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Everything posted by xBillyBrownx

  1. Omg this is AMAZING! You're a GREAT artist! So talented! Well done and good luck
  2. hey ana!! *yess i luuurve fast food:wub2: *haha no currently i just feel like having fast food! *hmmmmmmmm...i'd go to the exam then run straight to the concert...not SURE if i'd skip my exam..depends how important it is really.. *lol i don't really know.. i think that i'm not particularly nice to people i'm not too fond of.. *hehe i doo:wub2: *yess he's so cuute
  3. what does it loook like? EDIT: omg it's amazing! what make/brand is it?
  4. i want his blue NOOKA watch. desperately. i'm completely in love with it and they won't ship to egypt
  5. Hey all! *Haha no I've never participated in any official races.. apart from on sports day at school! *I love the weather and the friendliness of the people *Yup indeed many times.. they're really cool! *I've been tooo.. Saudi, Jordan, Turkey, England, Germany... I think that's it. *I don't drive.. but I prefer walking anyway.. it's more fun. *My faaavourite dish is.. well there's this dish c alled Sharkasseia but i don't think it's originally egyptian anyway.. there's also molokheyya... Yup I have! I met Barunka, Liz (kitty88), Bumble bee vix, sparkly 1, Laura (sylvester), cath85, olga.. I'm sure there's more but i can't think right now... I'd liiike to meet...well lots of ppl...anyone i've spoken to before really! *no not really i'm generally veryy lazy so i'm a sucky sports person.. but i do like jogging/running. *i'd love to visit japan! it sounds like such an interesting place and not many people i noe have been there so i'd like to find out what it's like.. *yes i do! i like movies because you have to think less because they're more realistic but i think plays and musicals are fun to experience.. i also prefer musicals because you never get bored and they're very entertaining.. *hmmmmmm... i think i like batman better but i'm not sure i know why... he just seems cooler to me, somehow! *noo i never did! *not really...well no wait i think i kind of do..i have this coin which my grandma gave me before she passed away and i always wear it in a necklace.. it's not for goodluck as much as it is something to remember her by..but apart from that no. *yesss i do! but it changes every once in a while.. my two favourite tops are: this really pretty flimsy floral top which is also extremely comfy.. aaand this other comfortable leopard print top... i mainly like them because they look nice and they're easy to wear. *i currently don't have a fav. toy but as i child i used to looove my barbie doll house with all the ittle rooms and prety furniture.. *favourite tv show: i love grey's anatomy! altho i'm not a soap opera person at all.. i love all sitcoms.. especially how i met your mother, my name's earl and according to jim... i think my fav movie is mean girls.. oh also V for vendetta and recently atonement. *i'd take mika on a trip around cairo! then to the pyriamids at night with candles and flowers... * I don't drink but my fav non-alcoholic drink isss oreo shake i think... but i also obviously love coke... *unfortuantely i don't.. i used to know how to play th epiano really wel then i stopped and now i can't remember any of it.. *just one, it's an apartment. *my fav smileyy isss. i think the one.. i also love the laughing smileys especially and the pink sunglasses smiley *i speak arabic, english and a bit of french.. used to speak spanish but again i stopped and i forget everything! (how sad)
  6. are you seriouss i've had lots of other obsessions. i had a Billy Joe (from greenday) phase, then I had a Robbie Williams phase.. oh and i had a PUNK phase as in like proper Sid Vicious and stuff.. but so far Mika's been my longest lasting obsession
  7. Welcome! I'm sure you'll have fune here
  8. No that's okay, thanks!! I'll just have the next date...
  9. What the flip is going on?! People are going mad! SO WHAT YOU HAVE A LAZY EYE?! Nobody's perfect my dear. I'm sure your friend has other problems (clearly she does). Not that a lazy eye's a bad thing. How's it a bad thing? Feel better because it's not worth it. You're prefectly fine
  10. leih mayenfa3sh? ahh tub3an a7lami.. ana bardo kont fakra enni ba7lem bas 7asal! merci makalemtoush! etkasaft awi:blush-anim-cl:i froze.
  11. aywaa i can't wait.. inty kaman you're almost done! ah ana ro7t all 3 gigs f London f february. kanet 7elwa AWI! law 3omrek ma ro7ty w 3andek forsa terou7y then go 3ashan live howa kwayes awi:thumb_yello:. in fact ana eli sawart el sowar elli f my signature:wub2:
  12. I've never heard it before! I'm a Muslim but it's a really good song
  13. hehe it's okay people say things like that all the time. no biggie m'dear. i'd rather you said that if it makes you feel better anyway.
  14. Haha it's really cool! Lol and way to go with your friends
  15. Oh btw Kitty where's the "i'm not gay" thing in your siggie from?
  16. Hello fellow Dreamers! Great news! I just received the box! It looks great!! Here's a preview in case you were wondering: Thanks so much England! I will be sending it asap! xx
  17. Hahaha Ahh 7aram good luck! ana akher sana - year 12. i have an exam tomoro! wish me luck:shocked:
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