
  9. Oh no! Don't believe that! The ones I was lucky enough to wear were extremely high heels but incredibly comfortable! I cried when I had to give them back to my friend....but not with pain
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