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Everything posted by xBillyBrownx

  1. except I'm not sure whether or not you should keep it a secret. have you tried talking about this to your friend who's a lesbian? this is so weird i was just watching the pregnant man thing on oprah. not that it's related.
  2. Yeah that's probably it. I expted it to be the same at my school but surprisingly it went really well.
  3. Lol this is so funny I really hope i do! I'm sure life after school will be just as good if not better:wub2:
  4. You're right! I really should have more positive outlook! It's sad but I know the best is yet to come.. Glad you understand I know how tough school can be. I went through a lot of phases where it just really sucked and where I couldn't wait for it to it. But It was really starting to get better. When highschool started things changed so that people were starting to mix and there weren't cliques anymore and we were all great friends... That's part of why I'll miss it too. But i reaaaally see where you're coming from. You shouldn't have anything to worry about anyway because everyone says uni's great fun as I'm sure it'll be for you .
  5. They're so cute! I love "I'm relaxing"
  6. Awwww! No please don't feel that way. So what you've never seen Mika live? Doesn't mean you can't love his music or listen to him. You should use those reviews from people to know what it's like to see Mika. Very soon you'll get a chance to see him. Time flies by. Just enjoy what you've got now. Have fun listening to Mika and dancing to his Music! And talking to us here on the MFC. P.S. You're not the only one! Loads of MFCers have never seen Mika. You're luvky you get to buy his music and watch his videos And you find stuff about him on here.
  7. when/if Mika comes to Egypt THAT would be a miracle.
  8. Like some of you here I am now in my last year of school. It ends in just a few weeks' time. I've been at this school for 12 years now so I'm getting all emotional about it, it's really sad. I love(d) school no matter how hard it got, it was like my second home. I knew pretty much everyone from the different year groups and felt so comfortable there. Most of my friends were also from school and I'm so used to seeing them and spending time with them everyday. I know the campus off by heart, know what the teachers are like and have a memory in every classroom, every bathroom, every part of the library and the field. I remember every school play, every drama lesson, every crazy thing everyone's done, every time I got into trouble, every time i had a fight with one of my friends. I have inside jokes with friends about teachers; what they do, how they act... I'm sure many of you are going/have gone through the same thing so I thought we could share our experiences and feelings with eachother. How did you cope? What was it like? Are you still in touch with some of your school friends? Any highschool memories you'd like to share?
  9. That's actually quite interesting. I use British grammar simply because I have been all my life so it's easier for me. But I have more of an American accent. It's all a bit messed up.
  10. I call them suspenders as well But then I say wellies lol
  11. This is a greta idea! Good luck guys
  12. I've never been there!! I'm dying to go.. Hopefully soon when things are better
  13. Haha same here! My friends were playing "Celebrity" a few days ago n Mika came up n the keyword was "Shahd" (my name)
  14. I agree. I thought they were gona be edited before release? I chose All Because of You. It just sounds better.
  15. Wow that's really cool. Done. Goodluck Saranayde
  16. I hope he does!! Although he does have a huge fanbase it would be great if as Lauralai/LadyGodiva said, people one the street could recognise him ands such. Anyway he's not too famous here but he's on the radio pretty often so i guess it's okay.
  17. yup she did use an arabic word!
  18. Clare:D!! Welcome back
  19. Hey all! I'm very sorry to hear about all of this. Hope you're all okay and coping. NoodleZ yuo can also join the Arabic speaking thread . The Lebanese thread is great as well.
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