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I <3 MIKA!!!

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Everything posted by I <3 MIKA!!!

  1. nothing much just procrastinating...the usual:naughty: hahaha i am so behind on the mfc i havent come on here in like 14 days! BUT I AM DETERMINED TO GO BACK TO MY USUAL DAILY STALKERNESS lol how have you been???
  2. yeah i have been getting those ever since i joined myspace last year and now i just ignore them cuz they are usually other peoples random songs...
  3. k so i havent read all the other thoughts yet but... I LOVE IT!!! the artwork is amazing (as always) it is very personal like licm was and has so many intricate details i spent like 10 mins examining each drawing especially lonely alcoholic the lyrics are dark and deep and rather than having them dark but giving them a happy tone like he did in licm with lollipop and everything he kept them what they were and they were amazing! and as for blame it on the girls and good gone girl i dont think he will add those two songs cuz to me they dont exactly fit in the ep since they are more upbeat
  4. hey welcome to forum jany! hope u have fun!
  5. WOAAAAHHHHHHHHH 140 EUROS FOR A T SHIRT:shocked::shocked:
  6. my my my!!! i cant believe i have not been coming here that much only about once a week:shocked: GOTTA START PICKING UP THE PACE lol how has everyone been doing?????
  8. omg WE WILL ALL DO ALL THAT WE CAN!!!!!! we will all message him to make sure he has got the message
  9. i like this song and lady jane and i perfectly respect people who dont like it but i think rather than just saying its bad and bashing it u should say why its bad rather than just talking bad about it
  10. yeah that is a big step! i mean it took me like 4 years of convincing to my parents to let me go lol im sooo excited! i will be finishing up high school there so two years
  11. no the front page of the mfc is just important info so its not updated as much we shouldnt expect any north american tour dates for a while... at least until the first tour dates are done:wink2:
  12. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh LOVE THIS SONG!!!!!!!!!!!! the tune reminds me a bit of beauty school drop out from grease but i guess its just that era... beauty school drop out:
  13. ahhh GOOD JOB! will you be finishing up high school there? are you boarding there or will ur parents also be moving? my school is an international high school in paris its not boarding so i will be living with my older sister who goes to college in paris i went for one day for an interview and took a tour of the school
  14. which school??? i got accepted into a school just a couple of days ago!
  15. hmmmm lemme think new songs new website new tour dates new video blog new ep basically i am bouncing off the walls...right now i resemble these smileys: :woot_jump::woot_jump::woot_jump:
  16. calm down guys patience is a virtue lol:naughty: he cant go on a full blown world tour just yet he finished his album just weeks ago and has been working for a straight year he has to get back into the swing of things before he can go all over europe north america and australia and stuff
  17. THANK YOU CHRISTINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lmfao! i have no clue what people were expecting...maybe a video of mika popping out of a box lol maybe that would have been better lol:roftl: i personally have been spazzing for the past ooooh i dunno *looks at clock* 23 hours and practically lost my voice from the crying/soar throat/screaming lol so im pretty content lol:biggrin2: even if i cant go to the concerts
  18. well it was noon just noon uk time lol that makes it like 7 am our time
  19. aaaah! lucky lucky lucky!!! i cant go cuz i will be living in the us until july 1 so i will be missing the tour dates by a month :tears: and then probably in the summer in like july and august he will probably be in the us so i will be missing him both times :crybaby: which concerts are you going to???? i already pre ordered my ep so im just praying that that will at least come in time lol!

  20. awww its ok freddie! it all worked out in the end and its still our little secret THANKYOU!!!!!!!!!
  21. We can finally post something in this thread that relates to the topic eeeek yayyyyyy
  22. u can keep the after party in you living room i want one in my bedroom
  23. i think i just died and went to heaven:mf_lustslow:
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