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Everything posted by jessicamadq

  1. This whole connection thing is gonna end in something dramatic... I just don't know what...
  2. I agree how annoying the freddie Mercury comparisons are, Mika was on the 100 most annoying people of 2007... at like... 96 or something, And they said he stole his voice of freddie Mercury and his dance/walk of Mike Jager... That kinda terrifyed me persides... Everytime mika performs he risks killing himself with his crazy jumping around dances... and he's already had a accident on stage ( falling on his drummer ), I mean.... No one does that anymore! I know this doesn't really make sense but you get the idea
  3. Yeah... My friend got caught trying to flirt with him and had to write I Must Not Flirt With Members Of Teaching Staff on 5 double sided pieces of paper, it took her weeks!
  4. I posted a link to some on a thread but I can't remember where
  5. Yeah... Then he has this really old stern maths teacher as a bodyguard so he can teach his club without being mobbed with flirtiness, XD
  6. Haha! There's this teacher at our school that all the girls have a crush on, he has like 100 girls in his History Club at lunch XD
  7. Yeah, he'd be the cool teacher that acts more like a kid than the students do
  8. MIKA is so late that he is going to miss the bus so he ran to the next bus stop to try and catch it there, but he saw something really gross at the bus stop, something that looked like a booger the size of a human, so he tried to spray it with some desinfectant he had in his bag, but then the booger started jumping up and down because he was allergic to desinfectant, and so mika tried to catch it, but it fell on the booger anyway, so Mika left and went to the restaurant, and he ordered chicken drumsticks and ultra cheesy biscuits, which made his breath stink, so he had to ask the lady next to him for a breath mint but that lady turned out to be his biggest fan, and Followed him aroundwithout Mika noticing, and that lead to MIKA hiding in the girls toilets thinking it was the boys toilets the girl followed and MIKA screamed then ran away quickish to Sweeney Todd's barber shop, where Sweeney Straightened Mika's hair
  9. Okay then... I'll let you go back in your hiding place
  10. Hooray! A lot of people hate my artwork coz it's so gothic... But some people like it so anyway
  11. I know... XD On My interpretation, the Talk about life, talk about death bit always gets a laugh from my friends too... Am I old before my time or something!?
  12. MIKA is so late that he is going to miss the bus so he ran to the next bus stop to try and catch it there, but he saw something really gross at the bus stop, something that looked like a booger the size of a human, so he tried to spray it with some desinfectant he had in his bag, but then the booger started jumping up and down because he was allergic to desinfectant, and so mika tried to catch it, but it fell on the booger anyway, so Mika left and went to the restaurant, and he ordered chicken drumsticks and ultra cheesy biscuits, which made his breath stink, so he had to ask the lady next to him for a breath mint but that lady turned out to be his biggest fan, and Followed him aroundwithout Mika noticing, and that lead to MIKA hiding in the girls toilets thinking it was the boys toilets the girl followed and MIKA screamed then ran away quickish
  13. I think it's the day your gonna die bit at the beggining I don't see why it's funny but I act older than I am so I guess i'm not so immature...
  14. True! Well done for still doing it ^__^ Ooh also I started by self teaching myself, but I have lessons now... with this woman who keeps on canceling...
  15. MIKA is so late that he is going to miss the bus so he ran to the next bus stop to try and catch it there, but he saw something really gross at the bus stop, something that looked like a booger the size of a human, so he tried to spray it with some desinfectant he had in his bag, but then the booger started jumping up and down because he was allergic to desinfectant, and so mika tried to catch it, but it fell on the booger anyway, so Mika left and went to the restaurant, and he ordered chicken drumsticks and ultra cheesy biscuits, which made his breath stink, so he had to ask the lady next to him for a breath mint but that lady turned out to be his biggest fan, and Followed him around
  16. I was listening to SITM at school and some of my friends in the year above me were laughing at the lyrics too. I kinda had a different version of that happen to me. Let me tell you: At the end of our last year at primary school we all put on a concert. I was really excited about the whole thing. I was also playing the keyboard and singing too. I was lucky because I had a full sized keyboard and one that was a little smaller, I took the smaller one but it was still huge and had to drag it into the school for 4 weeks to keep up with the rehearsals. I noticed that nearly all the time they missed me off the list for no reason. I was really upset about this and being the typical shy person I am didn't say anything. We had the last rehearsal and I got to finally play in a rehearsal. And then my teacher who hated me came marching up to me. " Oh... your keyboards to much of a hassle to bring onto the stage, We'll put you at the back on the stairs okay? " And then ran off before I could say anything. So... Well... My mum was furious about this. That was quite funny but yes... So she marched into school the next morning to complain. I was stood outside but I could hear them. Basically my teacher was saying bringing my keyboard onto the stage was a heath and safety issue So my mum was like... since when?... And then silence.... " Don't shout at me!" So I got shoved to the back of the stage for the school perfomance and then snuck onto stage for the reletives performance before she could stop me Which I got killed for the next day
  17. MIKA is so late that he is going to miss the bus so he ran to the next bus stop to try and catch it there, but he saw something really gross at the bus stop, something that looked like a booger the size of a human, so he tried to spray it with some desinfectant he had in his bag, but then the booger started jumping up and down because he was allergic to desinfectant, and so mika tried to catch it, but it fell on the booger anyway, so Mika left and went to the restaurant, and he ordered chicken drumsticks and ultra cheesy biscuits,
  18. I thought it said that when I first saw it! I was like.... What the..... and then I read it again and ... phew...
  19. Oooh Don't die! Oh noes.... * thinks * I don't want to go to prison....! * runs away * Yesh... Okay... I'll shut up now... * shuts up *
  20. Don't be hungry animals food! Give them cheese instead! Maybe, Perez is so unsure about the strange gossip about Mika that he doesn't want to say anything bad because anything he could say could be wrong... if you get what I mean...? Oh my god this is confusing...
  21. Noel Fielding interviewish thing... then listening to mika again XD
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