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Everything posted by jessicamadq

  1. My best friend has 2 ragdoll cats. One's pregnant and her mum's furious because The other ragdoll's not the dad... But, they will look sweet because they will probally be big black furry things so it's great... I had a tabby cat, she died last year Same here, everyone kept bringing her back to the shelter because she used to be to much trouble...
  2. Grace Kelly 14 Lollipop 18 My Interpretation 13 Love Today 17 Relax 18 Any Other World 16 Billy Brown 14 Big Girl 14 Stuck In The Middle 14 Happy Ending 17 Ring Ring 13 Holy Johnny 16 Only Lonely One 12 How Much Do You Love Me 17 - How Much Do You Love Me + Ring Ring I love Ring Ring... no idea why! XD
  3. ... Yeah, pretty awful. I hate deadlines, and studying, I have a habit of leaving stuff till the last minute so most of the time it's rushed. Except art, coz I love it ^__^ My dad used to play rugby for the county when he was younger... As he keeps telling me, again... and again... and again...
  4. I think we have the same one..... He really bugs me! XD Wow... Lincoln/York are really unlucky weather wise.... I'm quite lucky cos I live on a hill but I'm on the middle of it so I don't get flooded to often.
  5. Yeah... My dad's just got back from London. He works there so. I nearly died of lack of keyboard! I've forgotten all the chords too! Gah... My Castle's rubbish... it's not finished tho.
  6. I've known about him since Grace Kelly. Relax actually came out before it, which confuses me... and then it got re released. But didn't get obcessed till I got the album for Christmas
  7. True! Maybe it's coz Mika's music in general is fun. So that makes us fun?
  8. Good point. But by wondering... your daydreaming! HA! Sorry 'bout that, couldn't resist saying it
  9. Ouch! I've just recovered from a broken finger, I haven't done piano in 2 months... But I can still draw so I'm happy We have to build a castle, and I'm fed up of gluing stuff... And Heya Sophie!
  10. Hehe... I do that, I wonder why they call it daydreaming? Why not awake dreaming? That makes more sense!
  11. I know! How come even his laugh is sweet?
  12. That's basically how I joined up Well... Hiya! I'm Jessi! Hope you like it here!
  13. Hello! Welcome! It's really nice on here, it's quite empty today, But hello anyway! Jessi
  14. I'm not! I wish I lived back in Peterborough... * thinks and shuts up about Peterborough* I've just had PE and school today and a basketball landed on my fingernail and now it's bleeding... and it really hurts... but hey I'm supposed to be doing my History homework but I can't be bothered so I'll probally leave it till Saturday... I like Fridays, except for the PE...
  15. I hope not... I might be able to bribe my parents if there is... " If you let me join I'll stop talking to you about Mika! Pleeeease! " That's my new kinda secret plan... XD
  16. Hehe... I wanna be an artist, book illistrations and stuff. Changes are weird....
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