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Everything posted by jessicamadq

  1. I don't believe what school's are like, when I first started school it was definatly not like this... Mind you... I started at a different school where I was the perfect, cute small kid We had this headmistress at the school I was talking about before, who always said, " Make the Right Choice! " So when I got moaned at for going on stage, I said I was making, The RIGHT choice, that got her I love being rude to teachers when I get away with it, it's so fun
  2. I'd love to get that book. I would be strictly murdered by my mum if she saw it though. I'm not gonna take the risk My friend's sister has it so I'm proberlly gonna be going round there every weekend till I finish it
  3. Yeah..... we started off kinda serious, then it went silly, then really serious, now slightly mad.... Yay for randomness ^__^
  4. He looks so nice at the Grammys. And I like the jewelery stuff
  5. I think it's most likely to be purple, he wears alot of purple and it's in a lot of his videos.
  6. Hello! I'm Jessi and live in England. And am again very annoyed with my computer because it's deleted all my mika songs again! I know what you mean about feeling at home... it's nice coz everyone just chats with anyone so it's cool here Have fun!
  7. Awww.... I've had 4... the batteries are so expensive! and too many updated versions! Gahh!
  8. Oooh nice, The last ones from the everyday objects interview type thing isn't it?He was acting quite shy and it was sweet
  9. it would be wouldn't it? I like the tamagotchi thing in your sig by the way,
  10. Yeah... That could be scary... Oh my... Mika acts young for his age... I can't even think what he would be like if he was!
  11. OOoh! I've just noticed that! Hahha! Mika got him back! revenge rules
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