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Everything posted by xBillyBrownx

  1. lol are you serious?! i've never seen it! it's so sad! its never been released here:thumbdown: lol aywa the only ones i noe homa el 3 (3een) and 2 (hamza) and 7 (7ah). elba2y i don't understand!
  2. Me neither Whatever happened to vogue?
  3. Ohhhhhh I get it a knacker's like a chav right?
  4. This is all so confusing to me!
  5. I'm sorry to hear this. I certainly agree that you might want to seek professional help because what we've got to offer might not be enough. I'd also like to add that everything works out in the end, and that some things in life are not meant to be taken too seriously. Just think that in a few years back you'll be looking back at your problems and wondering why you made such a big deal. Just try to take things lightly. And give yourself a chance, don't be too hard on yourself. Whatever it is that's bothering you I'm sure it'll be okay. Everyone gets what they deserve in the end. I hope things work out for you
  6. I was just discussing that with my friends!
  7. I think it's "je plaisante" but again i don't know I'm not that good!
  8. Hmmmm:blink:Alors si ca te permette de ne pas travailler c'est bien:naughty: Moi aussi je le deteste mais il faut!
  9. Lol. I R grrreat (I R BABOON). And yourself? Ahh 3amalti eh fil emta7an? Ana kaman 3andi emta7anat bas 7akhalas youm 3 june. Ahh sa3at it's hard without numbers bas the only numbers i use are 3 and 7. El ba2y mesh bafhamoh uslun
  10. Hehe. Ahhh. Non moi je le fait a l'ecole seulement. (Donc je parle pas courament du tout). Salut! Pour quoi avez-vous un long week-end cette semaine?
  11. Ahh mon examen du francais c'est le mardi et je n'ai rien fait et je n'ai pas pratique et c'est dommage.. maintainant je suis pas encore pret et j'ai peur..
  12. Hmmm.. doesn't sound too dodgy to me.. but when are they on about? i don't think it's a biggie.
  13. That's what I though as well:thumb_yello:
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